Zee Badges

September 10, 2008 by Tim

A lil’ Mitch Hedberg to start your Wednesday.

Registration for Digital Overload 2009 opens on Monday the 15th, and I have some new details for you.

Badge structure will be somewhat similar to last year (and every year before that), meaning the sooner you book your ticket, the cheaper it is. This year, in addition to paying less for booking early, you also guarantee a seat, because we are capping attendance this year.

On September 15th, registration will open at $45 for a three-day Gamer badge until November 3rd, then the price starts going up. If you register before September 29th, you get a free event t-shirt. After that you have to pay for your t-shirt.

The first 500 registered attendees will also receive a limited edition 18″x24″ Ctrl+Alt+Del poster (artwork to be determined).

One thing we are trying differently this time is the addition of a slightly cheaper Tabletop-Only badge, for those attendees that only want to come and play board games, Magic, Warmachine/Warhammer, etc.

So a quick rundown of the badges for reference:

Gamer- You have a guaranteed seat and space with electrical hookup and LAN access. You can check in your PC/Console and other gear, and you may sign up for any of the tournaments/raffles/prize giveaways, and may make use of the PC, Console or Tabletop areas.

Tabletop- You may enter/exit with your tabletop gaming gear only. You may make use of the tabletop gaming section, and may participate in some raffles and prize giveaways.You may sign up for tabletop tournaments only.

Spectator- Only sold at the door. You may not enter or exit the hall with any bags or equipment. You may not participate in any tournaments, raffles or prize giveaways. If someone wants to let you play games on their console or PC, that’s fine, but otherwise this is just a “come in and hang out” badge.

As always, you must be at least 16 years of age to attend Digital Overload, no exceptions. When you register, you have reserved nothing until you have paid. If you sign up on the website now, but don’t pay for three months, you will be paying the badge price at the time you pay. You may not sign up for any tournaments until your registration has been paid.

I think that’s all for now, I’ll probably reiterate some of this on Monday when registration opens.

The second season of the Ctrl+Alt+Del Animated Series is coming along pretty well. Episode six just went live a few days ago, so we’re at the halfway mark for season 2. The feedback I’ve been getting this season has been very positive, and I think people are really seeing an improvement over last season.

By the way, my buddy and I went and checked out Sarge’s Comics in New London last week. They do in fact have a pretty decent gaming area downstairs, the entrance to which is doing a pretty good job camoflauging itself as something resembling an “employees only” door. I’m not sure how you’d know it was there if you didn’t ask.

Nevertheless, the people at Sarge’s are great, they’ve sponsored Connecticon pretty much every single year. They’re cool with us bringing a group over. We even ran into a handful of Warmachine players just by standing around the miniatures section browsing.

I’m thinking that some Saturday in the next few weeks I may go up there for the afternoon and play some Warmachine/Hordes. I will of course post the date ahead of time if anyone in the Connecticut area wanted to head there as well. As I said, I will be playing Warmachine/Hordes, but of course nothing says you 40k players couldn’t come hang out. Or even people who have never touched a miniature game in their life but are interested in learning more. I’m sure there would be people willing to demo a game or two if you wanted to come check it out.

Anyway, I’ll keep you posted. But again, feel free to shoot me an email if you’re in the area and interested. It helps me guage possible attendance.

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