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Winter-een-mas 2019, p6

January 9, 2019 by Tim

Update: The books are gone, there are some DVDs left. I’ve added an option to purchase these outside of the US. I didn’t want to, because I think it’s expensive, but hey, it’s your call.

Doing some cleaning last weekend, I came across a bunch of random old CAD merchandise. Old books, DVDs, comics books, etc. This stuff is all (or will be)  available in other places (the animated series on the 1.0 disc set, the original Analog and D-Pad comics will be included in the first Analog and D-Pad print book, etc).

So, I was just going to throw it away. However, I’d much rather it ended up in the hands of people that might want it. So to that effect, I’m going to offer it here for basically the cost of shipping and packaging (plus a small buffer to account for the fees PayPal takes, etc). I mostly just want it out of my house.

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EACH order includes a copy of the old Analog and D-Pad #1 comic book, a Zeke Print and a sticker sheet (because they’re so light, it doesn’t change the shipping bracket, so it’s simpler than offering them on their own). And I’ll sign the stuff, because why not.

Animated Series Season 2 DVD Shipped within the US $6: 

Animated Series Season 2 DVD Shipped anywhere outside the US $18: 

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Shawn Trommeshauser
Shawn Trommeshauser
6 years ago

Is that the Simpsons arcade game?

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

That’s the game, but it’s not the right arcade cabinet. Can’t figure out what the cabinet is based off of, though.

Graham Best
Graham Best
6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

It looks like parts of a Defender cabinet, with the Defender logo is upside down.

6 years ago

I know this doesn’t help, but as a fan who hasn’t read the comic for a long time I got excited at this post. I have the series 1 DVD, and seem to remember I had series 2 as digital only. Downloading as the episodes came out. Pretty sure I have the vol. 2 book only as Vol.1 had sold out. Then life got busy and sadly CAD fell out of my rotation. So seeing that appear on my twitter feed I got excited thinking that I might be able to fill some gaps, possibly reignite some of my interest… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Energy

There ARE companies that ship to the UK for you. You order from CAD, with a # issued by the company – they take the personal # they issued you and look for incoming packages with that # then when they get it in, they package it and ship it overseas. I used them a loooong time ago when I was in the Navy.

6 years ago
Reply to  Energy

Looks like he added the option to ship outside the US for the Season 2 DVD. Check the description

6 years ago

Thank you very much for offering the old merchandise. I like the new stuff, but I was a long time fan of the original comic too and I’m happy to take some of that off of your hands.

6 years ago

Do I see the Simpsons Arcade game? Solid Choice

6 years ago

Sweet! Ordered! Already have the CAD tome but want that comic and sticker sheet.

6 years ago

Oooh… payday is less than a week away… hopefully there’s something left!

Ruben Ruiz Velasco
Ruben Ruiz Velasco
6 years ago

I ordered and to my dismay Paypal automatically chose my old address as the shipping address. I’m trying to rectify it through paypal but I’m still really excited to finally own the animated series on dvd. Been a long time fan since 2005 there abouts. Can’t wait to see where CAD goes next.

6 years ago

Are the volume 2 books all gone? I don’t see a link to order one.

Joker Marohn
Joker Marohn
6 years ago

Just ordered all three! Been a long time fan of the comic, I am happy that I could get these! Hopefully you find some vol 1 and 2! Definitely would pick then up

6 years ago

Argh, I don’t get paid until a week from this Friday. Probably won’t be anything left but I can hope.

6 years ago

Keep ’em for a decade, sell them when you are rich and fairly famous.
…well, two out of three isn’t so bad.
(Not certain on rich, but among webcomics you are one of the oldest and one of the biggest general video game ones.)

6 years ago

Ok, I just came back out of nostalgia, remembering the way this ended back in the day. Why is Ethan here? Where does he come from all of a sudden? And where Leyla?

6 years ago
Reply to  Jaz

ethan and Lucas are analog and d-pad respectively, they been superheroing since early restart days

6 years ago

So j just got refunded the money I paid for the 3 books?

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Roger that.

6 years ago

I’m so crushed that I missed out on getting some of those books already. Do you know if you happen to have anymore books laying around that you could put up for sale? I’m willing to pay for the books and the shipping, anything you think is fair. I’ve read Ctrl+Alt+Del so many times over the years and I love this comic to death. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get one of the 1.0 sets before they sold out so I’m particularly bummed out. I’d really love the chance to own some of the old collections in book form. Do… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I would be willing to pay for the damaged books that you mentioned a few comments ago, would that be an option? What is the extent of the damage? I really really want some of these books!!

6 years ago

Cool, more stuff for my CAD Shrine.

2 years ago

That’s an interesting idea; if he respawns in peak condition, does that include being free of fatigue?