Sometime around 5pm EST this afternoon I will be closing preorders for the Ctrl+Alt+Del Box Set. That’s it, we are no longer taking new orders for the Ctrl+Alt+Del Box Set! If you did not get an order in, your next/last chance to purchase a copy will be later this year or early next year after […]
We are aware the RSS feed is not working properly. It is announcing a new comic has been posted when in fact the page has not posted yet. A few months back we switched some server stuff around, and my auto-update system for the comic broke. That is the system that previously let me upload […]
Reminder: Wednesday, July 15th is the last day to pre-order the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box set.
It’s time to return to our space adventure, already in progress! If you need to refresh/catch up, you can find Issue #1 here and Issue #2 here. As a reminder, because I need to pause and wait for your votes at certain points in the story, at times I may have to post black and […]
I’ve received the proofs and set mockup from the printer, our first in-hand look at the totally awesome Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set! You can still snag a preorder copy of the set (or the DVD set, which includes digital copies of the books, as well as the Animated Series) up until July 15th. After July […]
We look at nipples and time travel in June’s Comic Bento Box!
Take a look at what robot-themed goodies come packed in LootCrate’s latest box for June!
Pre-orders for the Ctrl+Alt+Del Box Set are now open for people that missed the Kickstarter, or could not pledge because Kickstarter doesn’t accept certain credit cards. This will be the last chance to guarantee yourself a Box Set when they ship later this October. I am only printing enough to cover existing orders, rounded up […]
I may find myself in the minority here, but I dislike it when RPGs place character creation inside the game proper, after your guy or gal already has an actual presence in the world. It just feels… weird. And that’s not to say it can’t be done well… I believe it was Mass Effect 3 […]
Comic Bento is a Loot Crate-style subscription service for comics. It was started by the folks over at Blind Ferret Entertainment, and I decided to check it out. In the video below, I check out the contents of May’s “Cinematic” themed box, and find a few books I’d never have purchased on my own, but are now […]
Double Fine’s Massive Chalice is essentially X-COM… but with a sprinkling of Fire Emblem’s family/progenitation mechanic. As someone who loved both games, the result is pretty awesome. Now when I say “awesome,” I don’t mean “perfect,” but it’s well worth the price of admission (especially at the moment, $14 during the Steam Summer Sale). Massive […]
Arkham Knight comes out soon… I’d been thinking about getting for a console, but now I’m not sure I can live without rain, smoke and paper! Paper, man! Paper! Gaming will never be the same again! Or at least the same as it was before 2006 when PhysX actually came out and started letting games […]
The Ctrl+Alt+Del Patreon.
Bento Box is a Loot Crate-style subscription service for comics. It was started by the folks over at Blind Ferret Entertainment, and I decided to check it out. In the video below, I check out the contents of May’s “Cinematic” themed box, and find a few books I’d never have purchased on my own, but […]
The Ctrl+Alt+Del Patreon.