An update

January 26, 2013 by Tim

First of all, both my wife and I want to thank each and every one of you for the tremendous support you’ve shown. It’s been emotionally taxing watching Simon go through this, and coming so close to losing him, but all of your words of well-wishing have helped a great deal. It’s so nice to know there are so many people pulling for Simon.

Speaking of which, he finally came home this afternoon. We were hoping to take him home yesterday, but the surgeons wanted to keep him another twenty four hours for monitoring just to be on the safe side, so he spent last night in the hospital as well. He was downgraded from ICU to simply hospital boarding, which was a great sign.

Now that he’s home, he’s resting comfortably. The next couple of weeks are really important, and we’ll be going to great lengths to try and prevent him from getting excited, or exerting himself. They want us to feed him slowly, by hand for a little while, so I picked up some lean ground beef and grilled him up some tiny little meatballs, which he’ll get a few times a day. So he’s loving that.

He’s on some painkillers, two antibiotics and a steroid, all to try and make him comfortable and get rid of any nasty bacteria in his airway. But for all he’s been through, he’s in great spirits and thrilled to be home, as exhausted as he may be.

He’s a little bionic puppy now, with two stents keeping his airway open. He’s breathing much easier than he was before the surgery, which is a relief. As I said before, we’ve bought him some time, and of course nobody can tell how much. Right now we’re just so happy to have our little pal home with us and looking better, and we’ll be giving him all the TLC he needs to recover.

So thank you all again, so much. Your support has meant a lot to us.

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