And the diagnosis is…

July 9, 2003 by Tim

I just spoke with the mechanic. He is not entirely sure what the problem is, as he didn’t get a chance to really work on the car. However he did run a quick inspection, and he feels fairly confident that the problem lies with the distributor.

The price he quoted me for the piece lies pretty much exactly on the border of the amount of money I can afford to spend, while still having enough to attend ConnectiCon.

It’s going to be a really close call. He’s supposed to let me know for sure in the morning.

I want to clarify that this is in no way going to affect the actual comic strip itself. The only thing in jeopardy here is my attendance at the con.

I will definitely keep you posted, for those of you that are planning on going to ConnectiCon.

I do also want to thank everyone who scrounged up a few dollars to contribute. I didn’t ask for help, but you gave it anyway. I am really overwhelmed by the show of support you have given me, and your desire to give Ctrl+Alt+Del a presence at this year’s ConnectiCon.

I want to publicly and sincerely thank the following people who took it upon themselves to help bear this burden:

Keith Mitchell
John Wiseman
Tim Gerlach
Colin McLain
Greg Bullock
Jarrod Willard
Justin Janger
Aaron Pohle
Lincoln Wagers
Morgan Kesler
Dries Verachtert
Jocelyn Constantinoff
John Wasser
Mori Bellamy
Aaron Wood

Thank you once again guys, and once the mess is behind me, whether I get to the convention or not, I will try to find a more material way to express my gratitude.

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