
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Banners. A whole Saga of them.

January 15, 2014 by Tim

Motherfucking Banner Saga, man. I’ve been anxiously awaiting this game for the better part of a year, and it’s finally arrived. I was up until the wee hours of the morning playing, and I can’t wait to finish my other stuff today to get back to it. Everything you need to know about the combat […]

Lost in translation

January 10, 2014 by Tim

Playstation Now looks great. A decent compromise to backwards compatibility, the service will allow people to stream older games to their devices, like an OnLive for Playstation games. If it works, it will be pretty cool. I have to wonder, though, if anyone at Microsoft is scratching their heads regarding the favorable reaction to this […]


January 8, 2014 by Tim

I don’t recognize the person I become when playing Rust alone. By necessity, to survive, you have to become the most untrusting, paranoid fuck possible. It consumes you. Suspicion is paramount. You adopt a shoot-first, ask questions later mentality, and any attempts to do otherwise are met with disaster more often than not. As an […]


January 6, 2014 by Tim

Rust is one of those early access games I had kicking around on my Steam wishlist, and finally picked up last month. The most apt description would be to call it a cross between Minecraft and Day Z, with the scales tipped towards the latter. You start out somewhere in the wilderness, completely naked with […]

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2014 by Tim

Happy 2014 everyone! 2013 ended on a hell of a high-note for me, but everything leading up to it was a crazy whirlwind of unexpected, head-spinning stress. The year did not go at all how I thought it would, so here’s to hoping 2014 is a smidge more predictable! Currently in a bit of a […]


December 30, 2013 by Tim

I’m beginning to forget what it felt like to be not-tired.

Merry Christmas!

December 23, 2013 by Tim

As I would hope should be no surprise, since it’s the same deal every year, I won’t be updating on Christmas. I’ll post a new silly, or something, but not a full update. I’ll be spending the holiday with my family, and our early Christmas present:   I hope you all have a fantastic and […]


December 16, 2013 by Tim

I find myself adding a lot of games to my Steam wishlist lately. Games that even as little as a year ago I wouldn’t have hesitated to purchase outright. I think my wishlist has sort of turned into an “on deck” list or “holding pattern”, in light of so many interesting indie games constantly springing […]


December 13, 2013 by Tim

Well, I survived my first week of parenthood. Only… eighteen more years to go.

Ecstatic and exhausted

December 6, 2013 by Tim

So… I have certainly intended to do a proper comic for today. However, our son had other plans, and decided to show up two weeks early. This handsome little devil, Flynn Hartland Buckley, was born yesterday morning at a healthy eight pounds even. Mother and baby are doing absolutely wonderfully, and we’re so thrilled to […]


December 4, 2013 by Tim

  Our site is being sponsored this week by SUMO beanbag chairs. They love you guys and, apparently, you dig them as well. You’ve heard me talk about them in the past, I have a handful of their chairs myself, and I love them. They’re very easy for me to recommend, so I’m always happy to welcome […]


December 2, 2013 by Tim

  Our site is being sponsored this week by SUMO beanbag chairs. They love you guys and, apparently, you dig them as well. You’ve heard me talk about them in the past, I have a handful of their chairs myself, and I love them. They’re very easy for me to recommend, so I’m always happy […]

A matter of convenience

November 27, 2013 by Tim

I’ve had my PS4 and my Xbox One for a little while now. As game systems go, they’re both pretty awesome. The XB1 has the better launch lineup. The PS4 has the better controller (though they’re both great, the Dual Shock 4 was a bigger improvement over its predecessor than the XB1 controller). Both systems […]

Next Gen’d

November 22, 2013 by Tim

After my PS4 got the Pulsing Blue Dickpunch last Friday, I called Sony. It took me three hours on hold to finally get someone, but they told me they’d send out an RMA box. It arrived on Monday, overnighted. The return label was overnight FedEx as well, so I sent the console back the same […]


November 20, 2013 by Tim

You guys are pretty damned awesome.

So I backed this nifty sidescroller by some former LucasArts vets, Super Roman Conquest, on Kickstarter. It looked like a pretty neat idea, and the preview of their new art direction by Sean Ward (of Hyper Light Drifter) won me over:   Anyway, they were about a thousand dollars shy of their modest $30,000 goal, […]

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