No, we will leave that for other issue. Now is time Cort thinks Quel is betraying them
2 years ago
If it’s the battle group coming in above their planet it can be a great boon if they come willingly. They are seen by a starcaster and lot’s of people that they do, causing less distrust.
On the other hand, more people that might secretly give information to the enemy can sent a message. At the same time it is insanely threatening. Quel seems to have arrived to negotiate, but this arrival of a battle group with a starcaster suggests he got all this on stand by if they refuse. Not a good look.
Ya I hadent thought about this but this issue specifically said they are far from trusting the federation so sadly it isnt likely they will… trust the federation here…
Edit: Side thought, its possible that Quel could try to lie Corts way out of this saying he was investigating this area and believes that Cort/the Dranglexx were just here but left. Its too big a risk but he only needs to stall till the prince starts tearing the planet asunder.
Last edited 2 years ago by John Swift
2 years ago
How i think this could go: Cort gets informed about the large battlegroup up top. Quel somehow manages to make them understand that it was not him but that now that they are here, its the safest way back to the federation. We get the choice of trusting and going or running away (against a starcaster and a full battlegroup lol). We choose A and once they are back in the federation, quel gets a promotion away from this task for a good job, the federation will be a bunch of scummy bureucrats and try to imprison cort. quel end… Read more »
Patreons probably already know the answer to this question. But right now this is the point where we will see Tim’s writing talent shine or bust. Anything unexpected up his sleeve? Cort cannot join the Feds as it becomes 3-1 starcasters for the federation. Makes the outcome predictable. Unless La’Ni/Denton switches sides to make it 2-2, but how to make that situation work out? Threatening La’Ni refugees with destruction? The Feds can’t just let Cort untouched on the sidelines, fighting the Drangalex 2-1 vs doing it 3-1 is unacceptable politically as it makes the difference between having 5 planets destroyed… Read more »
I also pronounce it Kell, and have the entire length of the series.
2 years ago
It seems I am getting overlaying ads that block the lower right of the screen and are a pain to look around (they take up nearly 1/4 of the screen) I hope this is not a permeant thing as they are making reading the comic next to impossible. Any suggestions in dealing with them?
Resolution is at 1920X1080 (good sized monitor coupled with a moderately strong glasses prescription)
It looks to be your vm-aniview (at least it is the full parent div) that houses the aniplayer.
I am a bit of a web dev my self so I will need to think about the higher end resolutions as well. It has been going on for a while and I thought it was just a glitch, but finally got fed up with it last night.
Well after a bit of tinkering I found that I can simply delete the element that houses your ad. but also found the reason it was soo big on my screen, I have my pages magnified slightly.
No, we will leave that for other issue. Now is time Cort thinks Quel is betraying them
If it’s the battle group coming in above their planet it can be a great boon if they come willingly. They are seen by a starcaster and lot’s of people that they do, causing less distrust.
On the other hand, more people that might secretly give information to the enemy can sent a message. At the same time it is insanely threatening. Quel seems to have arrived to negotiate, but this arrival of a battle group with a starcaster suggests he got all this on stand by if they refuse. Not a good look.
Ya I hadent thought about this but this issue specifically said they are far from trusting the federation so sadly it isnt likely they will… trust the federation here…
Edit: Side thought, its possible that Quel could try to lie Corts way out of this saying he was investigating this area and believes that Cort/the Dranglexx were just here but left. Its too big a risk but he only needs to stall till the prince starts tearing the planet asunder.
How i think this could go: Cort gets informed about the large battlegroup up top. Quel somehow manages to make them understand that it was not him but that now that they are here, its the safest way back to the federation. We get the choice of trusting and going or running away (against a starcaster and a full battlegroup lol). We choose A and once they are back in the federation, quel gets a promotion away from this task for a good job, the federation will be a bunch of scummy bureucrats and try to imprison cort. quel end… Read more »
You can always read the full chapter right now if you become a patreon!
where is the fun in that? 😛
Patreons probably already know the answer to this question. But right now this is the point where we will see Tim’s writing talent shine or bust. Anything unexpected up his sleeve? Cort cannot join the Feds as it becomes 3-1 starcasters for the federation. Makes the outcome predictable. Unless La’Ni/Denton switches sides to make it 2-2, but how to make that situation work out? Threatening La’Ni refugees with destruction? The Feds can’t just let Cort untouched on the sidelines, fighting the Drangalex 2-1 vs doing it 3-1 is unacceptable politically as it makes the difference between having 5 planets destroyed… Read more »
There are two other starcasters that are held by a side(s) that are neither Federation or Drang.
apologies if I’m wrong but is that supposed to say “bureaucracy” instead of “beauracracy”
oké it’s fixed now nevermind 🙂
I speak Dutch so sometimes I’m not sure of the spelling and have to google it to be sure XD
I’m curious how you pronounce Quel’s name? ‘quell’, ‘Cue-el’ ‘k-weel’?
I’ll add another one because in my head I’ve been I’ve been pronouncing it ‘Kel’. Maybe he likes orange soda…
I also pronounce it Kell, and have the entire length of the series.
It seems I am getting overlaying ads that block the lower right of the screen and are a pain to look around (they take up nearly 1/4 of the screen) I hope this is not a permeant thing as they are making reading the comic next to impossible. Any suggestions in dealing with them?
1/4 of what screen? What browser are you one?
Chrome on my desktop.
What resolution? Because the ads definitely shouldn’t be so big they cover any content.
Resolution is at 1920X1080 (good sized monitor coupled with a moderately strong glasses prescription)
It looks to be your vm-aniview (at least it is the full parent div) that houses the aniplayer.
I am a bit of a web dev my self so I will need to think about the higher end resolutions as well. It has been going on for a while and I thought it was just a glitch, but finally got fed up with it last night.
Well after a bit of tinkering I found that I can simply delete the element that houses your ad. but also found the reason it was soo big on my screen, I have my pages magnified slightly.
Just use adblock like a normal human being
not my style, I like allowing the creators to support them selves through whatever means they want.