If you ARE going to MegaCon

February 23, 2005 by Tim

If you are going to be at MegaCon this weekend, here is the scoop.

I will be at Table 19 in the Indie Press section. You could also just look for the simian operating Table 20 right next to me. I could also be over visiting with my friend at Table 24. But most likely you’ll find me at Table 19.

I am going to have about 100 copies of Ctrl+Alt+Del Volume One with me. I will bring 50 with me on Friday, and 50 with me on Saturday, and whatever is leftover (which will be none, I can practically guarantee you) on Sunday. At Otakon last year, the books sold out within an hour on both Friday and Saturday. So if you want a copy of the book, you’ll need to get there early. I cannot guarantee that everyone that wants a book will get one. The convention is so far from my home, there is only so much I can bring with me. Books are $20 each.

I will also have some of the Limited Edition Chef Brian shirts that were sold on pre-order last September. Supplies are limited.

I may or may not have some posters. Depends on if I want to take them on the plane or not.

Now, here’s a basic schedule for this weekend:

Friday the doors open at 1pm. I will be at my table from about 1pm till 4pm. Then I have a panel at 4 or 4:30 (having a hard time reading this block schedule) for a half an hour or an hour. So if you want to come ask me questions, hang out, etc, show up at this panel.

After the panel I will probably stick around and harrass Brian and Scott at their panels. Apparently the doors close at 7pm, so that’s it for Friday.

On Saturday the doors open at 10am, but I can practically guarantee you that I won’t be there that early. You can expect me to show up at my table around noon, at which point I will begin selling off the rest of the books and whatnot. So I figure from 12pm-3pm should be your target if you want a book on Saturday. The earlier the better, obviously.

After that I’ll be at my table here and there to talk and sign stuff and hang out. On Sunday I have a panel with Brian and Scott around 6pm, which you could also catch me at.

I think that’s about it… see you guys this weekend.

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