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The Starcaster Chronicles, 11.22

March 7, 2023 by Tim

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1 year ago

Sometimes, it is better to not ask for initiative before the GM finishes the description of the scene, and other times it is better to not ask for initiative before the GM finishes the description of the scene…

It is never good to ask for initiative before the GM finishes the description.

1 year ago
Reply to  Urainkhali

I almost murdered an entire village that way. Fortunately I rolled a nat 20 for perception and the DM took pity on me.

1 year ago

their hands are not glowing anymore. this is moving in an interesting direction. maybe she does end ip mentoring cort.

1 year ago
Reply to  otome

Since I would guess that she would fight the Dranglaex, I could see Major Danton from Page 08.08 as a mentor.

1 year ago
Reply to  otome

I was thinking mentor as soon as I saw how much more control she has than the Dranglaex with the ‘caster.

Last edited 1 year ago by Zair
1 year ago

Say what you will about Miss Yoink&Run but one does need a certain level of badassery to just casually ignore a person who is currently pointing a gun at your head.

1 year ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

I feel it is less about badassery and more about overconfidence in her powers. Tim has said that a headshot would kill her. She went in without any tactical thought to just put the starcasterbout of the fight. She would probably have blasted the head off and flown away if it was Dranglaex, but now that it wasn’t she just let herself be put in a tactically bad situation. She couldn’t have known Nyrah wouldn’t pull the trigger instantly. However you spin this, it doesn’t matter that she has the starcaster neutralised for now if a simple trigger pull can… Read more »

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

Someone pointing a gun at you and speaking words is a person who will not shoot you *yet*. The most important thing is to neutralize the other Starcaster. And both Nyrah and Lance here know that the longer things wait, the weaker the position Nyrah is in. She can wait.

1 year ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

Sounds like a big gamble. From Lance-MajorYoink&Run her perspective there is no reason why Nyrah wouldn’t follow through. She doesn’t know the situation or the relationships involved. True, the longer Nyrah waits the less she’s likely to do it. But we start at second zero. And if both parties know her power wains the longer they wait, she should absolutely pull the trigger. If she really wanted to subdue the starcaster, she should’ve blown his head off. Both Lance-MajorYoink&Run and Nyrah opted for diplomacy first and sparing lives. This is noble and should be the first instinct, but both their… Read more »

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

bruh, second zero was on the previous page. We’re already well past it.

1 year ago

Yep. The Lance Major knows she’ll be recognized as a member of the Federation, and she knows that this person with a gun isn’t firing and isn’t Dranglaex. She likely also knew in advance that there was another spare Starcaster at play in the galaxy. Second zero has passed, and she’s put enough pieces together to be confident that no one here actually wants to kill anyone else here. (It helps that the Dranglaex openly want to genocide all other races, so there’s already a near-zero chance that any but the most desperate or greedy people are actually associated with… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Darkhorse

Thats Lance-MajorYoink&Run to you…..

1 year ago
Reply to  Gnarph

Fantastic naming. She will forever be Lance -Major Yoink&Run

1 year ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

The most important skill soldiers ever learn, is to remain rational and controlled in extreme and/or dangerous situations.

1 year ago

Okay, Lance Major was really the full title. Had to search for the same and found it in 09.24. Her Name was La’Ni. (maybe we should really check if we can fill the cad wiki).

Yeah, this get’s really more interesting by the moment. Can Quel deescalate the situation? And will the Dranglex blow up the world we saw in the beginning since La’Ni sensed the wrong Starcaster.

1 year ago
Reply to  EMMachine

find out on the next episode of…STAR CASTER Z

1 year ago

Nyrah: Times up *BANG*

1 year ago

… and then Quel gets the starcaster, and joins up, and this fearsome foursome becomes the most powerful army in the galaxy.

Mr. Casual
Mr. Casual
1 year ago

Okay, that explains her immediate aggression, she thought it was the Dranglaex. So now we see if cooler heads prevail, or if it escalates anyway.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
1 year ago
Reply to  Mr. Casual

Quel basically has a neat situation fall into his lap where he can diplomat Cort into the good graces of the federation, maybe even as an apprentice of sorts.

1 year ago

Scene jump: the Dranglaex destroying the world of poor settlers that cultivate organic crystalline.

John Swift
John Swift
1 year ago

Oh im glad she admitted to Cort she can sense starcasters. Now he knows he wasn’t betrayed and Quel doesn’t need to divulge intel THAT sensitive.
I wonder what Corts reaction will be to that info. He already didnt want to keep running.

1 year ago
Reply to  John Swift

Ooh, good point! And Nyrah was right there to hear her admit it, that’ll make her less suspicious of Quel too!

1 year ago

im kind of worried about speck coming out of the ship with no one noticing within the next few pages, seeing the situation, and deciding that the best way to dissolve, er i mean resolve, the tension, is a nice friendly HUG on the lance major’s legs.

1 year ago

The poor thing, they definitely didn’t pick her for her brains. That was painfully slow.

1 year ago
Reply to  Verdiekus

…you do realize it’s only been days on our side of the pages? In-comic it’s only been a few seconds to shift from ‘(Dranglaex) Starcaster detected, combat mode go’ to realizing how she’s accidentally stumbled into the galaxy’s most wanted man. That’s pretty good.

1 year ago

Wait, are you telling me that they’re going to talk FIRST and shoot LATER?
What is this nonsense!

1 year ago
Reply to  ocramot

Shoot first, shoot some more, really put the boot in. Then maybe, just maybe, think about asking a question.

The motto of just about every RPG team I’ve ever been in.

1 year ago
Reply to  Colin

Asking a question? Too boring *skip dialogue**skip dialogue**skip dialogue**skip dialogue**skip dialogue**skip dialogue*

1 year ago
Reply to  ocramot

Talk first, shoot LASER…

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
1 year ago
Reply to  ocramot

Could save the time and ask questions while shooting.

1 year ago

You had to say it, you HAD TO SAY IT
“The Dranglaex Fleet Was Never Here”

1 year ago

Uh oh. Nice that they seem to be resolving this situation, but then where are the Dranglaex?

1 year ago
Reply to  Chibi-Acer

Probably about to blow up the farming world we’ve seen some time ago, as some people have suggested already.

1 year ago

Tim, why do you hate drawing noses?

1 year ago
Reply to  DataSchmuck

He dislikes nosey people…

Erik B
Erik B
1 year ago
Reply to  DataSchmuck

I mean, Cort is drawn with a nose. So are many of the very human-like species. It appears that many humanoid races however don’t have noses. And honestly, that doesn’t surprise me, given different planets and evolutionary paths all these many many races would have. A nose is a very specific evolution that some Earth organisms have come up with, but even on our planet we have animals that really don’t have noses like ours, but have breathing apparati elsewhere, such as cetaceans, fish, mollusks, insects, etc. Gills, blowholes (kind of noses, but not at all visually or placement-wise like… Read more »

1 year ago

“You’re not Dranglaex…”
“What gave me away? Must be the spiky forehead.” (or insert some other feature Nyrah has, but Dranglaex don’t)

Last edited 1 year ago by Dagroth
1 year ago

This Federation Starcaster seems to be pretty reasonable, or at least coolheaded. They clearly recognize that they don’t have all the information, and even with a gun to their head they are exercising restraint and trying to get more information before resorting to violence.

What remains to be seen is whether that’s because they are a good person who wants to avoid violence, or simply a cautious one trying to gather what tactical data they can before fully engaging.

1 year ago

Take moment to reread this page. Lance is just realizing, slowly, that every reason he has for being there is incorrect. They sent a second Cort to take Cort from a group of people used to dealing with one Cort. This could easily cut-to both Starcasters playing with primarly-coloured blocks with the explanation “I told them it was a Starcaster training method.”

1 year ago

That moment when you realize you just went all-in and now your forces are in the wrong position…

I wonder what Cort’s reaction will be if one or more worlds get destroyed because of unintentionally luring so many forces away from the true threat. :U