
Blog posts organized in chronological order

Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 DVD Set

April 19, 2016 by Tim

I’ve made the remaining copies of the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Collection DVD set available through a new “Shopify” store I’m testing out. This three-disc DVD set includes all three volumes of the 1.0 Box Set collection in PDF format. These are the same files we used to print the actual books from (minus all of the printers marks, obviously), so […]

There is still a few hours left to sign up for the April “Quest” crate, featuring some Labrynth, Harry Potter and Uncharted goodies! Use coupon code ctrlaltdel to shave a few dollars off the price!

Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 DVD Set

April 18, 2016 by Tim

I’ve made the remaining copies of the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Collection DVD set available through a new “Shopify” store I’m testing out. This three-disc DVD set includes all three volumes of the 1.0 Box Set collection in PDF format. These are the same files we used to print the actual books from (minus all of the […]

Drawing today’s page

April 13, 2016 by Tim

Vote Results 4/4

April 7, 2016 by Tim

Starcaster Vote 4/4

April 4, 2016 by Tim

Also as a heads up, in the near future I’m going to be making the remaining copies of the DVD version of the Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Set available for purchase. This 3-disc DVD set includes super high-res PDFs of the three volumes in the book set, as well as a ton of extra wallpapers and […]

If we can hit our next two milestones, all Patrons no matter the pledge level will receive a Chef Brian comic (again) and an Ethan and Lucas one-shot each month!

Vote Results

March 23, 2016 by Tim

My favorite votes are the ones where the polls run pretty close.

We played another session of our Kingdom Death campaign last night, and that video has now been added to the YouTube playlist:

We left off issue #3 with a vote about where the crew should head for repairs, and that’s where we pick up in issue #4. Where should the crew head for repairs? The Hartland-Ashford Mining way station 20610 52.5%The Cordaw-13 casino 18658 47.5% So you know the drill, I’ll draw the pages and upload them […]

Recorded Saturday 3/5

Tonight at around 8pm EST, me and my buddy Rich are going to start a fresh campaign of Kingdom Death via Tabletop Simulator. You’ll be able to watch along via my Twitch channel. Watch live video from TimCAD on


March 4, 2016 by Tim

Based on a true story.

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