Well nothing that extreme happened yet, Hedgon is just…showing great interest. I’m sure with 1’s awesome charisma he could convince Hedgon that there are other, better ways to show his appreciation.
Danger Will Wheaton! PC police in the house where was the outrage at the kill whighty? Its a cartoon if you take this seriously when the author has handled tough topics really well in the past maybe stop reading it? Your comment kinda ruined this one a bit…
That also depends on the system. Dont think thats codified in 5e for example but many GM’s will give more spectacular results if you exceed a skill check by a large amount. pass a check by a couple points and you convince a guy your not his enemy, pass it by 10 and your now best friends, pass by 20 and he’s nameing his firstborn after you. Nat 20 just means you’ll suceed even if your skills are not normally up to the task. Depending on what exactly player 1 set up his character as he probably could have goten… Read more »
5 years ago
I thought it had to be a Nat 20 for a Critical Success?
Uh, are you complaining about …satisfaction? Because I don’t think that’s the problem here!! LOL!
5 years ago
Well, maybe he heals him like the lady at Zelda II ;D
5 years ago
This may seem funny, especially in the light of Joff’s earlier behaviour, but I can’t agree,
As a general rule, critical success is not supposed to backfire.
If it lasts more than 4 hours, call a doctor.
Lol, if it lasts more than 4 hours, check the validity of that d4!
“-while rare, require immediate clerical attention”
lmao that backfired really badly XD
Served cold.
But to be fair, it was not that bad of a line P1 put out there
Climbing might be a good idea right now.
I do not approve of character rape if the player does not wish to be part of it. And P1 definitely doesn’t look like he would like that.
Well nothing that extreme happened yet, Hedgon is just…showing great interest. I’m sure with 1’s awesome charisma he could convince Hedgon that there are other, better ways to show his appreciation.
Danger Will Wheaton! PC police in the house where was the outrage at the kill whighty? Its a cartoon if you take this seriously when the author has handled tough topics really well in the past maybe stop reading it? Your comment kinda ruined this one a bit…
Rape, by dictionary definition, includes “does not wish to be part of it.”
It’s not rape if both parties are consenting*.
* And of age, and is lucid and of clear thought, and… and… dammit, people spoil everything, do they?
Be interesting to see if that affects his hit points….
Well, if Player 1 wants to get away from his horrifically failed attempt at being Batman, this WOULD be a way out…
ok thats even better then a critical 1
…..Did not see that coming.
So exactly what skill did he use on him? Because it was clearly not diplomacy.
Influence attitude, part of the Diplomacy Skill, is used to attempt to change the attitude of an NPC.
That also depends on the system. Dont think thats codified in 5e for example but many GM’s will give more spectacular results if you exceed a skill check by a large amount. pass a check by a couple points and you convince a guy your not his enemy, pass it by 10 and your now best friends, pass by 20 and he’s nameing his firstborn after you. Nat 20 just means you’ll suceed even if your skills are not normally up to the task. Depending on what exactly player 1 set up his character as he probably could have goten… Read more »
I thought it had to be a Nat 20 for a Critical Success?
If you exceed your DC by a certain threshold (like 10 or more) it’s also a critical success.
Critical success? On a skill check? On a natural 19?
Oh gosh, they’re playing Pathfinder 2nd Edition.
Run, Player One! Run!
You’re doing pretty good, Tim. But I can’t help but find this version better:
That. :’D Made my day! I laughed so hard. Awesome drawing style, too!
ahaha I love this one
My first thought was new Robin type sidekick companion
*falls out of chair laughing*
Kind of surprised this sort of thing doesn’t happen to Batman more often, tbh.
You know you rolled a bad character when even success is unsatisfying
Uh, are you complaining about …satisfaction? Because I don’t think that’s the problem here!! LOL!
Well, maybe he heals him like the lady at Zelda II ;D
This may seem funny, especially in the light of Joff’s earlier behaviour, but I can’t agree,
As a general rule, critical success is not supposed to backfire.
well its not a backfire if your batting for that team so …
Not gonna lie. As a GM I would totally do that to a player.
Them’s the breaks when you min-max a Batman archetype…