April 16, 2014 by Tim

VOA (Vote Our Adventure) is the working title for this tale until I settle on what I wish to call it.

It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these, but with a little game new release dry-spell coming up, I figure now is as good a time as any to get back into the saddle.

Quite a few of you might not have been active readers for previous iterations of this mechanic, but it’s pretty simply: periodically throughout the story I will present the main characters (and you) with a choice. You will then have the opportunity to cast your vote for the option of your choice, and the democratically elected option moves the story forward. Some choices will be major, some will be minor, hell, this time some may even just be cosmetic. Either way, you can participate in the direction our adventure goes.

Previously, readers would send an email with their choice and I would use filters to collect and tally them. It worked well enough, but this time I’m going to look for an actual poll service we can use, hopefully one that I can embed right here in the newspost to make voting as straightforward as possible.

These are usually a lot of fun, and I’d like it an ongoing thing (for at least as long as the characters survive), so we’ll likely visit it for a couple of weeks at a time here and there, if all is going well.

We’ll see what happens.

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