I chose the wolf

October 7, 2005 by Tim

Today’s comic is the first Ctrl+Alt+Del inked entirely in the computer. The methods and techniques I’ve used to create the comic since I began have changed a few times, but nothing drastic in the last year and a half until now.

Previously I would pencil and ink the artwork by hand, and then scan it in and color it on the computer. Using my new Wacom Cintiq 21UX yesterday, I inked and colored directly into the computer. Some of you have noted an improved appearance in the artwork in today’s strip. But even if it looks exactly the same, it took less time to do than previously because of the veratility of the Cintiq. So mission accomplished.

Also of note, October marks Ctrl+Alt+Del’s third birthday. Three years ago this month I put my comic strip online thinking that maybe some people would find and enjoy it. I never suspected that years later it would be read by hundreds of thousands of people, and that I would be making a living at it. It’s pretty awesome stuff. You guys rock.

I picked up Black and White 2, but I haven’t been able to log a lot of play time with it yet. I’m going to hold off on a review until I’ve given it some significant attention. A game this massive requires it.

I will say that I do like the new camera control system. Although still a bit awkward at time (perhaps because I haven’t become adjusted yet) it’s leagues above the control system in the original, which always got on my nerves.

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