It’s starting to get rather cold here in New England. I guess it’s a good thing that I’ll be in Texas on the 22nd, eh? Yeah, you heard me correctly. I’ve been invited to a big LAN down in Houston, Texas. Now, I’ve never been to Texas before, and I have no clue when I’ll […]
For all of you out there that scrounge and snap up every little bit of information concerning Halo 2 that exists on the face of the planet, allow me to direct you here. I guess some of the rest of you might get a kick out of it too…
Another day, another comic. But I’d think you’d be used to that by now. Christmas is practically here. It’s unavoidable. I have to be honest though, the holidays this year are shaping up to be much more enjoyable than the past couple of years, so it’s not all bad. I’m sure a lot of you […]
I am totally constructing myself some armor out of an Xbox.
Apparently when America’s Army switched to new authorization services a few accounts got lost in the suffle… like mine. I missed the announcement explaining this. I’d like to thank my readers for bringing it to my attention. I’ve emailed them about restoring my account. I better not have to do the medic training over again… […]
So I downloaded and installed the America’s Army v2.0 patch last night, thinking that it had been a while since I’ve played, and would check out the additions. I try to fire up a game, and I find that my password isn’t working with my username. I went to the official site and used the […]
Well, I hope everyone had a great Turkey day. I spent mine eating, seeing the family and playing FFXI. Not a bad day, all things considered. I do have FFXI up and running, so if you want to drop me a line in-game, feel free to do so. I’m playing on the Phoenix server. My […]
If you play FFXI, you can catch me on the Phoenix server. My name in game is… are you ready for this? Absath. Hehe. So you can message me and say hi, or give me lots of money, or whatever. Right now I’m all weak and crap, so I’m doing the newbie thing around Port […]
There’s not going to be a whole lot to say here. I mean, tomorrow IS Thanksgiving and all. I’m expecting Final Fantasy XI to arrive by FedEx today, so I’ll probably be sneaking off to play that all day tomorrow. I thought the demo for Deus Ex: Invisible War was sort of mediocre. Now, before […]
That decision has come to an end. I got a chance to try out the Horizons Beta test for a little bit (thanks Jonathan). I’m telling you, I am going to have a lot of things to say about that game when the NDA is lifted. I just ordered FFXI. Overnight shipping because I’m too […]
Where to begin… Well, let’s start with new stuff. Many of you have been waiting for and asking about CADSkins for the XBox. Well, I have made the first two available for purchase in the store. At this time, however, I cannot entirely guarantee that these will ship in time for christmas, but there is […]
I don’t know what to do! Madsen is trying to get me to play Final Fantasy XI… and it’s tempting! But Horizons is just around the corner! Help! Is Final Fantasy worth it? For those of you in the Horizons beta test… is it worth waiting for? And tell me why!
I’ve started getting some emails concerning the opening panel in today’s comic strip. Allow me to touch on this subject for a moment. Yes, Massachusetts did clear the way for gay and lesbian couples to marry. You can read about the supreme court ruling here. I rarely, if ever, allow politics into the comic strip. […]
Well, I finally got around to writing up the convention report for my trip to Nekocon a couple of weeks ago. There may be spelling errors and the like.. it was 2am when I wrote it, and I haven’t proof-read it. You can read it here. We’re currently being sponsored by FuitadNET hosting. They have […]
Well, it would appear that I’ve made it into the finalists for that Sexiest Gamer thing.
Comic for your thoughts? Got some demo news for you. First of all, if you have yet to play Max Payne 2, you should grab the demo here and give it a whirl. Also check out Beyond Good and Evil if you’re into action/adventure stuff. I thought it was pretty entertaining. The CAD Exclusives! for […]