Katsucon this weekend

February 9, 2004 by Tim

Main order of news this week is Katsucon this weekend. I will be attending all three days. I will be on a panel on Saturday believe, though the schedule isn’t finalized yet so I don’t know what time. If you wanted to come grill me with questions about the comic and such, then would be the best time to do so.

However, if you can’t catch me at the panel, you can look for me at either the ConnectiCon booth or the Dominic Deegan booth. I should be hanging out there quite a bit, if you want to say hi. If I’m not there, I’m off somewhere at the convention getting myself into trouble. I will not, I repeat will not, have merchandise with me for sale at this con. I don’t have my own table, so it’s just not possible for me to bring shirts and stuff.

Also, I finally have a tentative list of the conventions I’ll be attending this year, in case you want to make plans to come out and see me and buy stuff and get stuff signed, etc.

Katsucon – I just told you about this one.

I-CON – in March. I’m a guest of honor at this con, so I’ll be doing signings, panels, the works.

ConnectiCon – I’m a guest at this con as well, so I’ll be doing panels and such. I believe I’ll also be captain of a “Ctrl+Alt+Del Gaming Team” for the sake of video gaming tournaments and stuff. More info on that as I get it.

Otakon – This is a big one. I’m not currently listed as a guest, but I will definitely have a table at this convention.

Nekocon – Website is down right now. I’m not listed as a guest at this convention, but I was a guest last year and I enjoyed it very much. Here’s to hoping they invite me back.

And that’s all that I currently have planned. I *may* try to make an appearance at the Baltimore Comic-Con, but that’s not final yet.

Don’t see me attending any cons near you? Write to them! Get your friends to write to them. Tell them you’d like to see me at their con, and that they should invite me.

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