
February 26, 2013 by Tim

All of the Dungeon Delve prints have now been shipped! If you ordered a print, and haven’t received it yet, you can now keep a lookout for it in the mail. US residents should have them within a week, and International residents should have them within 7-10 business days.

I do have some left (I rounded up to 500 after all the orders were in, to make it nice and even), so I’ll be making those few available for sale soon if anyone wanted one but didn’t get a chance to nab them. There are only about twenty of them, but I don’t want to just throw them away if people might want them.

Assembling, signing, packaging and shipping 500 prints was quite a change from the small batches of 25-50 that I usually do, but the process helped me streamline the way I do things for the future. Ethan and Lucas will be returning this Spring (hopefully) with their new storyline, but before then I’d like to do one last print to commemorate the gang as they were the past ten years. From what I’ve learned doing this print, the next one should go a lot smoother, and the prints should finish shipping much faster.

Anyway, keep an eye out for your Dungeon Delve prints, and thanks again for ordering!

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