If you haven’t gone and checked out the demo for Scrapland, I suggest you hurry up. I downloaded and played through it yesterday. First of all, American McGee’s name attached to any game is enough to get me to sit up and take notice. But from start to finish (of the demo) this game just […]
I scripted, penciled and inked today’s comic last night, but by the time I sat down to color it, sheer exhaustion had caught up with me. The last week has been so tiring, with the move, getting settled, and the surrounding issues. I’m finally getting comfortable here though, and starting to get back into a […]
Now that I’ve moved, I need to find a new gym. Could someone in the New Haven, CT give me the locations of some of them? Preferrably somewhere in the vicinity of Whalley Ave and E.T. Grasso… since that’s about all I’m familiar with here at this point. Thanks.
Well, I’m home in New Haven, with an internet connection. It’s been a very hectic move, and I’ve hit a few speedbumps in the process which have made things more difficult, but for all intents and purposes, I’m back up and running. The CAD office is nearly all unpacked, enough so that I can get […]
I still don’t have an internet connection at the new apartment. I drove up to Cape Cod to visit my parents, so I’m using their computer to give you this update. Comcast is giving us some shitty run-around about why they can’t take my modem’s MAC address and give me a connection. I spent 2-3 […]
Here I go, taking down my computers and entering a world I fear, a world without internet. I should be back up and running Saturday, fingers crossed. I’ll be sure to post here when I have internet access in the new apartment. Just a reminder that Ubercon in New Jersey is now only a couple […]
As I’ve been mentioning over the last few weeks, I am moving to New Hampshire. Most of my stuff is now boxed up, and I’ll be spending the rest of the week finishing packing, getting things in order, cleaning up the apartment, etc. Between last Thursday and Friday I sat down and scripted, penciled, inked, […]
I took a few minutes tonight and whipped up some quick, much-requested wallpapers. So here you go:
Let’s talk about Ubercon, shall we? Ubercon is coming up in mid-October, and there is a whole lot of cool stuff going on around it. Enough to take up an entire newspost. So let’s begin. I highly recommend checking out Rich Fantasy Lives. Rich Fantasy Lives is the title of the very first album by […]
I just realized that Ubercon has posted a schedule (scroll down) of when webcomic related panels will be and such. If you are planning on attending Ubercon, it might be a good idea to check this out to see when my panel is, and other panels I’ll be on. ALSO, they are taking sign-ups for […]
X-Men Legends is awesome. It’s about time a video game did the X-Men some justice again. I’ve only messed around with the first couple of levels, because I bought the game for the blissful co-op feature, so I can’t get too far into it until my best friend comes down to help me move next […]
The response to this idea has been overwhelming. I’ve got people trying to buy 200 raffle tickets online, before the raffle even starts. I am aware that not everyone can make it to Ubercon. Unfortunately, I cannot open this raffle up to the general public. It is an incentive to attend the convention. As I […]
Some of the readers that have been around for a long time will remember that for a short while, I offered XBox console skins featuring CAD characters. They haven’t been available for nearly a year now, but in the near future I’m going to be bringing them back, eventually making skins for all of the […]
I will take orders for this shirt until Wednesday September 29th. The shirts will then be printing while I’m in the middle of moving, and will ship sometime in the middle of October.
UPDATE: Important announcement! Scroll down! Alright, where shall we begin today, children? Perhaps on chapter three? Yes, I know the Star Wars Trilogy is out on DVD. Yes, I own it. Yes, I know what changes they made. No, I’m NOT going to make a comic about it. Why? Because I just don’t give a […]
Look, guys, I know that Chef Brian isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Of all the people that read this comic, at least 45% love Chef Brian, 45% hate Chef Brian, and 10% probably just don’t care enough to have an opinion. So either way, whether I run Chef Brian strips or I don’t run any, […]