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Guilt Trip

June 15, 2020 by Tim

Unfortunately, the games I don’t finish drastically outnumber the games I do finish (of those that can actually be finished, anyway). Nothing is a harsher reminder of that than the announcement of a sequel.

Up until a sequel is announced, I can tell myself “Eh, I’ll get back to that game someday. There’s no rush.” Once there’s a follow-up in the works, suddenly there feels like a shelf-life on that excuse.

All in all though, I liked what I saw during the PS5 presentation. Very little really knocked my socks off from a “Whoa, that’s Next-gen!” standpoint, but at the very least there’s a lot of great gaming in the near future, and that’s always a good thing.

Actually, if anything I’m feeling a bit overloaded with all of the gaming announcements happening this month. Without E3 to sort of, I don’t know, schedule these things, it feels like announcements are just pouring out from every direction, and it’s a scramble just to try and watch/read it all, much less digest it.

Right now, I’m finding myself super psyched for the new Spider-man, obviously, Horizon despite the guilt, and I’m not even a cat-person, but Stray looked really interesting. Also, it’s been a long time since I’ve played Demon’s Souls, the OG that started the whole “soulslike” genre, so I’m excited for the remake as a chance to revisit it.

I’m not super enamored with the PS5 console itself… but fortunately my consoles are inside an AV cabinet, and not on display. So I won’t need to stare the weird melted-taco.


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4 years ago

I do need to get back at it to play the DLC

Jacob Keller
Jacob Keller
4 years ago

In regards to Horizon Zero Dawn. That hits way too close to home. I shift put the game back in my ps4 to finish since they announced the sequel.( I am gonna do the whole fumbling to remember controls route.) On the topic of next gen. I think the Ratchet and Clank game was the one that got me most excited for next gen. Which makes sense with it being a first party title. It seemed to show off the most of what the PS5 is capable of. Also I actually like that PS5 did something different with its design.… Read more »

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
4 years ago
Reply to  Jacob Keller

I honestly don’t get why people keep saying that about Ratchet and Clank. I saw an incredibly linear cutscene with loading stutters (so much for that all powerful SSD) and graphics that look like the PS4 Ratchet and Clank, all running at an underwhelming 30fps. Ratchet and Clank was probably the least “next gen” thing they showed us, other than GTA V.

4 years ago

I didn’t see any stuttering between the different portals, but maybe you have some level of super vision I don’t have (for some reason). Also, I dunno why 60 fps or bust is a thing. There are A LOT of good looking games out there on PS4 that run at 30 fps just fine. Don’t get me wrong in a competitive shooter I can see the need for 60 fps, but in a single player game? Who cares?

Jacob Keller
Jacob Keller
4 years ago
Reply to  Karnasis

If you go in and assume that it’s not a finished game, which it most likely is not, then yes it gets me excited.

Also where did you watch it from? With this footage being streamed to millions of people it might shave problems.

I didn’t say that it was perfect. I just sailed it got me most excited for what the next gen consoles are capable of compared to current gen. I will save my complete judgement for when the game releases but I am excited for what I saw at that moment

4 years ago

Except I’m pretty sure that was gameplay, not a cutscene. The entire point of it was showing off how quickly they can load entire worlds/areas in which they literally say between the two trailers of the game…

4 years ago

I’ve been more excited about remakes and remasters lately. When they remade Final Fantasy, a game that was already years old by the time I got to it, I was giddy to be able to experience it for the first time without forcing myself through dated mechanics. Incidentally, I’m looking forwards to what they do with the Mass Effect remake/remaster. ME1 was a truckerflux of bugs and strange mechanics but imperative to setup the groundwork for the others. A remake of this would be a chance to fix up one of gaming’s biggest classics and make it available to a… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Doc

I’m mixed on them. Warcraft 3 Reforged burned me on them and FF7:R gave me a nerd boner and they did it right for the most part.

4 years ago
Reply to  Doc

On one hand brushing up the graphics and smoothing some of the mechanics would be cool. But I distrust EA to allow it to be done well. Like they will port it over to the same engine they forced Andromeda onto. Then not allow rebuilding the various graphics again. Demand an online element. And when they are done it will be all the things people whined about being broken in Andromeda all over again. So leave remaking classics to other companies I think. And let anything good that EA has taken remain a fond memory. Now if Bethesda could make… Read more »

4 years ago

Truthfully, there are a lot of games I don’t finish. Especially sandboxes. I’ve never finished a single Elder Scrolls game, and only partially finished Fallout 3 and 4. I get bored with them before I actually do everything.

4 years ago

There is no reason to be ashamed oe feel guilty about not finishing a game. Also if you want to enjoy the sequel, you don’t need to finish the old part (is there?). Enjoy your games as ling as you want to enjoy them! It’s your free time!

4 years ago
Reply to  7egert

s/you don’t need to/there is no need to/

4 years ago

I read the first panel as “Hey remember the game we pushed every where few years back? Well it”s back now and we’ll cram it full of current year corporate bullshit.” I must have become jaded over the years but I can’t get the hype up for almost any new game. I am carefully curious about the ghost of Tsushima but even that is going to wait for reviewers if in the ned it’s just another open sandbox with hidden collectibles. And Assassins creed but thats more for my Viking fetish, serioiusly though what was up with the shields in… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Jaksteri

I feel the same way about a lot of modern games, just the same objective fetch quest sandbox platformers over and over with a different coat of paint, you’ve played one you’ve played them all.

no thanks nintendo
no thanks nintendo
4 years ago

I’m very much turned off by the PS5 console. Xbox went with a big ol’ rectangle, but that big ol’ rectangle has airflow and focuses on cooling. It should be pretty quiet. PS5 continues the PS3 and PS4 problem of barely having any air vents, meaning the fan will have to run faster and thus be louder to keep the console cool. I’m tired of Sony’s living room jet engines. They think they can make it as loud as they want and we should all just put on headphones to drown it out. No thanks Sony, headphones give me headaches… Read more »

4 years ago

With it being backwards compatible, why would you need to rebuy everything. Your games from the PS4 will work in a PS5. Trade in your PS4, since you won’t need it anymore. Your digital content will go forward as well as I suspect they will just continue using the current (or a slightly updated) PSN store. I agree on the airflow problem, though I’m not bothered by the jet engine sounds my ps4 makes. Though it’s probably becuase a) I’m used to them and b) I find it hilarious. But it does make extended gaming sessions a possible overheating problem… Read more »

4 years ago

Uhh, they talked at one point before about how important proper cooling is for the console so maybe stop making a ton of assumptions that have no basis in fact? Quotes are from the first link provided when I googled it. “A “great deal of effort” has gone into making the PS5’s cooling system less noisy.” “Sony has previously suggested PS5 features a “high-performance cooling solution” “According to a Bloomberg report from earlier this year, Sony has implemented an “unusually expensive” cooling system in PlayStation 5,” It’s also quite large, taller than any other console. Estimated dimensions of 15.74″ x… Read more »

4 years ago

As you haven’t responded to anything I’m just going to have to assume you’re a xbox fanboy who was trying to spread false information

4 years ago

It… It’s like your reading the most shameful parts of my SOUUUUUUUUUUUL!

4 years ago

Very few games do I play to 100% completion, but horizon and Spider-Man were two. Both just excellent imo.

4 years ago

I almost 100%-ed HZD. Just didn’t feel like doing the Hunting Lodges. But man it was a good game.

And I love the look of the PS5.

4 years ago

I had the same problem back with the previous gen console, at least until I worked out something of a schedule rotating my games through the week to make sure I complete them. Monday/Wednesday/Friday I play one game, Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday I play a different game, and I alternate between the two games till one is finished.

Saturday is my free day to play whichever I feel I’m further behind on or I am enjoying more.

4 years ago

How come nobody in the comments is talkin’ ’bout bugsnax?

Jacob Keller
Jacob Keller
4 years ago
Reply to  Collin

That game was just weird….but it doesn’t surprise me coming from the people that made Octodad.

4 years ago

I’m in this picture, and I don’t like it.

4 years ago

PS5: Another $500 gate from Sony to play “exclusives” that could probably run better on my PC anyways.

4 years ago
Reply to  Dan

This, my friend, is why you wait until they’re a quarter the price.
That said not everyone has a PC able to run anything at PS4 level, and a new computer is typically more expensive than a new console.

4 years ago
Reply to  Him.

well yeah but you almost never change the whole computer… you can upgrade from times to times. (and a pc does not only provide gaming, tbh, between a 600$pc + a 400$ console and a 1000$pc I’ve made my choice)

4 years ago
Reply to  Dan

Well, if you want to play those games, you need to get their console. It’s how it’s always worked. The advantage to a computer is that you can upgrade it over time, but a new GPU on it’s own costs almost as much as a PS4 (or PS5 when we get the price). For some that’s out of their price range and why there are more people buying consoles than buying gaming pc’s. Even a “budget” pc is more expensive than a console most of the time.

4 years ago

Even after 300h on fallout 4 or 500 on skyrim I never finished those games…

4 years ago

You think that maybe, just maybe, your expectations of society are a LITTLE too low?

4 years ago

What I hear… “You’ve been doing all your gaming on PC lately, and WE want you to buy our new system!” Well… Screw you guys, I’ll just borrow one for this game and call it good.

Jan Z.
Jan Z.
4 years ago

I absolutely feel you on this.

4 years ago

Horizon was an interesting game, but it was basically just another open world game and the bosses sucked, why can’t companies do bosses like Souls game do, even the average ones like the surge had decent bosses in comparison to every single open world 3rd person Shooter game, yes horizon is a 3rd person shoot instead of a gun you have various types of Bows. Fortunately Horizon mechanic monster design and part breaking design and mechanics were really good and the graphics too, but still nothing to that special, Same with spiderman, the game was great until you try to… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  AlexAngryguy

too many grammar errors T_T

4 years ago

You know what came out on steam recently? Persona 4. I don’t play consoles much so never played it. Talk about an old game, but if a game is good, it is never too late to go back to it. For a first, or second play through.

4 years ago

Just play in story mode, I did that this week and finished in 2 days.
It also makes you feel overpowered.

4 years ago

I remember when Ethan made this same observation.

4 years ago

Why do you need to finish a game when you can instead watch a playthrough?

Kenneth Lineberger
Kenneth Lineberger
4 years ago

I, too, suck at finishing games. But I’ll tell you, HZD was one of the few that sucked me in all the way. It was the first PS4 game I did actually finish (after flaking out on Odyssey about 50% of the way through lol).

4 years ago

So weird story I took a break from Horizon Zero Dawn literally right before the point of no return for the final battle, this was like a week after launch, just went back yesterday and finished it off and i’ll be dammed if this doesn’t resonate. Fumbling with controls in the final fight was really rough.

4 years ago

well, not gonna go for sequel; 1 was good story line until near end when it got predictable, gameplay also was fun until near end when it started feel nothing could be challenging any more

4 years ago

Cannot believe anyone could play Horizon and not complete it. I bought it well after release as was sick of the same old same old that all the other Big franchise games were coming out with. I’d say it is the best game I have played in the last 4 years minimum. The story was great from start to finish. The world was so alive that I didn’t realise there was a fast travel option till well into endgame (didn’t ever feel that travelling to a location was boring in part because the world was so interesting to look at,… Read more »