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The Campaign: Guilt Trip

May 24, 2023 by Tim

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1 year ago

Feels wierd to have such harsh talk from the DM, but I think he’s just speaking his player’s language.

Don’t be that one player who wants to ignore the quest to be a murder hobo!

1 year ago
Reply to  Foof

That and I can see the DM/Yellow just making the old man npc really strong and pwn Blue easily and will teabag him afterwards to rub salt into the metaphorical wound.

1 year ago
Reply to  Urazz

The fact the old man can cast ressurection… and dimensional portal.. both high level spells, is already a sign he’s a quite strong npc.

Wouldn’t be supprised if he’s tied to the BBEG.

Smol Bear
Smol Bear
1 year ago
Reply to  Foof

Having been a GM with players who want to screw around A LOT sometimes you gotta be very clear that yes, they have free will but you are the god of this universe and you can and will make their lives incredibly difficult and/or short

1 year ago

It’s the guy who can un-un-alive you, so don’t assume he could not un-alive you.

Kenneth Marticelli
Kenneth Marticelli
1 year ago
Reply to  7eggert

Plus he’ll charge you through the nose to un-un-un-alive you.

1 year ago

When you kill the creepy guys, find out that his exp value was laughable and the dimension portal closed…no refunds

1 year ago

Thanks for expanding my foreign language vocabulary, I had to look up assuage, cool new word…. Cheers.

Also, love the dual level story line!

1 year ago
Reply to  R77

“A Sausage will assuage those wild dogs!”

1 year ago

Why do I get the feeling the old man is worth a lot of xp but can kick Blue’s ass really easily? lol

1 year ago
Reply to  Urazz

Vecause the DM wanted the players to just pay the gold at the start and they refused.

1 year ago
Reply to  Urazz

Because the DM knows how much his group loves to murder hobo through the world and that the only way to stop them from killing important NPCs to the quest is to make them retired level 20 characters who are tired of doing grunt work and now hire low levels to do the menial labor for them.

1 year ago

Get in the f***ing robot Shinji!

1 year ago

It’s spelt “orifice”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cragfast

I thought it was the blue guy saying it like that on purpose out of spite for the creepster. Or because he’s kind of…mentally diminished. I would imagine Tim to know the correct spelling just fine, though.

David K.
David K.
1 year ago
Reply to  Cragfast

What does grain have to do with anything?

1 year ago
Reply to  David K.

“Spelt” is a valid alternative spelling of “spelled”, mostly used in the UK.

Smol Bear
Smol Bear
1 year ago
Reply to  FM-96

And even if it wasn’t, when the meaning of someone’s words are clear, poking fun at spelling is a dick move, riddled with ableism and other issues.

Words are for communicating meaning. If the meaning was understood then who cares?

1 year ago
Reply to  Smol Bear

Please help me to do better. Explain more about these “ableism and other issues”.

1 year ago
Reply to  Cragfast

I’ll begin?

*climbs onto soapbox, strikes a pose with one finger pointed down at Cragfast*

“Ha! I am more correct than Thou, so Heed my words and bow down before my absolute Truth, you illiterate heathen!”

1 year ago
Reply to  Smol Bear

Had a wonderful argument with my brother the other day over wether a shrug was a word.Started because I accidentally said Ritualogication, which isn’t a word but as you said made sense in context. He called me out so of course I doubled down. Not only is it a word, if its understood its all words. Shrugs are words.Ugh is a word. Its words all the way down, after all, crows have language and thats just “Caaawk”.

After all, if body language isn’t words, what about sign language.
These words are Cromulent, and you Grokk them.

1 year ago
Reply to  David K.

Making fun of my UK spelling is racist.

1 year ago
Reply to  David K.

It’s barley relevant.

1 year ago

I knew this would be the quest they’d take. The whole “dimension of the dead” thing was too juicy an idea for Tim to pass up. I like where this is going.

Lord Hideous
Lord Hideous
1 year ago
Reply to  Rolando

It’s the same quest the cleric of Vonn would have sent them on, with a few details changed. If the party’d passed creepy guy up, the next one would have offered the same quest, with a few details changed. Old DM trick- we recycle. 😛

Last edited 1 year ago by Lord Hideous
1 year ago
Reply to  Lord Hideous

Oh, I know that’s a possibility. It’s not rail-roading, if you make sure the players don’t know.

1 year ago

The funniest part of all of this is that the dead character might be, or might be not, aware of all the things his “friends” are doing. And he might act accordingly, once revived.

But the DM is and will be aware, for sure.

1 year ago

So we have two possibilities, and I am not sure which is more likely. Either Tobyn is trapped in a hell like place fighting to get out and will help them, OR they are going to have to drag his character out because it is a heavenly paradesio place.

Honestly learning towards the second one just for the humor lol

Then again, they might run into 1’s dad, and I could see that being a huge….thing….oh crap, yeah I think I might know how the creepy old dude is…

Henchman Twenty1
Henchman Twenty1
1 year ago

Seems like somebody has some deceased relatives they’re not looking forward to seeing again. Maybe the sort who like to tell embarrassing stories about you to your friends, perhaps?

Last edited 1 year ago by Henchman Twenty1
1 year ago

Owe him to try, but not for the hand and not for a bag of gold.

David K.
David K.
1 year ago

And this is why the DM shouldn’t be a player, so much conflict of interest

1 year ago
Reply to  David K.

Well here I guess it would be Coffin of interest.

That Other Guy
That Other Guy
1 year ago
Reply to  David K.

I mean it’s not really his fault. 3 was going to make a new character. 2 pushed for this quest and the rest of the players went along with it, and then they started hemming and hawing over actually getting it done. I’d be annoyed too.

1 year ago

By all means, fight solo the dude that can raise the dead. DMs have the right to make shopkeepers level 20 fighters, go figure out how mighty THIS NPC can get.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joe

His bones “tempered by enough bloodshed” would be super effective.

1 year ago

Hmm. Teacher of the first ressurection offer trying to bring his own master back to fulfill a geas.

1 year ago

Seems like a reference to Stranger Things to me.

1 year ago

Bet you anthing if One refuses to go to the underworld Two and Four will return with some epic loot they got and cut him out of the deal for being the jerk he is.

Seriously One, I hope your character dies next and you get put through all the same BS you just put the others through.

Taylan Ertan
Taylan Ertan
1 year ago

I remember the time where I was playing a beginner campaign where one of the players were roleplaying a paranoid mage that would constantly bother the NPCs. He tried to question the Mayor who was going to give us a quest to look for a Dragon attack but the mayor was someone who barricaded himself inside the Town Hall for some reason and was never going out, would talk only through the door. While the party was split up in the village looking for clues, our paranoid mage persisted trying to meet the mayor in person and even tried to… Read more »

1 year ago

Considering the high level spells of different disciplines that guy can cast… You can either jump in his magical hole… or attack him and be incapacitated, shrunk, and stuffed in a somewhat less magical hole. those creepy old magi are always into the weirdest things.

1 year ago

so this is just the dnd version of Jafar, I’ve decided.