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They Always Know

February 7, 2018 by Tim

I feel like the monsters in the MH franchise have always had some sort of if/then statement in their programming; If a player tries to heal, then charge the fucking snot out of their hopes and dreams.

But at least you used to have loading zones to fall back on. Now… now it just feels like the monsters are making it personal.

PS: Fuck the Teostra.

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7 years ago

maybe it’s the smell of healing potions?

7 years ago

Coincidentally this is how I always felt about estus when I was playing dark souls.

“okay he’s standing there… and standing there… and standing there… I guess it’s safe to drin- FUCK SHIT FUCK NO HELP”

7 years ago

Haha. That’s a great if-statement.
I’m gonna remember that

7 years ago

Kinda makes sense though, when you get a guy low and he starts to heal you hit him with a stagger or just whale on him to mitigate the effects while he gives you the chance. There needs to be -some- balance, like dodging certain attacks to give you enough time, but it’s always bugged me how you play characters who stare at the food for a second going “Yeah this looks f***ing DELICIOUS” before casually tucking in, wiping their face and doing a pose. Alright it typically takes longer than a second to eat a leg joint but not… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Deadly-Bagel

Well…. That is what skills are for. You can get skills to make you eat faster and not do the stupid flex pose after using potions.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Doing MH3 Ultimate on a new file. May my soul find pizza.
Got killed by a swarm of jaggis/Great Jaggi (two G Jaggis at once during Jaggi Breeding) because it took as long to drink the potion as it did for them to decide to hit me, and dodge rolling didn’t buy me enough time.
It was a Moga Hunt, so I came back and took them both down because they were in a wider expanse (I think I was killed in area 7, some areas there give you literally no room to move)

7 years ago

fall cant come soon enough

7 years ago

What flex pose after potions? Maybe a steak or other food. I do it running and they just do the animation of chugging it down while you move. You can even sprint first and then you’ll stay jogging while you drink it. Certainly I’ve been hit while drinking a potion. And I’m not HR yet so I can’t speak to those monsters. But generally I just put some distance between myself and the monster while my Palico has aggro (maybe go around a corner or something in the environment) and can get the heal before the monster gets to me.… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  FITCamaro

Flexing is an ancient art from the older days of Monster Hunter. There’s even a comic on this site about it.

Although it’s great that all the zones are one big map without loading, moments like this and the egg quests gave you precious seconds to get away from the monster, drink all your weapons, or get the egg half way to the next door before momma comes flying in. There’s no escape in World.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

and don’t even get us started on the dangers of roaming pickles or steve, I swear before I got to G I always brought poop, just in case….

7 years ago

The problem with 358/2 days was that whenever you would flee from an opponent, you had to do it IN THE SAME ROOM. If you left the room (whether by knockback or on purpose) everything inside the room would be fully healed (unless they were dead). So yeah, it wasn’t much fun fighting foes that could teleport.

7 years ago

You know, I think the issue here is that you took a plane. Carrying around a multitude of armor and weapons makes airplane security a hassle, unless its WarpPort security (then you just have demons). So the monster could get a plane flying the same route, and attack you. So here if you were to look up before you started drinking the potion, you would have seen the monster getting off the plane above you and preparing to dive bomb.

7 years ago

Very Tex Avery esque bit here.

Man of the West
Man of the West
7 years ago

I hope there is a speed eating decoration.

7 years ago

great jagras set has it too iirc

7 years ago

If you zoomed out each panel you would find the Teostra there, flying next to the plane, sitting in the airport lounge, building a boat to follow the hunter.

liam rogers
liam rogers
7 years ago

hey tim, there is this really awesome game that has been getting some attention. I personaly don’t think its enough attention but at least watch a few videos on it. I would really consider getting it and im also getting it.

Reply if you see this so I know you did

7 years ago

I’ve just got into Monster Hunter with World so I’m as green as you can get. And I got beaten by the damn dragon things in the first stickin mission! They swarmed me >____<

3 years ago

Reminds me of kingdom hearts. You start to heal and 3/4 of the way through the animation, just before you actually heal, something hits you and kills you. UGH!

(And yes, I know that Leaf Bracer can help with this issue, but you’ll often get hit anyway)