Comics Reclassified

April 4, 2018 by Tim

I meant to do this a long time ago, but I’ve gone back through the past year and retagged all of the Ethan/Lucas comic strips post-reboot as Analog and D-Pad. That way, they’ll fall into the same archive and it makes it easier to read it all together, since it’s all the same story/universe anyway.

If you’re still unfamiliar with how our archive works (and I can’t blame you, making navigation clearer is on my list of things to do), when you visit the front page , you will always see the latest comic. If you navigate back and forth with the green buttons above/below the comic, you will navigate through ALL comics in chronological order, regardless of which archive they appear in. So you’ll see one-shots, Analog and D-Pad, Starcaster, etc.

If you click the comic itself, or use the arrows to the side of the strip, you move into the archive for that particular series. So for example, if the front page comic has Ethan in it, and you click the comic/use the side arrows, you’re now inside the Analog and D-Pad archive, and will only see comics in that series.

You can change archives using a dropdown on the archives page, or click the “Comics” link up top to drop down a menu for all of our series. This allows you to read all of one series easily and consecutively.

I will likely also, at some point, change the dates on Analog and D-Pad #5 so that it appears within the archive chronologically.

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6 years ago

THANK YOU! I have been trying to figure out where and when to start the new series since the Ctrl+Alt+Del series ended and I kinda disappeared for a while myself.

6 years ago

Dude, I totally forgot about Starcaster. Did it finish, or is there more coming at some point?

6 years ago
Reply to  David

I’d say it has 2-3 more to die a natural death. Almost all the pieces are in place, they just need to do the final buildup to the climax.

6 years ago

He said a few days ago that he is going to keep moving with it. He may even release a “What if they’d chosen this option” comic for the upcoming books.

6 years ago

Oh, btw: Lucas is gay.

Walle Ras
Walle Ras
6 years ago
Reply to  Ryan

Where does it say that

Tim van der Meij
Tim van der Meij
6 years ago
Reply to  Walle Ras

Latest comic. He thinks of everything.

6 years ago
Reply to  Walle Ras

April 4th comic. Well played and Tim said it himself. Everyone flipped out but it was less “holy [expletive] someone from 1.0 is gay?” and more “holy [expletive] LUCAS is gay?” because Lucas spent 1/8th of 1.0 flailing about through his dating life+the whole thing with Kate. Still, Tim has shown that it isn’t bound by the same rules as 1.0 so it is understandable.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

I love the current archive system; it’s great for quickly finding the page I’m looking for, and being able to go back and forward and just follow The Campaign or The Console Wars is the best way to binge a series. By the way, I figure this is the best place to express my love of “The Console Wars” series and advocate for another strip or two sometime soon. I always love it for the meta commentary on the gaming industry and for the silly joy of seeing my gaming consoles as grizzled sentient war robots, blasting each other. It’s… Read more »

6 years ago

I honestly miss the 1.0 i had followed it from the beginning. I stopped reading CAD after 1.0 ended i just saw there was a reboot so i am going to start reading that i am hoping it will be as good as 1.0

4 years ago

The new archive system is great, but can be a little frustrating if you miss a few days of comics, because the back button no longer takes you to “yesterday’s” comic if you switched between different comic types. Might it be possible to add a Yesterday button for people that want to go back in linear time rather than in comic-type time?