When I fired up Journey earlier this week, my wife exclaimed “You’re a Jawa!” And then I could not unsee it. In all seriousness though, Journey is so absolutely gorgeous it’s hard to put the entire experience into words. It’s a PS3 exclusive, so if you own a PS3 this is a game you need […]
Thank you all for the many, many emails alerting me to the phone app redistributing my comic (via this link). I have already contacted the app’s creator and asked him to remove Ctrl+Alt+Del, and he has complied. It’s all taken care of. I appreciate you all taking a moment to email/tweet me about this, and […]
I settled on using the Shepard imposted, and actually, it looks much more like my character in-game. It’s still a little off, but it’s close enough. As it turns out, there is quite a large disparity between the way characters look on the character creation screen, and the way they look in-game. It’s unfortunate, especially […]
A method just popped up online a day or two ago for supposedly working around Bioware’s face import issues. It’s a little complex, with a bunch of file swapping and registering for/downloading a bunch of stuff. I decided to give it a shot though, to see if there was a shot of getting my Shepard […]
Well, I am still very much looking forward to playing Mass Effect 3. It’s sitting in my living room, but I’ve decided not to get into it until Bioware releases a fix for the character import issue. If you haven’t heard about this, essentially anyone who made their Commander Shepard in the original game, and […]
And the folks over at Invisible Children have posted a response to some of the concerns that have been raised over their charity. A very good read that addresses a lot of the issues. As I said, before you donate (to any charity), make sure you always collect as much data as possible so that […]
While I think that the Kony 2012 initiative has its heart in the right place, it’s always a good idea to get as complete a view of things when possible, especially when dealing with charities. Not all charities are created equal, after all. In the interest of posting as much information on the subject as […]
This video is a little long, but the message is worth it. When I tweeted it last night, I think it had a few hundred-thousand views. This evening it has seven million. That’s crazy, but it means it’s working. Take a look if you haven’t watched it yet.
When I do a comic or a story arc on Warmachine, I tend to get a handful of emails from people curious about trying it out/switching over, but not sure where to start or what faction they should play. I’m certainly not an expert, but I have been playing WM for about five years, and […]
I’ve got to say, the Rancor frenzy bit actually looks sort of fun (skip to 2:45). The rest of it though…
Over a year ago I posted about a little indie game in development called Overgrowth. It’s the sequel to a little game called Lugaru. Anyway, it’s not done yet, but it’s looking more amazing than ever, and I just want to remind you about it. There’s still no actual “game” per se, in that there […]
Playing League of Legends on the release day of a new champion is an interesting affair. If you’ve bought said new champion, obviously you’re looking to play it, and queuing up becomes a crazy luck-intensive game of whack-a-mole as you race to load in and pick the champion before anyone else. If you didn’t buy […]
Kingdoms of Amalur is fun. It’s not perfect, but it’s fun. Here’s the highlight reel. I love the visual style. Some of the environments are downright stunning. A lot of the armor is really cool, and they have some awesome monsters. The visual style is a little inconsistent though. Some creatures and people just don’t […]
The developers recently announced that a “speed run” of KoA’s main quest and every side quest took roughly 200 hours to complete. And that’s with already knowing exactly where to go, and what to do for every quest. And then they questioned if perhaps they might have gone a little overboard. The main quest alone […]
It’s been over a year since I let him loose, so it was about time I think. I’m gearing up for Kingdoms of Amalur next week, my first hugely anticipated game of 2012. I know a lot of people may be playing the demo just to get their Mass Effect 3 items, but I really […]
The 1000 referral reward for League of Legends is an in-game content element named after you. I hit 1000 referrals early last year, but they warned me that it could take a while. They don’t introduce items into the game too often, and they have to do what they can to keep items within the […]