
Blog posts organized in chronological order

TERA guild

April 20, 2012 by Tim

Our guild in TERA has been made. We’re on the Jagged Alliance server. If you’re interested in joining, either whisper Kupcake for an invite, or (even easier) do a search for The Rapscallions in the “Guilds On Server” window, and apply that way.


April 18, 2012 by Tim

I’m mostly playing Tribes and League of Legends right now, and I didn’t feel like doing comics about those. So instead I’m trying something a bit different this week. Coming up though, I’m pretty excited about TERA and Diablo 3. I don’t know how I’ll work out playing with people in Diablo 3, but you’re […]

Tribes FYI

April 14, 2012 by Tim

If you sign up for Tribes via the link in the above newspost, it automatically puts me on your friends list. Then when you’re on, and you see me in a game, you can simply try to join the server I’m on. It’s pretty convenient.


April 13, 2012 by Tim

I remember playing Starsiege: Tribes when it was first released, back when the only internet was dial-up and PC games still came in these enormous, oversized boxes. The way Tribes handled objective-based matches, along with protecting/invading bases, all on top of a cool sci-fi setting had me totally hooked. It added “shazbot” to my vocabulary, […]

Gently used

April 9, 2012 by Tim

I upgraded some PC parts over the weekend, and the stuff I took out is still in great shape. I have nothing else to do with it, so I tossed it up on eBay in case someone needs a new video card. They’re two GTX280 Hydro Copper cards from EVGA. I ran them together in […]


April 6, 2012 by Tim

This game Prime World (sort of a cross-platform MOBA/action/strategy thing) is apparently offering gender-discounts. I’ve seen a handful of sensationalist articles this week reporting that “Prime World offers discounted females heroes to women in order to reel in the ladies!”, but actually the gender-discount goes both ways. Guys who purchase male heroes pay less as […]

It’s a big ol’ universe

April 4, 2012 by Tim

So just to be clear, as far as I’m concerned Star Wars belongs to George Lucas, and he can do whatever he wants with it. I think the idea that “Star Wars belongs to the fans” is bull. I do think a lot of what’s being done recently (ie, most since the original trilogy) is […]

Doing that streaming thing

April 2, 2012 by Tim

Working on a bit of cover artwork. Streaming it. Live stream by Ustream

…but let’s just go ahead and skip right to May already.

Way ahead of me

March 28, 2012 by Tim

Apparently, the first thing that reader Eugene did when he bought his new house a couple of years ago is immediately purchase four SUMO Sultans for a hang-out room. I need to step my game up.

I am slowly but surely executing a devious plan to fill our living room with plush SUMO chairs. It’s a subtle game… obviously my wife can’t just come home one day to a living room full of beanbags. She’d notice that. So instead I’m playing the long con. It starts with one chair, just there […]


March 26, 2012 by Tim

I’ve received my share of “come back to us” emails from MMOs over the years, but the one I recently got from SWTOR was by far the most personally tailored. It cleverly played on SWTOR’s strongest attribute, the story, by featuring one of my trooper’s main companions (I imagine other classes would receive emails with […]

The new cloud computing

March 21, 2012 by Tim

The Pirate Bay suggests it may look into serving their website from mid-air over international waters to avoid legal repurcussions. You can’t make this stuff up. The only thing more absurd will be whatever the MPAA/RIAA do to try and combat it. I don’t support piracy at all, no matter what half-assed justification you want […]


March 19, 2012 by Tim

It has to load that small section of the ship separately because that’s where the war room is, and it accesses the “galactic readiness” percentages based on a variety of factors, including checking EA’s servers for info from the mobile app. Apparently. … It’s still very annoying.

I suppose…

by Tim

Popular theory seems to be that the security scanner is a disguised loading screen… which I can see, since they did something similar with those awful elevators in ME1. Though then the question is still… why? They load larger areas than that, with more objects/people, in most other portions of the game. So I wonder […]

That room

by Tim

I can’t quite figure out why there’s a room before the CIC on the Normandy SR2 that makes me sit through a full-body security scan on Commander Shepard every time he passes through. What are they securing against? I can go straight from the armory to the bridge via the elevator, so there’s nobody stopping […]

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