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The Starcaster Chronicles 06.21

July 2, 2018 by Tim

Starcaster fans, please take a moment to offer some feedback here.

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6 years ago

Oh good, he thinks they’re here to help Cort. I suppose having them fighting each other raises our chances of getting out of here. Wonder how this guy would react if he knew they were actually here to kill Cort. I suppose he’d probably still fight them just to protect the people on the station.

4 years ago
Reply to  Darkening

“Between us and that Sentinel”
He thinks they’re there to help Grin, not Cort. Though he’s probably willing to obliterate Cort if he is being even trivially threatening.

6 years ago

welp, SNAFU as usual ^^

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I’d probably use the word “clusterfuck”, but snafu will suffice.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tumbleweed

…sorry, you said clusterfu…nevermind

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

I’d say it’s heading rapidly towards FUBAR.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

Damn, shit is about to blow up and that very quickly! XD

6 years ago

Getting the feeling that the option to give the base a new orifice will come up sooner or later.

Mr B
Mr B
6 years ago

Great idea. Attacking the FED’s seems to work out great for Cort. Now he’s associated with the bounty-hunters, and the FED’s paint a great target on his back. Yupp. We haven’t at all, forced the hand of squid-face, his old pal, who wanted a peaceful solution, and will now instead force him to try and gun us down, and take the starcaster.

What a train wreck.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr B

Given that they’ve already melted through several critical systems, I’m not sure that using “threats” to get past the Fed would have been a big improvement there…

Mr B
Mr B
6 years ago
Reply to  Duke

Which is exactly why i was opposed to melting through systems from the start…
I’ve been solidly in the corner of “don’t force squid-face´s hand” from the start…

screw the federation
screw the federation
6 years ago
Reply to  Mr B

Why do you continue to assume Squidface is an ally, when all Squidface would do is bring us to his bosses, who for all we know would kill us to get the Starcaster while Squidfaces watches and does nothing like the good little soldier he appears to be. Screw Squidface, he’s bad news.

Mr B
Mr B
6 years ago

Squid-face was the only FED not willing to just shoot on sight. Clearly our best shot at not getting a huge target panted on Cort’s back, that everyone wants to aim for. As long as he could have been strung along, manipulated, or negotiated with, we would at least have been in safe space, in FED “controlled” space.
Now, everyone wants us dead.

6 years ago
Reply to  Mr B

Except Cort is unaware of the meta conversation that we, the readers, know. Specifically, page 15 in this comic shows they have surveillance on Cort, which he misreads as a manhunt and is reacting accordingly.

screw the federation
screw the federation
6 years ago
Reply to  TheTrussel

*which he correctly as a manhunt because it is a manhunt and is reacting accordingly.

Fixed that for you.

6 years ago

“which he correctly reads* as a manhunt because it is a manhunt and is reacting accordingly.”

Fixed that for you.

P. Stein
P. Stein
6 years ago
Reply to  Mr B

We have no indication that things would have worked out otherwise if he hadn’t attacked.

It is likely that a “threat” would have meant to be captured, in my opinion. Likewise, if he had just “done nothing”. It is likely that the bounty-hunters would then kill the person he guards. And then would inevitably capture him.

screw the federation
screw the federation
6 years ago
Reply to  Mr B

Absolutely nothing on this page has anything to do with our decision to create a distraction on the station. These are The Grin’s goons and they would have showed up even if we walked into Federation custody like a bunch of idiots. Ulogg assuming it’s a rescue would happen anyway because he doesn’t currently know that we’ve attacked any Feds. We knocked out one officer, but Ulogg doesn’t know that yet and still assumes The Grin’s goons are Cort’s goons. Honestly, it’s getting really old listening to you people cry about every little thing, even if it’s not related to… Read more »

Man of the West
Man of the West
6 years ago

*Break a wine glass* There is your peace.

Ulogg saw to that when he associated Cort with the space mafia’s warmongering against the federation.

You will have an easier time drinking from that cup than bringing Cort back into the fold now.

Commentary Ver.2.72
Commentary Ver.2.72
6 years ago

*drinks from broken glass become it’s not hard to do so*
Now about that challenge

Commentary Ver.2.72
Commentary Ver.2.72
6 years ago


6 years ago

I am curious as to where the Grin came from? Was he docked on the Dreadstorm? That implies that he had help. We know that the feds are corrupted to the bone, so I would not be supprised if Port Magcannons has a malfunction…

4 years ago
Reply to  Arcatus

He came from the same snow-planet as the heroes, on the same stolen cruiser he was already using.

6 years ago

Oh bloody hell, this is a shitstorm….

6 years ago

And just think, this all could have been avoided if people still used cell phones and Quell had just dialed Cort’s private number direct over and over again until he listened.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent


6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Maybe it is like the Honorverse and there is no FTL communication and ship must relay the messages from system to system.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Should’a just messaged him on Spacebook.

6 years ago

Hey, its another Cragmangon guy like the one in the Sissisisismas area