It’s here! It’s here!

May 19, 2003 by Tim

Right. Comic is up. Terribly sorry about the delay, ol’ chap. Won’t happen again.

Yes it will.

Least I Could Do has decided to sponsor us once again. So head on over to their site and check it out, as a thank you.

The nominations round for the 2003 Web Cartoonist’s Choice Awards closed last night. I’ve got my fingers crossed that I’ve scored at least a nomination or two. I’m not too sure of the liklihood of actually winning an award, but it would been keen-spiffy to get nominated.

And relax, I didn’t mention it prior to this because there’s nothing you could have done to help me out anyway. This contest is held by web comic artists for web comic artists. They are awards and nominations handed out by my peers. Similar to the Screen Actor’s Guild awards. So here’s to hoping. The final nominees will be announced on June first.

So there were a ton of cool games announced at E3. There are dozens of sites who have better coverage than I would, so I’m not even going to bother. But I definitely suggest checking it out.

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