Area of Defect

August 12, 2011 by Tim

Area of Defect released their League of Legends themed album titled last night! You can grab the full, eleven track album from their website. You might also have a shot at winning one of the albums from the giveaway contest!

Area of Defect, including Kyle Danger Henick and Joe Homes, are the guys behind such awesome LoL-themed music as D-Town and Press R.

I was honored to be invited to draw up the artwork for their album cover, and it was an incredible pleasure working with these guys. They’re very talented, and they’ve put together a very catchy and clever album. If you’re into League of Legends, you’ll really get a kick out of it. I’ve been listening to it all week, and I love it!

So check out their website, check out their youtube stuff, and grab the album if you like what you hear!

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