Dude, it’s Australia. It’s like Maine but hot and dry instead of cold and wet, everything there is designed to kill you.
For anything to survive in Australia PERIOD it’s got to be pretty tough to kill.
It wasn’t the 99.8% survivability of the virus that was the problem…it was the horrible effects of the unnecessary lock downs that was the problem…Mad Max took place in 2021, after all, and in Australia.
Let’s put it this way: COVID19 is like 150pound weights with a noose attached to the ceiling and back to society’s neck. It’s difficult to lift, and tiring to keep lifted for a long period of time, but at least the personification of society is not dying from it…
Like… I am not sure to be terrified of you Australians or proud of you… Your news just says “This spider? Super bad. Can Kill ya. So why not catch it with a spoon??” Like, WTF? That is the advice you’re given??
There were also over a dozen new species of Spiders discovered this year in Australia, including sub-species of the Peacock dancing spiders and Jumping Spiders. (they have no confirmed kills at this time)
4 years ago
Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!
4 years ago
That which does not kill us only postpones the inevitable.
…. just firing a few test shots to test the current wind conditions…. so the real payload won’t miss.
4 years ago
By virtue of hovertext herein https://xkcd.com/556/ people encountering these will look at them as a food source; a good sized one and self-cooking to boot or a new hot ones spice challenge.
Given that Cv-19 gains some significant mutation every two to three weeks, and that global vaccinations will take 12 – 18 months to reach a reasonable expectation of herd immunity IF it is possible, round 4 is almost a certainty.
As long as the later ones don’t increase fatality/damage rates we’ll just have to put up with it for a bit longer.
Immunity against all current variants lasts at least one year, vaccination can be achieved in 40 weeks if you want it
4 years ago
Now “Kill it with Fire” has become reality.
4 years ago
Caught up to every comic since leaving in….2011i think..when I left college, webcomics took a back burner.
Didn’t know about the reboot, had a lot of catching up to do. Hated the reboot in the beginning. But now I’m impatiently waiting for any and all updates. The players, console wars, analog and d-pad. It’s all sooooo good. Glad to see you’re still around and better than ever
Hey, Australia already survived the fires!
Aren’t Fire Spiders Australia’s National Nightmare?
Fire spiders are Tuesday around here, they are just snacks for the drop bears
Wouldn’t those be Fire Drop Bears?
Now we are going to start finding new wildlife awakened by the fires that will make what Australia is used to seem friendly.
This year its a “La Nina” weather pattern for Oz so fires will be minimal, its back to flooding and cyclones, at least for the rest of this summer.
Dude, it’s Australia. It’s like Maine but hot and dry instead of cold and wet, everything there is designed to kill you.
For anything to survive in Australia PERIOD it’s got to be pretty tough to kill.
Were you talking about Sydney or Adelaide?
to quote Bethesda….yes!
Kenji- one day, a koala will escape from Australia and make it to the mainland.
On that fateful day, God help us all.
It wasn’t the 99.8% survivability of the virus that was the problem…it was the horrible effects of the unnecessary lock downs that was the problem…Mad Max took place in 2021, after all, and in Australia.
Let’s put it this way: COVID19 is like 150pound weights with a noose attached to the ceiling and back to society’s neck. It’s difficult to lift, and tiring to keep lifted for a long period of time, but at least the personification of society is not dying from it…
… not until you let go. Then it’s choking time.
hey its not 2021 … yet so bit premature
The comic doesn’t update on the 31st.
Bring it!
I hope there is at least some health fountain and a checkpoint between years.
There used to be, then God patched it out in the 2020.12.25 patch
Now that involves some sort of spiritual microtransaction and some season passes.
Oh… I guess it always did…. but I think they called it dues, fees, tithings, etc.
Tim, no!
**a few months later**
Jean Rasczak: “Come on you apes, You want to live forever?!”
As someone who loves the book this is a perfect quote for these times.
Right theme….
“Damn you, you dirty apes!” (Charleton Heston)
I don’t care if the world becomes a re-enactment of the movie “Reign of Fire”, I would see this as an absolute win.
I’ve never seen that movie but I did play the ps2 game based on it.
Provided the re-enactment includes its own sub-re-enactment of “Star Wars” for a bunch of adorable tykes, I’m in.
Well at least we’re ready in Australia – we’ve dealt with “fire spiders” already this year – https://www.tellerreport.com/life/2020-01-25—deadly-spider-proliferates-in-australia-after-fire-.HyE7oJbq-U.html
Like… I am not sure to be terrified of you Australians or proud of you… Your news just says “This spider? Super bad. Can Kill ya. So why not catch it with a spoon??” Like, WTF? That is the advice you’re given??
Because its a) more badass to use a spoon as a weapon and b) because the badass spider does still not warrant a “knoife” 🙂
It’s Australia. Every thing is trying to kill you. It’s only news if something is discovered and it’s not trying to kill you.
Remember the wollemi pine, only reason it showed up in the news is that it didn’t kill ya.
There were also over a dozen new species of Spiders discovered this year in Australia, including sub-species of the Peacock dancing spiders and Jumping Spiders. (they have no confirmed kills at this time)
Don’t you put that evil on me Ricky Bobby!
That which does not kill us only postpones the inevitable.
Or another way:
That which does not kill us weakens us for the next thing that comes along….
to be fair, Lavalantula was a hillariously bad movie.
Bring it on bitch! We’re Humanity, we created you we can undo your sorry ass… huh, the forecast said nothing about thunder storm and raining frogs…
I like the perspective of “the universe has spent my entire life trying to kill me in new and creative ways, so I’m feeling pretty good about my odds”
“That which does not kill us isn’t trying hard enough.”
…. just firing a few test shots to test the current wind conditions…. so the real payload won’t miss.
By virtue of hovertext herein https://xkcd.com/556/ people encountering these will look at them as a food source; a good sized one and self-cooking to boot or a new hot ones spice challenge.
Maybe we were spared from the Invasion of martian spiders because they died instantly just like Orson Wells did predict
if those fire spiders are anything like Smudge i’ll take one XD
After 2020 is…
2020 won.
Holy mother of country-sized spiders!!
Gotta say abit of bad timing to me. Just saw in the newspaper that apparently theres a new strain of the annoying one so I fear a round 4.
Given that Cv-19 gains some significant mutation every two to three weeks, and that global vaccinations will take 12 – 18 months to reach a reasonable expectation of herd immunity IF it is possible, round 4 is almost a certainty.
As long as the later ones don’t increase fatality/damage rates we’ll just have to put up with it for a bit longer.
Immunity against all current variants lasts at least one year, vaccination can be achieved in 40 weeks if you want it
Now “Kill it with Fire” has become reality.
Caught up to every comic since leaving in….2011i think..when I left college, webcomics took a back burner.
Didn’t know about the reboot, had a lot of catching up to do. Hated the reboot in the beginning. But now I’m impatiently waiting for any and all updates. The players, console wars, analog and d-pad. It’s all sooooo good. Glad to see you’re still around and better than ever
We already had Murder Hornets in 2020
Hey, at least it can’t get any wo– oh.