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Nobody Cares About That Stuff Anyway

August 30, 2017 by Tim

Sale coming up on Labor Day- Might be a good chance to pick up the 1.0 Boxed Set if you don’t have it yet.

Fighting might be all Absolver really does, but damn if it doesn’t do it pretty well.

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6 years ago

So, it’s a bit like Overgrowth, but without the 8 year alpha period? 🙂

6 years ago

“Ok, we have the mechanics just about finished using the placeholder character models. Do you have the final models yet?”
“Almost, but I’ve got a confession–I’m really not good at faces.”
“I have an idea.”

6 years ago
Reply to  velkkor

“What if we were to make everything but the front of the face, and substitute THAT with the picture of a person?”
“Or we could just position the shown play so that it doesn’t fully show the face”
“Shut UP both of you! Let’s make masks”
“Oh, good idea, we can put masks as part of tribes or something, and then no one will think we are being cheap!”
“What? No, I just want to get a head start on making masks. My daughter wants to really put effort into her Halloween costume.”

6 years ago

Aaaaaand that’s exactly why I won’t be playing this game. If it’s just fighting over and over again, it gets boring real fast. For me, at least.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tyler

Whaaat? How dare you have an opinion on a vidya game that may or may not coincide with the rest of the people! How can you dislike a game that is all fighting??? /s I’m the same way. I need other stuff in my games too.. its one of the reasons the entire Souls series is meh to me. I want more than pattern memorization and being brutally murdalized

6 years ago
Reply to  Goshii

This is why MARDEK died. Too many people who DID want nothing but massacring innocent (?) monsters (?) trying to destroy the world (?). If only it came out 2 years later, it would have probably finished. For those who don’t know, Mardek is one of the best flash RPGs in existence. Seriously, it is on par with say FF1. It is brilliant in humor, mechanics, fun, and everything. But trolls and people who thought that it was not enough action (despite having a goodly amount by most standards outside of shooters) managed to cause the dev to quit. A… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Hamstermer

I’ve actually played Mardek! I could run it on my old work computer, so I played it to pass the time. Played a lot of games on Kongregate, actually. Good times.

6 years ago

really living up to its name then…

3 years ago

Kind of reminds me of Overwatch tbh. Like “yeah, we could have a story, or we could give it to you in a bunch of shorts and comics so you can get to shooting things faster.”