The big E3

April 26, 2006 by Tim

I can’t believe E3 is only two weeks away. With the expo so close, lots
of information is starting to fly about what companies will be showing
at the event, and there are some great titles I’m looking forward to
checking out. I think it will also be interesting to see games that
were unveiled at last year’s E3 near completion this year.

As I mentioned previously, I’m super psyched about trying out the
revolution controller. Nintendo has always been about pushing the
envelope with input devices in video games, and the Revolution
controller is a big gamble. It could be an awful disaster, or the
greatest “revolution” in video games since Pong. Who knows. Well, in a
couple of weeks I’ll have my official opinion on it at least.

While last year I went in an unofficial capacity, this year I’ll be on
the job. I’ll bring my laptop with me, and provide news from the expo.
I should also have assistance in the form of my first CADMedia staffer,
who will also be attending.

The new Ghouls n’ Ghosts for the PSP will be shown, and I’m looking forward to seeing it.

I’m saddened that Starcraft: Ghost has been indefinitely delayed, since
I was fortunate enough to play it in a 4v4 multiplayer match last year
and it was lots of fun.

On the MMO front, I’ll make it a point to check out the Conan MMO, and
definitely Vanguard. And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Blizzard
chose E3 to finally announce the new alliance race for WoW.

Speaking of Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, if you’re looking for a beta spot, Computer Games magazine can help you out.

I got a lost of response to my mention that I’d be playing CoV. While I
appreciate that so many people want to group with us, we’re really
looking for a relaxing, casual sort of game experience, so we won’t be
giving out our server/hero names.

However, I will hold a City of Heroes GameDay this weekend. On
Saturday, we’ll create some characters on a random server, and goof off
in classic GameDay tradition. As far as I know, there isn’t a free
trial for City of Heroes, so this one is solely for people that already

I’ll post more details as the weekend nears.

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