
Blog posts organized in chronological order

So very, very Evil

March 16, 2005 by Tim

Well, from what I hear, art is going to imitate life in a way I honestly hadn’t forseen, but I suppose I am not the least bit surprised about. Given the popularity of the game, that is. Of course, don’t even get me started again on Blizzard’s remarkable inability to control their own servers. And […]

Hoodies and more

March 14, 2005 by Tim

Thank you all for the many, many, many ideas for our upcoming hooded sweatshirts. I ideas that were all over the map, but I got quite a few requesting certain old t-shirt designs to be brought back on the hoodies, so I may take that into consideration. We should have these up and ready to […]

Me want… NOW!

March 11, 2005 by Tim

This is a thing of beauty.

Heh, looks like Marvel is losing their case against NCSoft.

So I would have posted news earlier… but I’ve been too busy watching the new trailer for Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith on repeat all last night and this morning. It’s amazing that even after Episode I and II, which I enjoyed enough but also carried some pretty lousy dialogue and plot, I still […]

No object

March 9, 2005 by Tim

Sorry about the late comic today. We got hit by a little snowstorm last night, and it knocked out our cable until this morning. It looks like I will be attending Anime Boston this spring. I’m not sure quite the extent to which I will have a presence there, but I’m fairly certain I’ll be […]


March 7, 2005 by Tim

Been playing some Brothers in Arms. Ehh… it’s good. I really like the ease with which you can command your squad, for setting up tactical maneuvers such as flanking. It really adds that much needed extra element to the game. Unfortunately, as far as I’ve played (admittedly not too far) the game just doesn’t seem […]


March 4, 2005 by Tim

Now, I know that I’m not the only one who thinks that as far as the Fantastic Four goes, The Thing got the shaft. I mean seriously, which would you prefer? You can cover your body in fiery plasma, you can turn invisible, you can stretch your body to unbelievable proportions… OR, you get turned […]


March 2, 2005 by Tim

Well… something is up. I really feel like crap today. I can tell that I’m like right inbetween being sick and being perfectly fine. Not far enough into either realm to function properly. I’m going to go back to resting and drinking fluids and all that jazz, because I really want to feel like myself […]


March 1, 2005 by Tim

Yeah, I’m calling a sick day. Comic will definitely be up late.

Con report up

by Tim

I went ahead and wrote up a quick con report for MegaCon while I had the energy. I’m really still recovering from this weekend. Not sure what else I’ll be able to do right now. Comic may very well be up late tomorrow.

I am back from MegaCon, but I am so worn out it’s not even funny.

If you ARE going to MegaCon

February 23, 2005 by Tim

If you are going to be at MegaCon this weekend, here is the scoop. I will be at Table 19 in the Indie Press section. You could also just look for the simian operating Table 20 right next to me. I could also be over visiting with my friend at Table 24. But most likely […]

This weekend I’ll be down in Orlando, Florida for MegaCon. This is the last newspost I’ll be making until next week when I get back. The comics, as always, will continue uninterrupted. Because I rock just that much. If you can’t go to MegaCon, perhaps you could plan to come catch me at ConnectiCon or […]


February 21, 2005 by Tim

Haven’t been home all day. Sorry for the lack of news. Today’s comic marks the 500th Ctrl+Alt+Del strip that I have drawn. Pretty crazy huh? 500… that’s… half of a thousand. Hoo boy. I know I said I wasn’t going to make a comic about this, but I couldn’t help myself. I’ll post more news […]

Once again…

February 19, 2005 by Tim

Once again, Brian says exactly what I was thinking, only much much better than I ever could have expressed without using the phrase “stupid pile of fucking shit” sixty-seven times. He’s like Playmate of the Year, if Playboy was all about writing commentary on various issues. I’m shutting up now.