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The Starcaster Chronicles 07.07

April 17, 2020 by Tim

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4 years ago

is that a C3PO clone there ?

That Guy
That Guy
4 years ago
Reply to  Deckx

You can see the robot in the first panel of, and no not C3P0

4 years ago
Reply to  Deckx

the odds of that would be 1,233, 987, 003 to 1

Brave Sir Robin
Brave Sir Robin
4 years ago

I wish NPCs did this more often in computer games, especially RPGs where you have a character leveling system. If the NPCs had a sense of level disparity and act friendly if overpowered and otherwise just run away (until they have sufficient numerical advantage) this would make for so much better games.

4 years ago

Name checks out.

Deborah L. Davitt
Deborah L. Davitt
4 years ago

I tend to agree. Morale failure should be a thing. Haven’t seen it happen much since the early Baldur’s Gate days, though.

4 years ago

Mount and blade Bannerlord has that. Smaller parties run to avoid combat, may surrender if you threaten to fight, and will flee mid battle too.

So they’ll try to escape at multiple points. If you’re super close matched they’ll try to ignore you and hope you do the same because it’d be a costly fight.

4 years ago
Reply to  eric

They’ll also run away or ignore you if you have less troops, but significantly elite ones. Theres a power rating attached to each unit type. So say if your enemy is 200-300 strong, but you have 100 mounted heavy archers in your party, they’ll avoid you.

4 years ago

Is that a C-3PO cameo in the last panel?

The Legacy
The Legacy
4 years ago

Welp. Guess the other captain’s going to be court-martialed soon. ? Though I expected this to happen soon anyway.

Also, priceless response from the pirates. Kind of reminds me when I flew some of the missions in X-Wing, when a second capital ship shows up.

4 years ago

Don’t you hate it when you’re following orders to not engage with the suspect and then suddenly an unrelated guy with a price on his head pops up with a horde of mob stuff behind them?

4 years ago
Reply to  Him.

Well the problem there, and i went back to confirm this, Ulogg(the commander of the ship that was already there) was telling his people to disregard the marshall’s orders and was going to try and kill cort at the slightest form of resistance

4 years ago

Sunspit? What the fuck?…….

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Kinda picturing Winnie the Pooh with his Oh bother. With that saying….

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Sounds like a brand of OJ

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

Yeeeeeaaah… Tim hasn’t used that one again.

4 years ago
Reply to  Leon

I like it… sounds like a curse, doesn’t need to make sense.

4 years ago
Reply to  Rolan7

You mean like ‘sunshit’? THAT sounds like an OJ-flavored slushie…………

4 years ago

Love the artwork in this. The colour palate is beautiful.

Ministry of Info
Ministry of Info
4 years ago
Reply to  Hunter

Love the positioning of the viewpoints, too.

Boris Grigorov
Boris Grigorov
4 years ago

While the color palette itself is nice, but I’m not a fan of the way that shades and light is illustrated on their faces.
To be honest, that last dude has such sharply contrasting colors on his face that they literally look like his actual skin coloration than anything else. Like, he has about FOUR shades of blue on his face and I just feel like I don’t know the actual color of his face.
It other words, I find it to be overdone.

4 years ago
Reply to  Boris Grigorov

Why is skin-color so important to you? Would strong lighting in real life (like say unfiltered starlight through a space-ship windshield) really bother you the same way?

4 years ago
Reply to  Boris Grigorov

I’m not sure what kind of shading you’d expect on a guy in a dark cockpit, in space, during a firefight with random lasers and explosions, with various screens also tossing random lights at him? You’re right that you can’t get a clear view of the guys facial color, but you’re not supposed to under those circumstances. You can even try it yourself; Wait until night, get into your car and sit near streetlight with only your dashboard for illumination. Take a mirror and see how easy it is to tell your color between the various shade and random lights.

Boris Grigorov
Boris Grigorov
4 years ago
Reply to  GeorgeV

Yeah, but there’s this nice little difference between real life and illustration which makes it so no such comparisons can be made. Illustration does need to indeed represent real life to some extent in order to bring verisimilitude, but they also needs to be more clear and readable. That particular example with the guy makes me feel like his face is literally part of the color scale copy-pasted from Paint or what-have-you. And (again, a personal gut feeling) his face does feel extremely not photo realistic due to all that. Regardless, I was not just referring to the dude in… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Boris Grigorov

Feedback, sure; but I will relish in Tim ignoring it as bad feedback. “The art is too good/realistic” is the kind of thing to take into consideration when updates are molasses, like Goblins; but even then that just makes every page feel like a blessing. Tim had these blessings on reserve without hindering his 3-a-week schedule and now he’s sworn to unload on us 5-a-week until it’s done; as a space-opera fanatic, I’m over-joyed and the high-detailed art isn’t hurting that joy in the slightest.

4 years ago
Reply to  Boris Grigorov

I’m able to see the face as correctly shaded, maybe because of the scale on my screen. A face without the reflections might be more recognizable, but might also look like a bad photoshop.

4 years ago
Reply to  Boris Grigorov

I can see Boris’ point, the colouring has an HD vibe to it. I’m not a fan but it doesn’t bother me.

Chi Khan
Chi Khan
4 years ago

Is that Clone Wars Obi Wan!?

4 years ago
Reply to  Chi Khan

So we were wrong about the golden robot, but that is undeniably Obi-Wan’s twin brother who was sent to the Milky Way as a baby.

4 years ago

is that adam kovic from funhaus? haha