I am awake(ish)

March 29, 2004 by Tim

Well, the comic is up. I started it as soon as I woke up, after a night of heavy sleeping. Seriously, this weekend wore me out. I slept like a rock. Actually, scratch that, I slept like a fucking boulder. Never underestimate how tiring a weekend of talking, greeting people, shaking hands etc can be. Conventions really take a lot out of you.

I-CON was a mixed experience. There was a lot that was really fun, and there was a lot that really sucked. I’m not going to go into details here. I will, however, write up one of my convention reports all about it sometime this week. Fear not. For those of you that couldn’t attend, you will hear everything there is to hear.

The highlight of the weekend, I will mention, was definitely the panels. I did some panels with some incredible web comic artists, and incredible audiences and fans. I’d like to give a special thanks to Randy Milholland from Something Positive, John Rosenberg from Goats, J.D. Frazer of User Friendly, Ghastly from Ghastly’s Ghastly comic, and my friend Rob Balder from Partially Clips. They were all really cool people to talk to, and made the panels a wonderful thing to be a part of.

Also, as I’ve come to expect, Ctrl+Alt+Del fans are the coolest people on earth. You guys are awesome and I love meeting you. Thank you for coming out.

More later after I wake up, and get my Splinter Cell fix.

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