Kiss my Ankh

October 24, 2003 by Tim

So we’re almost finished with Dungeons and Dragons: Heroes. We have two more worlds to complete, and then whatever the ending has in store for us. Probably get that wrapped up this weekend, on account of Hunter: The Reckoning, Redeemer comes out next week.

If you’ve never gotten a group of your friends together to mutilate and mow through hordes of twisted, evil, undead things, you’re missing out on one of the finer joys in life.

The original Hunter: The Reckoning ranks as one of my top three all-time favorite XBox games, right up there with Halo and Deathrow.

You can bet I’m planning to sink some serious play time into the sequel.

There is only a week left for you to get in your October Donations. People who donate during the month of October will receive two spiffy wallpapers, one a tribute to Max Payne 2, and the other is a 1st Anniversary edition Ctrl+Alt+Del wallpaper. We only have our first anniversary once, so make sure you grab this wallpaper! Here are some previews for you:

People who donate this month are also entered in a random drawing to win some free Ctrl+Alt+Del stuff! One person will win a free CAD T-shirt of their choice from the store, and two runners up will receive both CAD posters, signed by me.

Also I want to congratulate my friend Mookie who draws Dominic Deegan, on his recent graduation to Keenspot.

Mookie will also be attending with me when I head to Nekocon 2003 in a couple of weeks. So start reading his comic, then come see both of us at the con!

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