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The Future Is Now

October 14, 2019 by Tim

There is actually some science behind this… but “Negative Latency” was just too much fun to not to play with it.

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5 years ago

Negative latency is easy. It just requires tachyons. And possibly a flux-capacitor.

5 years ago
Reply to  MRD

Now the question is, how do we get the couch to go above 88 mph?

5 years ago
Reply to  David

Cannon launch integrated furniture, coming soon as a joint venture from Google and Ikea.

5 years ago
Reply to  David

not the couch, just the controller, that’s the speed it must reach when you throw it from frustration

5 years ago
Reply to  David

It already is you just need to change your frame of reference.

No Name Here
No Name Here
5 years ago
Reply to  David

Here’s how you get the couch to go about 88 mph.

5 years ago
Reply to  David

Duh, put it in a Delorean RV….

5 years ago
Reply to  MRD

Don’t forget Tri-Lithium for the matter/anti-matter containment chamber.

5 years ago
Reply to  MRD

UT4’s bots have already mastered preactions. Maybe look there for inspiration.

3 years ago
Reply to  MRD

“Great Scott!”

5 years ago

This whole thing is ambitious as hell, but the tech isn’t there yet. US internet is famously uneven.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kasaix

lol yep, that bullshit is gonna go away like a lot of google’s projects before it

5 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Oh come on, Google has never failed with anything before. Now where are my Google Glasses, I need to see fun facts about urinals while I’m taking a piss…

5 years ago
Reply to  Kasaix

Let’s not even forget other parts of the world as well. Really only Japan and South Korea have great internet because they are smaller countries.

5 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

The US would be miles ahead if it actually had some teeth when it came to its ISPs

5 years ago
Reply to  Dan

too bad they’re too busy “competitively” sharing the customer base among themselves to ensure they can raise their fees without problem

Jus Sayin
Jus Sayin
5 years ago

Hey, you know what would be cool. You could like have some of these stock engineer or manager characters be female.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Jus Sayin

I mean, the ‘stock manager’ is clearly Majd Bakar, so that one probably wouldn’t work.

I’m all up for inclusion, but on a strip where all three people depicted are clear parodies and are being portrayed, to one degree or another, as an idiot – the gamer for not realizing he’s not playing a game, Majd for making promises he can’t keep, and the frazzled engineer for freaking out about something which actually CAN be done – I don’t mind if all the dummies are men.

Matt Aylott
Matt Aylott
5 years ago
Reply to  Jus Sayin

Tbf never really noticed an issue here, they put in female characters when it fits or doesn’t specify a gender. Though if they’re mocking something, it’s generally dudes. Or parodies of a person, or themselves.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jus Sayin

It’s three characters in a strip.
While absolutely nothing but men for all of eternity is a diversity issue, a comic that’s a mass of one off parodies that don’t matter doesn’t quite have the same importance as, say, the cast of the main plot line.
You see quite a few women there, in plenty of roles.

Jus're an idiot.
Jus're an idiot.
5 years ago
Reply to  Jus Sayin

Cue the fake SJW outrage over nothing. Yes. Let’s make actual people these comics make fun of into opposite gender versions of themselves. Meanwhile, we’ll ignore all the main characters of the strip that are female. Do you feel better about yourself now?

5 years ago
Reply to  Jus Sayin

I respectfully disagree.
Also, you should embrace the philosophy of my username.

5 years ago
Reply to  Jus Sayin

take this stupidity elsewhere, we have enough of it in everything else.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
5 years ago
Reply to  Jus Sayin

And if one of them was female, you’d turn around and complain that a female was depicted as stupid or a liar. One thing the internet has taught me well is that people like you will never be pleased, and thus you should be ignored.

Obligatory Loss Reference
Obligatory Loss Reference
5 years ago
Reply to  Jus Sayin

Silence, hole.

5 years ago

I mostly find it funny that they really REALLY specifically mention that it should beat a Console with a wireless controller at 30fps. So console with TV input lag, Wireless lag and low FPS lag. Gotta give them points for putting the bar as low as realistically possible. i don’t know if this will work. I guess that Machine Learning is often hailed as the “End all” solution, but i doubt that it will be the saviour here. It would have to be tailored to every individual’s behaviour and once formed still need to be malleable in order to adapt… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Foxhood

To be fair, setting the bar that low is pretty much the standard console experience when it comes to AAA games.

5 years ago

Pretty sure that if predictive inputs were a thing it will more or less lead to situations where “predictive inputs” become an actual excuse for when things actually don’t go the way a player wants. Much like in smash bros (or heck any FPS game where doing 720 no scopes or some other bs is a thing), there are times when the player chooses the worst options to style on somebody rather than reliably winning the game (and most likely fail at it). All in all, it’d probably turn into a “john” (smash bros term), because no matter how shiny… Read more »

5 years ago

Setting aside the entire “You don’t own anything, but for real this time” facet of “Streaming Gaming” until literally everyone is on Google Fiber it just isn’t feasible.

5 years ago

I’m skeptical. even if the inputs have no latency, the video will still be really bad. most video streaming services have at least a few seconds of “latency”/buffering to bridge any network hiccups. streaming any video without buffering is gonna be a nightmare. so not only is stadia gonna have to predict your inputs. it also needs to send you the video to correspond to those inputs to make up for buffering. and all that before you even press the button. unless stadia is actually going to send you multiple streams. 1 for every possible combination of inputs you can… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Ciary

Sending multiple streams would increase the lag.

Abysmal Blaze
Abysmal Blaze
5 years ago

It all ran reliable enough for me to complete the majority of AC:Odyssey during the beta test they gave out last year. And on my laptop that can’t even load the game normally without it basically crashing. However, there were more than a handful of kicks back to the main menu because of unsteady/low connection, or times where I’d just mash dodge and pray because it started to lag or chug. Happened enough times during my 90ish hours of gameplay that I’d never want to try and play something multiplayer, or any sort of game with major consequences for dying… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago
Reply to  Abysmal Blaze

That sounds promising to me, though. I don’t really want it for multiplayer, bur rather for single-player experiences. And it’ll be a way to play the one or two absolute must-have PS5/XBW titles before I go and decide to sink the money into it.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
5 years ago

Looking forward to Hyper Negative Latency.

Fire up Stadia, spend $60 on the game of your choice, start it up, and watch as the end credits roll.

Good game.

5 years ago

So negative latency is kind of like when you’re playing with a kid/younger sibling, and you give them an unplugged controller?

5 years ago

So hold on, are you saying that Games will play themselves before i even make an input? ok Cool

5 years ago

It’s already a thing that exists and has been in practice in games for awhile. Just look up GGPO and Street Fighter.

5 years ago

Not sure what was in the news that caused this comic, but I just wanted to say that the “technology” of predicting user input in order to display stuff for them vs waiting for info to come from network has been around for more than 10+ years now. That’s basically part of the network code for any FPS game. It’s impossible to play without it, the experience would be jaggy otherwise. I’m pretty sure I read about this in some of the Valve’s publications, maybe about tf2, maybe something earlier, but I cannot find the article right now. Though, in… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  dbg

Okay, but what if it predicts something and you do something else?

5 years ago

“Stadia has predicted that you will like this game. Therefore, it has purchased and installed the game for you using the credit card associated with your Google account. Oh, and you’re welcome!”

James Beatty
James Beatty
4 years ago

Seriously, have you heard of Shadow? They’ve been doing cloud gaming for a couple years now. Lag isn’t the issue.

4 years ago

I see what you did there. Also, you broke causality. GJ

2 years ago

OnLive 3.0