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The Campaign: Against The Clock

May 22, 2017 by Tim

Legendary Showdown: Presidential Edition is now more than 30% funded! Don’t miss out on this President-battling card game that can be combined with the Ctrl+Alt+Del themed ‘Gamer’s Quest’ version of Legendary Showdown for even crazier battles!

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7 years ago

The look of a DM whose campaign just got slammed to a (probably permanent) halt.

7 years ago

😀 JUST KIDDING….made my day 😀

7 years ago

just a prank, bro

7 years ago

Don’t have much experience with pen and paper rpgs, but is this really something you should roll a dice check on?

7 years ago
Reply to  Zaposh

You can roll a dice to see if your berserker survives with his brains exposed, and you can roll a dice to see if your berserker can throw his brain, and another to see if it hits, and another to see how much damage it does.

Commentary Ver.2.72
Commentary Ver.2.72
7 years ago
Reply to  Zaposh

Roll dice for those breathing checks, failure is dire.

7 years ago

I’ve been in those situations XD

Me: Seriously I need to roll for that….
DM: This time you do…
Me: ok…
DM: ok… since you botched…

Now all zombies trip and die from trying to step over corpses based on president….

James Rye
James Rye
7 years ago

Yeah, there are so many boni you sometimes forget what you had yourself.

7 years ago

Okay, I can admit when I’m wrong. The god is indeed a dick. Other guy did call it.

7 years ago
Reply to  mjc

You don’t have to. The dice rule the game, the god is still lawful good. The god said you only could receive his blessing if he was of “pure character”, or whatever. A god isn’t going to just give away free power to people who aren’t worthy.

7 years ago

Having run, and played in, several campaigns where this has happened to myself or other characters, I know exactly how 3 feels! Plus, being a player watching THE player (the guy who really needs to pass this check otherwise we all die) get skragged like that, I’ve had the same look on my face as 1&2! That last panel is exactly how I see this happening in my mind when they find the bonus they’ve been forgetting to add into the entire game! So yeah, BTDT, still makes me want to find a corner and throw up!

7 years ago
Reply to  Padraic

If your game is at a point that one player has to make a roll or you all die, either your GM is bad at his job, your GM is a dick, or the party has seriously screwed up already. Making everything hinge on a single roll is a terrible idea and a decent GM will try to avoid it whenever possible.

Robert Archer
Robert Archer
7 years ago
Reply to  WJS

I beg to differ if its done right…and sparingly it can be a fun twist to a campaign now and then!

The 3 different times over the years where my group of assorted gamers that i did this with intentionally or not based on their actions they had a hoot and remember it fondly.

One Shot
One Shot
7 years ago
Reply to  Robert Archer

Yes, but did they ever fail that single die roll?

Robert Archer
Robert Archer
7 years ago
Reply to  One Shot

Twice in fact! It led to some fun times, the one failed roll ended the current campaign set in a modern era to stop a terrorist group from unleashing some bio wep virus…..long story short the fail led to running as they then died but led flowing into a undead world spreading virus campaign with new pcs living the ermging horror

7 years ago

I guess that answers my question from last comic. The capricious Luck of the Dice hold Destiny, Life, and Death in their grasp.

An RPG player
An RPG player
7 years ago

Which is why you go thru your modifers stuff first and add all of them up first with a note on the side of your player record saying which stats were boosted first. Then you roll.

7 years ago
Reply to  An RPG player

Yes. But no. Nobody does that, otherwise the game slows to a mind-numbing pace. We’ve all had that item that we forget about because we rarely roll using it. It might be something that only affects deception rolls or something when you’re in a smash-em-up campaign.

7 years ago
Reply to  Zach

If you’ve got an item thats extreamly specific such as improves sneak checks vs direwolves then sure its easy to forget and you probably wouldnt bother to note it on your character sheet in a quick referance format. However if you had an item that gives +2 sneak in all situations it makes more sense to just have that written next to your sneak skill to save time whenever you need a sneak check. For common checks and saveing throws its not all that uncomon to put an agrigate number next to it that adds up all the equipment/stat bonuses… Read more »

An RPG player
An RPG player
7 years ago
Reply to  merendel

Yep. That is what I was thinking of. The “boots of radioactive defense give you a +100 on your defend but reduce your agility to -25” so write next to your agility the your base with the modifier there. Heck, one GM when I used to play Rifts had our character sheets laminated after we created our characters and would give us grease pencils to write in the new numbers as we added or subtracted certain items of wear or even spells. The odd “stick of defense against bad 80s cover bands by mutant turtles” would be forgotten about unless… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  An RPG player

Typically, you’re supposed to treat bonuses from gear as permanent increases. Hence, this bonus should have been written down on his sheet accordingly.

7 years ago
Reply to  Cyrad

Judging from his paper-staring in panel 7 he did have it all properly written down, he just didn’t bother to manually check his sheet before rolling. Not that unusual if you know your basic stats by heart and want to keep the game rolling smoothly. (It kinda hurts the story immersion if you need to pause and recheck your sheet every time you do something).

7 years ago
Reply to  George_V

I don’t think you understand what I mean.

His circlet’s bonuses should have already been added to his Wisdom because it’s considered a permanent increase. As in, if his base Wisdom is 16 and the circlet gives a +2 bonus, then the number recorded on the character sheet should be 18. That’s how a large majority of players record their ability scores because it’s extremely rare for a PC to need to take off his gear (except armor) before a battle.

7 years ago
Reply to  Cyrad

A majority is not every player. 3 might be of the group that doesn’t add equipment bonuses to their base stat. Besides, we don’t actually know how his circlet works. It might be only a conditional bonus (for example, only active when directly acting on his beliefs), which you could easily forgot about..

7 years ago
Reply to  Cyrad

Your argument is heavily dependent on which game you’re playing. I know for a fact that this is not how it works in DSA for example. You write down your base stats and the modifier, but you don’t add them up on the sheet because there are a lot of situations in which you don’t wear your gear. It depends on the dm/gm and the campaign of course but still.

One Shot
One Shot
7 years ago
Reply to  Cyrad

“Treat bonuses from gear as permanent increases”

What, really? Then where’s the fun in situations where you’re caught sleeping or bathing or in ceremonial gear and not wearing your special armor or silly hat or whatever? You’ve really got to keep track of which bonuses come from things not attached to your body.

Joe M.
Joe M.
7 years ago

“Lemme just put this back together”… That was the perfect response Tim. I am truly loving the way this is playing out!

Clayton Rickey
Clayton Rickey
7 years ago

“Death is whimsical, today.” – Zen, Overwatch

7 years ago

This is what the GM gets for boiling this entire adventure down to a single check. Especially an ability check, which tends to be very swingy. I started to believe that maybe that the “god” is a fake deliberately placed by Thyros. The true test of faith is whether or not his followers question the false avatar and directly confront their doubts. A lesson that true faith lies with strengthening one’s beliefs by constantly re-evaluating their faith. Just as the light (Thyros’s element) always casts a shadow, faith always casts a shadow of doubt. To ignore this is to be… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Cyrad

Huh. I was expecting Thyros to go all MMBN4 and be Duo by creating a shadow clone of 3 thus forcing him to fight his own dark side, proving good can surpass evil, etc. etc. (The “flick” shown could have been meant as extracting the evil side which being a ciritical part of any person is incredibly painful) Still, your idea is also brilliant. Kudos for that. Regardless, each character has had to do more or less a near solo battle with a monumental foe who was incredibly strong whether for emotional or physical reasons (1 had his father, 2… Read more »

7 years ago

Honest to god(s), this basically happened to me once while I was playing.

7 years ago

This so happens in every game, every time. Great comic!
Oh wait I get +1 so I hit. No you’re beyond 30 feet so you lose 1. But I took (blank)!

7 years ago

, Were there going to be a few more Ctrl+Alt+Del 1.0 Box Sets that were going to the EU?
I would love a box, but 125 for shipping costs is waaaaaay out of my range.

chris feltner
chris feltner
7 years ago

yea i think that last i been like err …. you passed the tet of um er purty of the um heart. or something like that

7 years ago

In the players world where death is of little consequence as they will immediately respawn at their res-pod yet theyre making drama over a dead Table Top RPG character. This has run into the “Dragon Ball Death” trope. If it dies it can be revived with (comparatively) very little effort and killing any main character is just done for dramatic and in the particular case of the players comedic value. In occasions with off-panel ultra violence. And the best part? When they were all like “Fuuck” and yet he revives within the next 3 panels of the same page. I… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Well I wasnt expecting a reply, much less from the author and it comes as more of a surprise since i posted this a whole day after the comic was posted making my opinion less relevant. So in your perspective there was a do over and Panel 3 didnt happen at all to begin with… then whats the deal with the last panel where he is getting rebuilt from his ashes (I do know this is his spiritual form and that im nitpicking waaay to much) if panel 3 didnt happen? Anyway I have been a fan for years and… Read more »

J Mike Reed Jr
J Mike Reed Jr
7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

That happens a lot? Because when I read that I was all “Oh he’s trolling Tim, now…”

7 years ago
Reply to  Tim

The fun of P&P consists a great deal in situations like this one.
But: no respawning for P&P chars, no sir. /taking a moment of silence to mourn the loss of my (first) archer character in Earthdawn/

One Shot
One Shot
7 years ago
Reply to  Paris

“making drama over a dead Table Top RPG character”

Well, over two dead characters, since Tobyn dying likely means they aren’t going to be able to save Cake. (I’m not counting Strudel, who was always disposable.) If he can’t pass the test, the other two aren’t likely to throw themselves at it, not knowing what they know about its survivability. At which point the campaign may be over, which is generally worth an “oh fuuuuck” to players who are into their characters.

7 years ago

Good lord. I lost count of how many times I’ve dealt with those same seconds of terror for myself and my players. It’s surprisingly easy to forget about a bonus point here or there and you don’t realize it until you’ve already stained your shorts.

5 years ago

That last panel is pure gold!