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Winter-een-mas 2023, Day Two

January 26, 2023 by Tim

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2 years ago

I think TWW 3 was always going to have that problem its like the difference between getting the green lion and getting Voltron, It was only ever a means to an end.

2 years ago

amazing game, its gotten so much better and the fires of the chorf blacksmiths are warming up

2 years ago

Hey Tim, I was going to introduce my coworkers to Winter-een-mas but the links to the greeting cards don’t work anymore. Is that fixable or are they gone forever? The links I’ve used in the past are at the bottom of this post introducing Winter-een-mas:

Jason Debree
Jason Debree
2 years ago
Reply to  Rick

It seems that at least has the large colored image archived at the old domain name “”:

Or if you a link that loads a bit faster, the below Imgur link points to the exact same image

Of course a reupload to would be much preferable, but in a pinch the above might work for you.

Aaron Morano
Aaron Morano
2 years ago

I am sooooooooooo glad my comp was a potato that could not run this when it came out. But, by the time I got a new rig that could slay this beast IE was released already and there was much rejoicing.


And with the space left on that map… Chaos Dwarves and Nippon are incoming.

Last edited 2 years ago by Aaron Morano
2 years ago
Reply to  Aaron Morano

Chaos Dwarfs were already hinted and CA “accidentaly” spread Legendary Lords in both RoC and IE campaigns in a way that leaves Chaos Dwarfs land free.

2 years ago

The day they release chaos dwarves is the day that i find myself thanos snapped out of 2 weeks of existence. possibly more if i can get friends in on a few campaigns.

James Rye
James Rye
2 years ago

Oh Chorfs are definitely coming, they are just waiting for the right time to kick those Orc rebels outta their cities and fortresses. And then Grimgor will be superhappy Orc boy.^^

2 years ago

I enjoy this site, but sometimes being vulgar just isn’t that funny. At least, that’s how I felt about this one. Gross.

2 years ago
Reply to  deep

I get it. I mean, I like a good dick gargle as much as the next girl, but why are they in a cup? And… why are they FROTHY? A well-maintained dick should not be frothy. That’s just wrong.

2 years ago
Reply to  deep

you obviously never played TWW3 on release and had to go through tzeentchs realm… I would say he was underplaying how bad it was.

2 years ago

Meh…I tried it while it was on the winter sale. My experience was: the blood god DLC I owned for 2 didn’t transfer to 3 so it didn’t work. I couldn’t complete the tutorial because it would crash every time I got to the first battle missions end cutscene. And several times units would randomly spazz out and seemingly be unable to pathfind how to actually get to where I want them to go. I ended up getting a refund after approaching 2 hours and STILL haven’t actually gotten a battle to completion without the game crashing.

2 years ago

Ooohhhh, Chais dwarves would be awesome!

2 years ago

TW3 had a similar issue TW2 had. The campaign the game itself brought with it was… not that good. Interesting enough maybe to see the new factions, but besides that, not so great. The basic idea wasn`t terrible in TW3. But it was lacking. One thing that I thought was awesome was the tutorial. If they had done a single player campaign like that, that could have been awesome. On a sidenote: Since the chaos dwarf locations are already on the map, just occupied by minor factions, I am rather confident we will get them at some point. It was… Read more »

2 years ago

I am near the end of Zhao Ming Realm of Chaos campaign and while I enjoy it, I do see all the issues with this campaign. Like mortal Legendary Lords being too close to each other, which effectively kills replaybility value.

2 years ago

TWW3 is yet another example of why delaying games should be the norm (like Starfield is doing now). TWW3 release was bad. I don’t think it drew that many new players in, but it totally turned off many existing players. If they released the game half a year later with Immortal Empires, the game would be reviewed positively across the board and brough in more new audience.

1 year ago

Chorfs are heeeeeeere~