
June 17, 2004 by Tim

So I just looked at the front page and realized I never made the news post yesterday that I thought I had.

I usually work pretty much all day. Yesterday, I cut out early to take my girlfriend out to dinner and to see Harry Potter. In all the rushing around to do work in the morning, apparently I was under the impression that I had made the news post, when I hadn’t. Oh well. You guys can survive one day without my sensless prattling.

Today I actually just have a couple of requests for information to make. But first, don’t forget that Saturday night I’ll be interviewed on WNUK Radio. You can send your questions in ahead of time, or call up and ask them live.

So anyway, with the recent issue with losing the book files to a virus and having to start over, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about my own files. I have a lot of valuable stuff on my computers, that I wouldn’t want to lose. So I need a system for regularly backing up my work. This is where my question comes in. For those of you familiar with it, which would you reccomend? A DVD burner or some sort of removeable hard drive system?

Also, here’s a question for Virginia residents. Primarily people near the Fredericksburg area. I’m looking to have some work done on my car, but I need a reliable mechanic, which is hard to find. Any suggestions? And please don’t email me with “Hey there! I’m not from Fredericksburg, but I live in East Buttsex, Virginia, six hours away, and I know a brother of a friend of a cousin who…”. That doesn’t help me.

Going to try and catch up on my email now.

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