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September 14, 2018 by Tim

Please let there be a special circle of hell just for rocket launcher enemies and brutes.

Oh no… what if MY special circle of hell is filled with rocket enemies that launch brutes?!

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6 years ago

I’d take rocket/brute combination over the sable armored jet-pack energy-weapon dudes any day.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Maybe, but rockets can be slung into a brutes face. And trip mines, web-bombs, electric webs, drones, etc. etc. are all effective on either. I guess all enemies have their pro’s and cons. If you know what you are doing, even taskmaster is easy.

6 years ago

Rocket enemies shooting rocket mounted Brutes?

6 years ago
Reply to  Entercoven

like in fortnite?

6 years ago
Reply to  Entercoven

What about Rocket Launcher enemies shooting Heroin?

6 years ago

“Tripe Mines” can be used directly on a foe and will trigger when near another foe or wall. I finished the game, then found out there was an achievement for using that 10 times to web a foe to a foe. And then realized… they work on Brutes. I think the weirdest enemy to figure out are the chain guys. Do not go airborne. Do not fire directly unless they are recovering from missing you. But unlike everybody else with a melee weapon… you can just punch them. Now, the jetpack guys… obnoxious. Web, leap, air-throw. That smacks ’em into… Read more »

6 years ago

Reminds me of the first time I played Half Life 2. Stayed up over 24 hours and when I finally went to bed I was so screwed up from sleep deprivation that I was hallucinating headcrabs for two hours before I finally blacked out.

6 years ago
Reply to  GamerLEN

Watch out! There’s a poison headcrab waiting behind the door. Damn those things can jump…

6 years ago

Apparently, playing Spiderman can seriuosly mess one mind.
As far as that mind is not messed from start.
Pheeeew, I’m safe!!!

6 years ago

Brutes were really the bane of my life.

The Spidey-Sense timings were just slightly off for me to dodge them effortlessly — resorted to just webbing and throwing them against a wall — sure, not a particularly ‘Super’ way to deal with them; but needs must!

Great comic Tim! 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I’ve found that the best way to deal with brutes is web them up, web bomb is best imo, as it secures area, then use the melee grab/toss (square then hold triangle) on them, and launch them at a wall. if they’re still webbed up? They auto stick to it. As for the dodge rythym? godspeed getting that down.

Aditya Rameshan
Aditya Rameshan
6 years ago

I’m glad I’m not the only one who hates brutes and rocket enemies…..

6 years ago

Auto play ad with sound for that new 911 show.

Lt. Kettch
Lt. Kettch
6 years ago

Do you think this is a nightmares now? Just wait for OCTOber.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

If your special place in hell is like that, then you should hope they find the way to immortality before you die.

Evil Ninja (@EvilNinjaX24)
Evil Ninja (@EvilNinjaX24)
6 years ago

Ah, ye olde video game dreams. MAN – I never got those until I started playing UO in 2000, and I’d been gaming since Atari. What sucks most about them, for me anyway, is KNOWING I’m dreaming but unable to stop my brain from playing the damn games.

Tim van der Meij
Tim van der Meij
6 years ago

I play on Easy and find those guys ridiculously annoying. At least you can eventually fling the Rockets back, but Brutes take too much effort to take down.

The rAt
The rAt
6 years ago

Haven’t played this game yet, is this one of those unlockable costumes I’ve been hearing about?

If so, I give it a 4/10, at best. The lace frills are a nice touch, but that’s nowhere near enough cleavage.

6 years ago

Uh…so are you suggesting that you are, for a fact, going to hell?? If you are…are you implying you’re doing nothing to change that??

*INSERT EXTREMELY LONG -and often incorrect- BIBLICAL PREACHING AND JUDGMENTAL ATTITUDE!!!!!!* /joke.exe (because people don’t know how to identify one)

The last two panels had me absolutely cracking up. Thank you.

6 years ago

How about rocket launcher enemies that launch brutes WITH SHIELDS

6 years ago

Even so, waking up to Mary Jane wearing a Spider-Man-themed nightie would be best.

Gavin Edginton
Gavin Edginton
6 years ago

SO, I have been away from the comic for a while… How often is there a post?

5 years ago

I despise the inclusion of gimmicky enemies like these in games. “Here, you play a superhuman, we’ve chocked the game full of enemies that have various types of equipment that nullify most of your powers and each requires a specific arbitrary approach to fight. Have fun!” Force Unleashed, Infamous, Spider-Man, ugh… At least Shadow of Mordor restricted that sort of stuff to named Uruks.