I’m sitting down here to write a post, at 1AM, because my mind is currently running circles around a handful of thoughts and I know for a fact that sleep will continue to elude me until I exercise some of these quandaries and feel as though I’ve made some sort of forward progress.

Lately (and by lately, I mean forever, but more so in the immediate lately) I’ve been struggling a bit with what I will admit is sort of a ridiculous first-world problem, and that is that I want to do more than (I am finding) I am reasonably capable of, from a time and energy standpoint. What I mean is, that I have more projects that I want to be working on than hours in the day permit. This has certainly become amplified in recent years since I became a father.

Ever since I started this comic strip fifteen years ago, I have always bounced back and forth between a few different passions. To express that in its simplest form, sometimes I wanted to do video game one-shots, sometimes I wanted to write stories. So I did both. It’s that concept, and that freedom that has kept me energized in this line of work for as long as it has. It’s what has kept me from burning out.

I love all the series I work on. Starcaster, Analog and D-Pad, The Campaign, The Console Wars, the Sillies, gaming one-shots where I can comment on news or what I’m playing… I want to do it all. I enjoy doing it all. It all scratches a particular or different creative itch.

However I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wonder if, in trying to do it all, I was doing an injustice to some of it.

And that’s not to say I’m worried that I don’t give it my all; when I’m working on Starcaster, I’m all in on Starcaster at that time and loving every second of it. However because there are so many other things that beg attention between issues of Starcaster, the time gap between issues ends up longer than I’d like. I’d love to be putting out an issue of Starcaster every month, an issue of Analog and D-Pad every month, and still cracking jokes about games and RPGs and more. But that’s unrealistic. I’m one person, and I can only do so much.

Bearing that in mind, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about what’s working and not working regarding my approach to different series, and how I might streamline the way I tackle those series in a way that keeps me (and you) happy. And while I know what will keep me happy, I’m less clear on what makes you happiest.

Which brings us to the overall point of this post: I would like to know what your favorite aspect of my work is. When you come to this site, what is your favorite thing to see on the front page? Imagine that I decided to only pursue one series, one type of comic strip going forward; what would make you happiest for that to be?

Now, I know for a solid fact that each of the series I do is somebody’s favorite. There are people that wish I only did gaming comics and hate the story stuff I do, and there are people that would be over the moon if I said I was only going to do The Starcaster Chronicles day in, day out from now on. I know that no matter what I do, it is impossible to please everyone. Fifteen years on this job, that fact is engraved on the interior of my skull, I assure you.

And I’m not saying I’m going to drastically change the work I do. That’s not what this poll is about. The option with the least votes isn’t getting “cut” from the team. Rather, I’d just like to get some realistic feedback from you about where your interests lie as an audience, that I can take into consideration as I reassess my approach moving forward. If there’s something that my readers overwhelmingly want to see more of, I need to be aware of it.

The poll can be found here. I’d also love to hear from you in the comments section!

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7 years ago

I’m following your work via RSS, and love the combination of all the different formats. To me it is no problem at all that an issue of Starcaster or A&D isn’t released every month, because there is enough to enjoy in the meantime 🙂

Keep up the good work!

7 years ago
Reply to  Melle

Same. Following via RSS on feedly means I get a consistent trickle of great content! I think that StarCaster and the Campaign are by far my favorite, but the one offs serve as a good break between arcs and hopefully for you as the artist while crafting the longer arcs because of the intense amount of prep work required to craft a great and consistent storyline.

7 years ago
Reply to  Piotr

Thirded. Also, not to throw more in the pot, but I’d like to see that Ethan/Lucas (non Analog/D-Pad) come back… Zeke, Lilah, etc.

7 years ago
Reply to  Hans

I’m not sure, but I think Tim’s working on a re-introduction of these characters….not sure about it, but as far as I remember the last strip of this story arc, the reporter gal and the robot assassin looked a wee bit Zeke- / Lilah-ish

Sr. Vanilla Milkshake
Sr. Vanilla Milkshake
7 years ago
Reply to  mandoschMUh

If I remember correctly the Lilah esque character is not actually Lilah, though it is someone who will in some way fulfill a somewhat similar role. Zeke is still Zeke, though he more closely resembles Embla in his activities.
It’s like The Scratch from Homestuck: All the characters are there with a few seemingly exceptions, they are just in a different set up, in a different environment.

7 years ago
Reply to  Hans

Fourthed. I also follow via RSS, and love the variety.

7 years ago
Reply to  Torn

Same for me as a long, long time reader. I love the variety. And would be very sad if it was to stop. And I use RSS too/

7 years ago
Reply to  Piotr

Same here. I’m following this site via RSS and I feel the same way.

(Normally I don’t like posting “me too” comments like this, but since this site has no “like” or upvote buttons on comments I guess a comment is my only option.)

Robert Brien
Robert Brien
7 years ago
Reply to  Melle

What they said.

7 years ago
Reply to  Melle

While I voted for more Ethan and Lucas/Analog and D-Pad, I really enjoy all of the work that Tim does. So, if nothing changes I would be completely happy, but if we were somehow able to get A&D more frequently I would be thrilled. I’d be even more thrilled if it were the original Ethan storyline, even though the way that story ended was perfect. I think my only gripe is that we haven’t had enough exposure to the new Ethan and Lucas, so I haven’t fallen in love with those characters yet.

7 years ago

as a very long time reader i have to say what kept me stuck with this site and your work is and was always the variety… it keeps things interesting and tackles all the fields im into… so win/win… only issue: i absolutely loved the old gaming/PC original storyline and wuld have loved to see a “3-5 years” from the point of narration when it ended…

7 years ago
Reply to  Darios

Yeah Tim did that, but only of a few pictures of it. I feel like a reason why Tim never did that is because some stuff is best left to fanart because there are those who enjoy their personal version of what happened to what is the unreleased canonical bit. Or maybe it’s too awkward to think about these characters in a certain way after so long without feeling like you might trip and fall or maybe that you would just get emotional and go on a two week hiatus. Regardless, how it is now is awesome, there’s no need… Read more »

7 years ago

I do enjoy the story comics the most, but each of them is so different and so great it’s hard to pick a favorite (but if I Had to, it would be Analog and D-Pad). Waiting for each of them to continue is exciting and never seems to take too long, because a different storyline will start up again or even a long string of just sillies is great! I enjoy how it is now but I’m sure if you change it it’ll be just as great. Your comics are fantastic! I hope whatever you choose has you less stressed.

7 years ago

I think my favorite characters at present are The Players. I love how different they are, and all the messes they get into. I used to really love Ethan & Lucas, but ever since the whole reboot thing – where they became superheroes – they really haven’t caught my interest. I think, most of all, I really enjoy fun, free-form strips that have a punch-line at the end of them. Whether that be the old Ethan & Lucas strips, the occasional jokey strips starring The Players, or the more simple one-offs featuring commentary about games. The long-form, more involved plotlines… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Max

That’s my exact point, but typed a day earlier than I could. Th players are definitely my new favorites ever since the reboot. I get that the reboot was trying to go in a different direction, but by using the same characters, it just highlighted the differences between the before and after versions. Anyway, I do want to see more of the players (not just in campaign mode). I do want to see how you portray Zeke in Analog and D-pad though. But my numer one is the players.

7 years ago
Reply to  Max

I fall into the pre-reboot camp as well. Haven’t been able to get into Ethan / Lucas since then. So of your current playlist, the ones that have me waiting in anticipation are Console Wars and The Players / Campaign. For me Starcaster is meh, but I do like the Choose Your Own Adventure aspect of it (and similarly where you have done that in the past).

In term of the Sillies, could always use some more appearances by Death (as I say that with the plushie sitting at my desk)

7 years ago

I have been following your work for over 10 years now. I would have to say in your current list Console wars has to be my main must read when it pops up in my rss feed. I am also always going to read anything with Ethan.

I think that your one offs based on the current fad games are what will easily bring in new readers. Or minimally drive some extra traffic here and there.

7 years ago
Reply to  Wutname1

For me the Console Wars are the only thing I want to see a bit less 🙂

Peter Stephens
Peter Stephens
7 years ago

I’ve been a huge fan of the comic for years, got hooked with Ethan and Lucas. Adding the Players for topical jokes helped by not being the story too much.

But I digress.

My personal preference:
Ethan and Lucas as the priority
Topical one shots occasionally, even if they’re only”sillies”
Console was when they matter (be releases, annoucements etc.)

Ditch the Starcaster Chronicles (nothing against them, I’m just not a fan)

Hope you appreciate my two cents 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  Peter Stephens

Starcaster is nice, but what Tim should do if he ends it is have two more issues of it then end. I mean, Cort has his Endgame coming along what with becoming a starcaster, the galaxy is four fifths of the way to a cataclysm, and so forth.
I can easily see two issues more, 3 with a backstory of Cort and Mr. Probably Not Military Zoidberg. But if you want it to go away, you might get your wish but not for a bit.

7 years ago

I’ve been following your comics for years and years. I love (and have bought lol) it all. I remember anxiously awaiting each new update on the original story you did with Ethan and Lucas. I especially love your story stuff, but would be happy with any route you decided to go. I am just commenting to let you know that I imagine many feel people feel that way. I know my friends, who also follow you, definitely feel the same way. We don’t mind large gaps in stories at all. Thanks for all the amazing stories and work over the… Read more »

7 years ago

As a sidenote, you should fix the ads on your site or change your contractor. Lately they have been redirecting mobile users to scam sites, which is really annoying.

7 years ago

Ethan brought me here, Lilah made me stay.
But I do like ALL the later comics. Especially when you focus on the relationships between different characters. But also the joke-a-day types.

I think it would be fun if you brought back Ethan’s Zeke, in one form or another 😉

7 years ago
Reply to  Simon

But wait…
He will already have

7 years ago

Personally I love all your story stuff, Starcaster, the players, and A+D (I even loved that bit of weighting you did years back :)). The one offs are ok, but I’m more excited when I see one of the stories starting up :).

7 years ago

(Weighting = writing btw, oops)

7 years ago

Analog and D-Pad and The Campaign are probably my favourites.

7 years ago

With the exception of Console Wars (I’m sorry to say it’s not my favorite story of yours but, of course it’s a matter of taste), I love pretty much everything you’ve done since the end of CAD 1.0.

I had to cast my vote for more Ethan & Lucas, though. After all, they’re the characters I originally fell in love with a decade ago and why reading your comic has been nearly a daily routine since then 🙂

7 years ago

I think the fact that you do so much different types of content is what keeps this always fresh and interesting. And sure, the gaps between chapters of your more long-form stuff are probably longer than I’d ideally like them to be, but if the price for shortening those gaps is hurting some of the other content then it’s a price I am not willing to pay!

7 years ago

I have been following your work for years, and while I do miss the original Eathan and Lucas format, I think what you have some is great. I honestly enjoy each comic and story. I do have to admit as a weekly D&D DM for the last 5 years (and intermittently 10 years before that) the campaign has quickly become my favorite. Keep up the great work.

7 years ago

I don’t even know how long I’ve followed your work for, but I know for a fact CAD was one of the first webcomics I picked up. The one shots are fun, and I have always enjoyed them, but your bigger stories are what really draw me in nowadays. I just love that your current 4 stories all appeal to me so strongly for such different reasons.When I was younger, I never really got into star wars/trek styled sci-fi, nor was I ever fond of western comics (my attention was instead stolen by books, video games, and manga/anime) so your… Read more »

Nadav Ben Dov
Nadav Ben Dov
7 years ago

I also follow your work via RSS. Have been for _years_, and that’s after following the comic by tuning in on update days for a few years before. Also a Patron 🙂 Back when the old CAD-verse ended, I will admit I was a bit bummed. I loved Ethan and Lucas and Lilah and all the rest, so I was sad to see that story end. That said, I’d quickly adjusted and started loving the new stuff you put out. When you started doing stories again, I was excited. When Ethan and Lucas made a return, I was stoked af.… Read more »

7 years ago

If I had to choose one, it would be analog and dpad. Honestly (and I know it’s not possible) I would love for a return of the og story, but the next best thing is A&D =) and close second is the campaign. But I love all your work and whatever is decided I’ll still be here.

Luc Liévin
Luc Liévin
7 years ago

While it is noble to care much about your fans, I’d say keep doing what you really lije the most. Normally the stuff you do gets better the more heart there is in it and thus your fans will love it. I’ve following you for 14 years and my favourite are the gaming comics, what you started with 🙂 Ask yourself, what you would really love doing more of and go with it, f* the fans :p

Aaron AKA Trysdel
Aaron AKA Trysdel
7 years ago

Wow Tim, pretty tough question there. I have been a long time reader (since the beginning). I truly enjoy everything you do. I started out loving the video game one shots and the Ethan and Lucas stories, but have enjoyed you adding in the Console Wars, Campaign, and Starcaster Cronicles, etc. If I had to pick just one, I’d be seriously hard pressed to choose. I’d say top 3 for me (because I probably, honestly, couldn’t choose the order with my top three, lol), would be the Ethan and Lucas storylines, The Campaign, and the video game spots, in no… Read more »

7 years ago

My favorite is the Starcaster Chronicles but one of the things I like is how often it changes. It’s nice to see a Console Wars update every once in a while and the latest Campaign has been a lot of fun. Having a slightly higher percentage of Starcaster Chronicles thrown in would be great but it’s a pretty good mix right now.

7 years ago

I’m all with Melle on this, what makes you one of my favorite webcomic is the diversity of your work, I love all of your story comics, and the one shots are always fun and welcome. Your way of work is keeping you imaginative and I don’t think you should change a lot. Write what you want, what you like and I’ll enjoy it everytime like the few years past.

7 years ago

For me personally, for my own enjoyment of the comic, are here in this order (Though I enjoy all of them, but I look forward to some more than others)
CAD Comic
The Campaign
Gaming One-Shots
Analog and D-Pad
The Sillies
The Console Wars

The Players have really grown on me since the end of the Ethan and Lucas comic ended, and while I like the Console Wars and Starcaster, they just dont “quite” do it for me like the Players Campaign do.

7 years ago

I really love everything you do, but my absolut favourit one is the Starcaster Chronicles and then come the gaming comics.

7 years ago

Honestly I’m really invested in all the series you are doing. I’ve been enjoying them immensely so yeah my favourites are:
Analog and D-Pad
The Campaign
The Console Wars

The general gaming one off and sillies along with the main CAD comic are all great but I’ve really liked these series – each seems to have its own unique feel.

Eduardo Echegoyen
Eduardo Echegoyen
7 years ago

Those are my preferences in order:
1. Analog and D-Pad
2. The Sillies
3. The Console Wars
4. The Campaign
5. CAD Comic
6. Gaming One-Shots
7. Starcaster

7 years ago

Without any question the answer is Console Wars, though i understand its hard to do any more of that when there aren’t hardware news releases.. probably next up is Starcaster then analog and dpad, followed by sillies.
the campaign would probably be competing with starcaster and analog if it weren’t for the fact that 4 grates on my nerves.

7 years ago

I like the variety… Keep up the good work, whatever you decide. I’ll still be here!!
I’ve been here since Ethan had a roommate with a penguin… I’m not going anywhere soon!

7 years ago

As a loyal reader since 2005 and reading every comic at least twice over sometimes more I honestly think what you do is amazing. Im not fussed that you dont get to put out a series once a month cos of all the social and gaming commentary one shots you do. When the series do come out im happy that I get to read it. Just keep going man your killing it.

7 years ago

Like previous commenters, my favorite is the original Ethan and Lucas story. This is because it had real, full-fledged characters with likes, dislikes, etc, going through a wide variety of situations. I haven’t felt like any of the new stories have characters this developed which is really what is missing for me. On top of that because they’re so “focused” on one specific type of story you miss out on all the side stuff; the original story without Wintereenmas, Zeke, Scott, etc wouldn’t have been anywhere near as good. Analog & D-Pad, The Campaign and Starcaster all have the potential… Read more »

Eran Arbel
Eran Arbel
7 years ago

I also use RSS (until it’s killed off) so I’m very patient when it comes to the comic schedule. But my favourites come in exactly the order you stated them.
Recap: Starcaster, Analog and D-Pad, The Campaign, The Console Wars, the Sillies, gaming one-shots.

7 years ago

I really love all of your content and I’m happy everytime something new pops up in my RSS feed 🙂 The story I’m looking forward the most would be Analog and D-Pad, because I find the entire setting of its world so intriguing. Next would be the Console Wars, the Gaming One-Shots and the sillies, because I like the funny approach to those real gaming news and they are always up to date. I’m not sure why, but Starcaster and the Campaign just don’t get me invested that much. I like them, but it’s more like a nice buffer while… Read more »

7 years ago

Unfortunately, the thing that I like about CAD is the variety. 🙂

7 years ago

I enjoy all the various stories and one-shots, and the variety is probably what keeps it so nice – are we getting a Silly today, a new story starting, or the next panel in a running story, or a one-shot about a recently released game/device? And possibly, the variety is great for your creativity and sanity 🙂

Personally I am not worried about a specific schedule for any of them, I use RSS to keep up to date.

7 years ago

Hi Tim!
Heh, RSS here as well. I’ve never actually commented before, but I agree with Entercoven on the order of things I like.
Whichever you choose to focus on, I’ll still like it, that I know for sure. I can’t believe it’s been 15 years, even though I’ve only been following your work for about 11-12.
Keep it up and greetings from Romania! 🙂

7 years ago

I read a few web comics, and have been a long time reader or your strips as well. I would have to say that there is more you could be doing with some of the material if you focused on only one thing. I do want to mention though, that the one shots should not go away even if you do decide to focus on one strip instead of many. Every comic with regular updates has fillers or guest comics. It helps you keep from burning out, or give you time to get your story strait. I personally would love… Read more »

7 years ago

I’m with Chris regarding the original story, even though A+DPad is not my current favorite. Would be great in the poll I could order things from most to least favorite, I’m having a hard time choosing an absolute favorite!

Aaron K.
Aaron K.
7 years ago

I honestly love them all. If I had to choose. My least favorite is starcaster (I still enjoy reading it) and my most favorite is the original Ethan and lucas. I like d-pad, but would rather just see them be normal humans.

7 years ago

1) Starcaster, I really like the story and the characters, and the bit more serious setting 2) The Campaign, really funny characters and story 3) Gaming One-Shots & Sillies, always nice to have one of those in between for a quick read 5) Analog & D-Pad, somehow Ethan & Lucas as super heroes didn’t grow on to me 6) Console Wars, … well sometimes funny, but nothing I would miss So if you asked me what’s definitely to keep, it’s Starcaster. If Console Wars was dropped, that’d be fine for me. Starcaster & Campaign are somewhat closest to the spirit… Read more »

7 years ago

I lovehe new directions in which you’ve taken the comic. I’ve been avidly reading the strip since 2008 (holy smokes, nearly a decade) and I’ve loved seeing the ways in which your storytelling and art has changed. My absolute favorite things that you’ve been doing are Starcaster and Console Wars. It’s fun to see you work as a storyteller in a universe that’s totally of your own creation, seeing the kinds of setting and story that you can bring to life. (I particularly enjoy Starcaster for the CYOA element.) Both are masterful comics, and it makes my day whenever I… Read more »

Justus Römeth
Justus Römeth
7 years ago

Another RSS user here, I’m very happy with the way you are doing it!

7 years ago

For me the story driven stuff is the best but I don’t mind the gaming one-shots either and I’d love to see more Chef Brian zaniness occasionally. As others have said Analog and D-Pad has become the next best thing to the original sitcom-like comic format with Ethan and Lucas going about their daily lives and I enjoy seeing it every time a new issue rolls out. It’s like a couple of old friends you haven’t seen in years come to visit and it’s a thrill every time they come up. Similarly, I really enjoy the Starcaster Chronicles, whether intentional… Read more »

7 years ago

I use RSS and usually read you in chunks. I love everything you do, especially The Campaign, Analog and D-Pad, and Starcaster. I never get Console Wars because I’m a total stranger to consoles, but I enjoy the drawing all the same 🙂

7 years ago

Blarg. The poll is really splitting my hairs. I like both the Ethan and Lucas/Analog and D Pad, and the Campaign. When I open the site, and see the campaign starting, I feel happy. I love D&D, and I love seeing the players enjoying the game, shooting barbs, and being themselves. I seriously, and truly miss the original Ethan/Lucas story line. Analog and D-Pad is a passing substitute, but it really doesn’t hold a candle to the original series.

7 years ago

Order of what I’ve looked forward to in the past: Original CAD, Gaming one-shots and Analog and D-Pad (tied), Sillies, Console Wars, Campaign, Starcaster. The long-spanning story with a page released one at a time doesn’t seem to work well for me. And unfortunately the stories don’t interest me enough to wait for a full issue before reading them. If Starcaster or Campaign had of been the original comics this site offered instead of CAD, I wouldn’t have stuck around. Definitely not negative criticism about the stories – it’s just they weren’t the type of comics I was seeking out… Read more »

Gareth Rowbotham
Gareth Rowbotham
7 years ago

I’ve enjoyed all your works for the longest time, so dont want to choose between one or another. What I would say though is that if your ‘output’ is troubling you, have you looked at another alternative… Ramping this up by adding staff….? I’ve seen you use Colouring artists from time to time so how about more of that? Perhaps a junior artist to help to? You’d be ramping up the output, and offering employment opportunities to the next generation of potential artists….. Delegation is a skill in itself, and one that takes practise like any other, but one can… Read more »

Timothy D. Ray Jr.
Timothy D. Ray Jr.
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Thank you stating this. I was also going to suggest something like adding assistance but was unsure of that being an option. You have so many interesting story arcs. And someone as talented in producing such captivating stories, I am sure there are more in the future at some point. squired away in the mind grapes. Plus having a lackey might suit you. LOL…I think it speaks volumes that most state the same…ALL ARE GOOD! Just like Sophie’s Choice.

7 years ago

I was going to say the same thing. The sort of “spend money to make money” adage. Tim, you do great artwork, but I come to your site three times a week because I love the jokes and the stories. If you hired someone to draw your one-shots Tuesday and Thursday while you still write the jokes, you’d be free to do story comics MWF. Or you could write the comics while someone else draws/colors them MWF while you do one-shots Tuesday Thursday. Or any combination or variation of that. The point is by increasing content you could increase traffic… Read more »

7 years ago

I was going to say the same thing. The sort of “spend money to make money” adage. Tim, if you hire a team, or just a single hard working assistant, you could do more of everything instead of cutting back on something. Your artwork is amazing, but I come to CAD 3 times a week because I love the jokes and the stories. With a staff you could focus on story comics MWF and write a joke for someone else to draw Tuesday and Thursday, or vice-versa. The point is if you delegate the drawing and/or coloring to someone else… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Ian

And then both of my comments show up at the same time :-/

7 years ago

Honestly I’m excited to just see a new comic and your site isn’t shut down. I’ve been following for almost as long as you’ve been doing comics and haven’t lost interest yet! Also use RSS.

7 years ago

I’m addition to my above comment I just remembered something. I do miss Ethan and Zeke and the rest of the gang. The characters that initially brought me to the site and who kept me coming back. Maybe we’ll see them again before the site shuts down 🙂

7 years ago

See it’s funny that so many people seem to really like “The Campaign”. Personally if that was never returned to I wouldn’t care in the slightest. The thing I come back to usually is in fact, you. I like the lootcrate reviews you were doing. I like when you post some kind of actual review of a game or industry commentary alongside a new comic. Its easy to respect your opinions and sometimes it can seriously influence what I decide to invest my limited time and money into. It could actually be time for you to transcend the comic a… Read more »

7 years ago

Please find a way to clone yourself, so we can get more content.

Jokes aside, each one of your “experiments” has been a hit! Starcaster, the Ethan and Lucas reboot, the players in their RPG-in, RPG-out gaming table.

Each one of them resonated incredibly with me, and I’m always looking for more content.

Anyway, since you are fond of lists, here follows.

Love: starcaster, The Players (long issues), The Campaign, Analog and DPad.
Like: Gaming one-shots, Console Wars, CAD Comic.
Wouldn’t mind if they left: Sillies

7 years ago
Reply to  Leonel

Sillies are so uncommon that they are there and so it’s fairly irrelevant to comment on them being “Removed”
Though a slight decrease in them for Patrons but the same pace on site wouldn’t be too bad, I like them. Its a way for tim to express humor while also juggling a huge plot which can’t be interrupted for “WOW THIS WILL BE RELEVANT FOR THE NEXT 2 UPDATES BUT IT IS SO GOOD!!!!”