Yeah so… uh…

November 3, 2003 by Tim

The news post is up late today. The comic was up on time, but the news post was a wee bit late. Want to know why? Because I was at the post office shipping all of these. I’m lucky that I have very cool postmasters.

Don’t forget: I’m going to be at Nekocon in Virginia Beach all weekend. If you go to the site, you can check out the tentative program schedules, and you’ll see when my panels are. I have a general panel on Friday evening, during which we’ll just chat, answer questions, etc. Then on Saturday I have an autograph session, during which you can still ask me questions and talk to me, but I’ll also be signing/selling stuff like posters and T-Shirts. The on Sunday I’ll be on that “How to make a Web Comic” panel.

Most other times that I’m not in a panel, I’ll be hanging out in the Artist’s Alley, talking to people and I’ll have shirts and posters for sale. If you swing by and I’m NOT at my table, don’t panic. I probably just took a break to wander around and hang out with people. I will be there periodically throughout the day.

Except in the evening… that’s when I’ll be out cruising the bars and clubs of Virginia Beach and getting completely innebriated so that I have some fun stories to tell you when I get back.

Speaking of when I get back… I’m not sure when it will be. I’m leaving Wednesday to head into Boston to pick up my friend Mookie. Then we’re both heading down to Connecticut to crash with some friends. The early Thursday morning we’re making the 8-10 hour drive down to Virginia. Since we have to do the same thing in reverse on the way back, I don’t know if I’ll get back here late Sunday, or sometime Monday. Worry not though. All of the comics have been drawn in advance and will autoupdate, so you won’t miss a beat of Ctrl+Alt+Del.

God that was cheesy…

So I’ll be making a news post on Wednesday, and unless I find an internet connection and a few free minutes while I’m at the con, it may not change throughout the weekend. But that doesn’t mean the comics aren’t new.

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