
April 12, 2017 by Tim

We’ve noticed a number of users stating they’re experiencing what we believe to be a caching issue, where they visit the front page at, yet “Barrel Awareness” from April 5th is always showing as the latest comic on the front page instead of the newer comics.

My guys have made some changes to the way caching works, but if you’re still experiencing this issue you may have an old local cache that needs to be cleared. Try refreshing, or Ctrl+F5 for a cache refresh and see if that remedies the issue.

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7 years ago

That does the trick 🙂 Thanks!

7 years ago

Separate issue: the buttons above and below the comic aren’t pointing at the correct links on the front page (permalinked comics look fine).

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

The links are standard ajax links (#).

The problem that I’ve run into with those is that they don’t update history at all (no use of history api on newer browser) as a result, the back button does not work to go back through your navigation selections. So the home page is a slick ajax tool, right up until you hit back because you wanted to look at the “page” you were previously on.

This keeps happening to me for example after hitting random.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

either cookies or sessions, take your pic 🙂

7 years ago
Reply to  ClientSide

Or just utilize history api:

It’s pretty much standard now if you use ajax.

7 years ago

Had the issue for some time, thought there were no new comics. All fixed now.
Just noticed however that on the page if I click on the Last button then it brings me to the same page (this one) and not the latest comic.

Nathan Reitz
Nathan Reitz
7 years ago

Ha, my work is literally dealing with this exact issue. It’s been difficult to narrow down because not every user has the problem, and not all the time. I’ve been writing little snippits to attempt to prevent it, so I hope it works as well as yours seem to.

For your information, Mac users should use Mac/Apple: Apple + R or command + R
If someone is actually using Opera, Ctrl-F5 does not work. Hold down the Shift key and click the refresh button in order to do it.

7 years ago

Whatever they did must have worked, I was immediately shown the new comic today without having to do anything.

7 years ago

*sigh* Caching isn’t even the worst ATM… your guys as you called them, have widened the right side container since a few days ago.. Now in order to see the comic I need to scroll down a fair bit and yes, that means this thing runs in a “low” res monitor (1280) frankly, your guys make this website a real pain to use! Sure sure in chrome on 1920 it’s alright (still crappy code though) but when not on chromium based eninges it starts to suck. tell them to learn about the w3c validator to at least reduce the error… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  itsid

A decade of reading, following, and enjoying a comic: priceless

New format that means a guy needs to scroll on a webpage: cause for never reading said comic again.

Oh first world problems, how you manage to be ever-present in the most amazing ways.

7 years ago
Reply to  Erik

that’s not what I said, but close enough 😀 You’re right, this website was priceless.. not really being a gamer it helped me stay in contact with that inner kid, I enjoyed E&L more than anything else, shed a few tears because of it even. I got “over it” with the reboot, I understood why Tim had to -for his own good- I still enjoy the comic.. but I really cannot enjoy the malcoded webcrap this site has become. A new design offers new challenges, and frankly I know better than most being a fricking coding monkey myself, I understand… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  itsid

The comic obviously doesn’t mean that much to you if some viewing inconvenience is cause to drop it.
Or you’re lying because of some belief that lying about leaving will get your problem fixed faster.

7 years ago
Reply to  James

It probably doesn’t “mean that much” to him, nor should it. We’re talking about 30 seconds of amusement 3 times a week (possibly much less than that if you aren’t up on the latest gaming news), and as such, it is not a critical component of our lives. One issue here is that the comic is notably less funny (for me and apparantly for itsid) since the reboot. The E&L comics were THE reason for visiting. Sure, there were topical gaming jokes then, but they were the exception. The comic is still enjoyable – especially “Console War” and “Analog and… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Sorry Tim to break that out to you, but they cheated on you a fair bit.. the archive is nothing but “harddrive” space, the ordering is nothing but “labelling the files” and the rest is nothing but a simple if then else query, no matter if stored to the filesystem or a database… one’s quicker the other more convenient, both can be done by a coder in less than 20minutes reliably, bugfree and scalable.. since it’s not special, it’s everyday typewriting. (well it is for me at least.. it should be for them ;)) The bugs are far far beyond… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  itsid

I’m running 1366×768 and the website shows up fine for me. And i just adjusted my resolution down to 1280×768 and it still looks fine.

I have no clue what browser you are using but you may want to re-evaluate your browser settings, just saying.

7 years ago

It could be the link you followed as well, I had the comic bookmarked on the old site, but on the new site it always took me back to the same one. So check to make sure your bookmark is pointing to the new comic location too. Otherwise I think it’s just redirecting to the barrel awareness one.

7 years ago

sweet new website! I wonder why he quit making comics.

Donna Leahey
Donna Leahey
7 years ago

Well, it no longer loads the sniper barrel comic. Now it loads the JRPG comic.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

The issue still exists. I cleared my cache this morning before today’s update, after today’s update it’s defaulting to “This will be the one.” So the cache gets set to whichever comic is the current at the time the cache is cleared.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Can confirm. Cleared my cache Wednesday, now loading Wednesday’s comic by default.

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Chrome 57 windows 7 and windows 10

7 years ago
Reply to  Brian

I did notice (don’t know if this is relevant) two things: 1) Synchronous XHR requests are being done somewhere (I haven’t taken the time to figure out where). In Chrome, this can be blocked depending on what else is running. 2) Adblock plus is blocking several requests, two from pubfig.min.js and one from pubads_impl_113.js These blocked resources might be related, unknown for sure. Finally, I noticed that you are using cloudflare. Cloudflare depends traditionally on the etag. If etags are not configured correctly and updating with new content this could cause part of the problem (in a generated content type… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

OS X, Chrome Version 57.0.2987.133 (64-bit)

Jest Phulin
Jest Phulin
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Chrome Version 48.0.2564.116, running under Ubuntu 14.04. Yeah, old computer. It did default to barrel awareness for a while, now defaulting to JRPG

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Firefox 49.0.2 Windows 7

7 years ago

The caching issue is on both home and work computers Chrome 57 here. The other odd one is the buttons aren’t always visible, in particular the next seems to be gone but last works fine. Also after clearing cache it defaults always to whatever the last page was after the clear.