Man, everyone has been telling me that Transformers is actually a decent movie. Are you kidding me? Is that even possible? I mean, I really don’t have much of a problem with studios changing the appearance of existing brands for movies. I didn’t mind the X-men movie costumes, etc. I understand that sometimes things that […]
Happy Fourth of July, everyone! It’s good to be free, isn’t it? Try not to blow your fingers off with explosives.
I’m not dead. I went to visit my parents for a couple of days, and I forgot to make a newspost from the laptop.
So I forgot that the new Indiana Jones movie was filming this weekend a couple of streets away from my house here in New Haven. Harrison Ford got into town Wednesday they say, and Spielberg arrived yesterday. And having forgotten this, I decided to go to the bank this afternoon, which lies on the very […]
Wow. The Darkness is pretty damned good. That’s a nice surprise. Just to get this out of the way first, the controls are a bit loose. Not in a game-ruining way, but enough to make you say “Hmm, I wish the controls were a bit tighter”. I find you get used to it though. So […]
The Darkness is shipping this week. I’ve been on console hiatus due to a LOTRO fixation, but The Darkness seems like it would be reason to give my controller some lovin’. Uhh, I mean… Anyway, I’ve never read the comic book, but I can’t say the idea of running around with weird, alien hell demon […]
So Wednesday, hoping to discover a very obvious and well-known cause to the problem, I posted about my sparkly monitor. Alas, no simple culprit was to be found. The hundreds of emails suggested either a faulty monitor, monitor cable, or video card, but none of the three suggested causes outweighed the others. That is to […]
News forthcoming…
I forgot to mention that this takes place in Windows XP, on a system running dual monitors and dual video cards. The Viewsonic runs to one video card, my Cintiq runs to the other. I have experienced no sparklies on the Cintiq. Graphic drivers are up to date, and the sparklies did not correspond with […]
This monitor has begun to… sparkle. Let me see if I can appropriately describe this issue. First of all, it’s a 20″ LCD, Viewsonic VP201b. It runs at 1600×1200. I’ve had it for a couple of years, and I liked the monitor enough that I ended up buying another for my other computer shortly after […]
I thought I would clarify my personal stance on “strategy” guides. I am of the opinion that if you have attempted a game, and at some point find yourself truly stuck and unable to figure out how to progress, be it a key or puzzle you’re missing, then consulting a strategy guide or forum is […]
Let me tell you what I love about Lord of the Rings Online. Almost everything. Let me tell you what I hate about Lord of the Rings Online. Hobbits. I have grown to absolutely despise those little fuckers. I am resolved to never group with one of the furry little shits, and if I have […]
Ok, so if you haven’t heard about this Church of England vs Sony thing, here’s the basic gist: In the PS3 game Resistance: Fall of Man, the Manchester Cathedral is used as an environment, and you as the player fight some aliens there. With guns, because what else are you going to fight aliens with. […]
That Yellow Bastard edition. Lil’ Frank Miller goodness.
People have started receiving their Animated Series DVDs. I just wanted to point out that, if you ordered the Collector’s Edition with the bonus disc, there is more on the bonus disc than the featurette. Just pop it into your computer and browse the disc to find wallpapers, script, storyboards, etc.
So, I play Vanguard every night. I enjoy it, despite it’s flaws, because I view all of its problems as fixable over time. But a couple of weeks ago I started playing Lord of the Rings Online. I started a Dwarf Guardian, then put him on hold at level 6 while Big Retarded Idiot And […]