I appreciate you all taking a moment to respond to the poll I posted regarding the CAD 1.0 complete collection/omnibus/I haven’t decided what to call it yet. While votes do not equal purchases, I’m please to say that if only a fraction of the people who expressed interest in owning this collection actually pledge to […]
While it’s no particular secret if you follow the newsposts or my Twitter feed, I am officially working on a Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Complete Book Set. I define Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 as everything from the very first comic up to the end of the original Ethan and Lucas storyline in Novemver 2012. In other words, the first […]
Dying Light is fairly easy to sum up: A Better Dead Island. It makes sense, a the same company worked on both franchises. But Dying Light takes some of the best parts of Dead Island (the melee combat and the weapons crafting) sprinkles in a little Far Cry and grafts it all onto a post […]
Cort wins the argument: 18217 (54%) Speck wins the argument: 15641 (46%)
Do you enjoy the work I do? Do you like exclusive stuff like extra comics? Then check out the Ctrl+Alt+Del Patreon, where you can pledge ongoing support that directly contributes to the production of more content, such as paying my colorist for her wonderful work on these issues! Plus, not only do all $3+ Patrons […]
Cast your vote to determine how the next page plays out!
This week begins issue #2 of The Starcaster Chronicles! It’s been a little while, so if you want to brush up on where Cort and Speck left off, you can read all of issue #1 starting here. Kate Finnegan will be joining me on colors this issue. I really enjoyed working with her on Analog […]
If you use the Ctrl+Alt+Del iPhone app, you’ve likely found by now that it is not updating. Unfortunately, the iPhone app will no longer be supported moving forward. We’ve elected not to renew the contract with the company that built and ran the app. You should retain access to all of your in-app purchases, but […]
Doing some livestreaming tonight.
Mold prototype v0.03.61 pre-alpha gameplay from Stephan Haidacher on Vimeo.
Drawing the comic, sped up 6000%
I want to bring some attention to a family in need of a little kindness this winter. Matt and Rachel Casale’s worlds were turned upside down last month when, just a few days before Christmas, their 3-year-old little girl was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). As a parent myself now, they are living one of […]
Drawing today’s comic, sped up over 6000%.
There are a couple of pieces of background art in today’s comic, one of them is mine, but the awesome Vader watercolor was done by Clementine over at Blule. She does some really cool stuff, and you can buy prints of her work. She’s got a lot of super hero and Star Wars stuff you […]
Elite: Dangerous is one of those games that, on paper (actually, sort of in practice too) sounds really repetitive. However it’s also one of those games that does the details so well, that it almost ends up being the little repeitive things like learning to dock your ship properly that become the defining thrills of […]
Sometimes it feels like for every new item about Destiny and its features, there are two news items about players breaking or circumventing Destiny’s intended mechanics. I imagine this must be rather frustrating for Bungie. After all, this is all very much a learning experience for them. While no doubt they had to manage their […]