So, a new Star Wars movie every summer starting in 2015. Wow. I was not a big fan of the prequels. When Disney bought Star Wars and we found out we were getting more new movies, I was a little aprehensive. Apprehension turned to cautious optimism with J. J. Abrams attached to direct the first […]
Back in November when I ended Ethan and Lucas’ previous continuity, I did promise they would be back. I haven’t talked about it much since, except on the forums, so I want to take a quick moment to give you guys an update on that. Yes, it is still happening. I’ve been actively working on […]
You know what though? Aquaman actually can be kind of a badass. But holy shit does he have a never-ending uphill battle in the court of public opinion. I don’t read a lot of Aquaman, he’s not my favorite DC super hero (that title belongs to The Green Lantern), but you know what, I do […]
Get ’em while they last. Signed, numbered, personalized if you want them, matted and frame-ready. $14.99 + shipping. If Personalized, to who?
Just a reminder that later this evening I am going to put up for sale the few leftover Limited Edition Dungeon Delve prints that I have. There aren’t many, unfortunately, but if you wanted one for your game room or office or whatever, and missed it in January, now’s your chance. I’m aiming for 6pm […]
With the current Mass Effect trilogy finally and truly concluded with the release of the very last DLC, a couple of news outlets (Kotaku in particular) have been doing a lot of looking back at the series this week. It got me thinking about the series, and in particular, the famous “dialogue wheel” that, when […]
I have a small handful of Limited Dungeon Delve prints that I’d held back in case I needed to replace any that got lost in the mail. Not many… I stopped orders in the upper 400’s, and printed 500 just to have a nice even number. Now that everyone that ordered has received their print, […]
I was pointed to a blog wherein a professor at UCI breaks down the visual rhetoric of Mad Men episodes. Pretty interesting stuff if you watch the show.
I really enjoy Mad Men. It’s just incredibly entertaining. I also can’t really think of a way to describe what the show is about. I mean, I know the characters. I know everything they do, and their relationships. But have you ever tried to explain Mad Men to someone that doesn’t watch the show these […]
Britanny and I would like to thank everyone that has emailed, tweeted, or posted in the forums with words of support and condolences over the past week in regards to Simon. While the many of you that have lost pets yourselves know that words can’t lessen the pain, we did find comfort in the community, […]
There will be no Silly today, and there will be no comic tomorrow. Yesterday morning, our beloved and precious dog Simon passed away suddenly from complications due to his ongoing battle with a collapsing trachea. He was six years old. Many of you will remember that in January, Simon had a big surgery to support […]
I don’t know about Defiance… I played in a sneak preview weekend thing, and I ended up shutting it off after like twenty minutes and uninstalling. I felt like the entire presentation was so mediocre. It felt, as I guess you’d expect, like a game that was being slapped together and pushed out the door […]
Not pictured: Then the internet kicks him in the balls and goes off to look at cat pictures. I kind of feel bad that it’s so hard to surprise anyone in this day and age. Information gets thrown around so quickly, that it makes any sort of set-up or ruse on a massive scale just […]
It’s unfortunate that my first thought when I see a game like this is “It’s probably going to suck.” I can’t decide if it’s a defense mechanism, to try and prevent me from getting my hopes up that we’ll finally get another good TMNT game, just to have them dashed again, or if it’s merely […]
Well, only one more day until the sole reason I own a Wii U comes out: Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. MH3U is essentially an updated version of MH Tri which came out on the Wii a few years ago. They’ve taken the game, added a bunch of new monsters, all of the weapon types that […]
I was going to talk a little bit more about SimCity today, but… honestly what is there to tell you? It’s SimCity. This one is prettier, and more detailed/complex… but if you know SimCity, you know what the game is. Instead, let me talk to you about another game I’ve been playing recently that perhaps […]