Thirty days?!

February 6, 2008 by Tim

Well, it’s February. I know it must be February because I’ve started to get that “Holy shit there’s only a month left until Digital Overload and there is still so much to do” panic that comes about this time of year.

The event is thirty days away, which means there are only three weeks left to register. Registration will close on February 29th. Forgive me if harp on this over the next few weeks, but every year we close registration and the very next day get emails from people saying “Oh, I wanted to register, it’s closed already?” even though we spend four months reminding people to register. So again, the deadline to register and pay is February 29th.

Tournament registration is open, and registration for Project: Assassination is now open as well. I haven’t checked in a couple of days, but I know the limited spots for these events are filling up fast. I believe a couple of tournaments have already filled and started waitlists for open spots. You have to be registered and paid to sign up for a tournament, so, you know. Chip chop chip.

I don’t usually get to play any games at Digital Overload, ironically, because running the event keeps us all so busy. However this year we’ve got a WARMACHINE/HORDES tournament going on, so I know there are going to be players at the event, and I really want to get a game in. As much as I’d love to just sit at the tables all day and play WM, I think the most I can hope for is to play a single 500-750pt game. So who gets to kick my ass in WM? Most likely we’ll make a random drawing from the people signed up for the WM/HORDES tournament. So get signed up for that tournament if you want to play a game against me.

One of the other prizes we’ll be giving away/raffling off include dinner (and maybe a movie if anything good is playing… last year we went to see 300) with myself and the Ni! crew on Sunday evening after the event shuts down/packs up.

If you’ve registered for the event, please log into your account sometime this month and make sure that your equipment information (computer, monitor, etc) is up to date. It makes check-in at the event go much faster if that information is already in our system. Also in an effort to get everyone checked in as quickly as possible, please be aware that we will no longer be checking in all of your little peripherals. It is up to you to secure your mouse and keyboard, etc at the event.

Another registration note, if you are planning to pay by snail mail, you need to get your payment in the mail soon. After February 20th we will no longer accept snail mail payments.

If you have paid (via snail mail or PayPal) and your account is, for some reason, not displaying as paid, please email me today so we can get it worked out. Include the name on the account, and the email address that PayPal payment was sent from, (and the receipt if possible).

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