Hello, do I know you?

September 13, 2004 by Tim

Congratulations to Tauhid Bondia and Erik McCurdy on their strip Suzie View, which debuts on comics.com today. Getting your comic on comics.com is the next step closest to syndication and being in newspapers. Good luck guys!

Thank you to everyone who ordered a book or shirt yesterday. I only put up a limited amount of merchandise for sale, but it all went really quickly, and it will help me have less to pack when I move at the end of the month.

Speaking of which, I am moving to New Hampshire at the end of the month. I shouldn’t be out of touch for more than a few days, hopefully. I’ll be working ahead of time to make sure no comic updates are missed.

After the move, I’ll be at Ubercon in New Jersey and then Nekocon in southern Virginia.

At Ubercon, you’ll have a chance to bid on this piece of artwork in an auction benefitting the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. This is the original pencil sketch for the current donator’s wallpaper:

I will probably also include a high quality, full-color print out of the finished version along with the sketch.

So if you’re nearby either of those conventions, swing on by.

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