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The Campaign: Superstition

July 7, 2021 by Tim

We are on last call to pre-order the new books and take advantage of international shipping rates! These books are just about finished being produced, and will shortly be loaded into containers to be sent to various warehouses around the world for fulfillment. We are only sending enough to international warehouses to cover pre-orders; we are not going to be housing stock overseas in anticipation of future orders.

This means if you pre-order, we can make sure to send books for you to the appropriate fulfillment center. If you choose to buy books down the road, they will be shipped from the US, at a much higher rate (if we even offer shipping to the UK/EU anymore at that point, with all of the VAT/Customs hurdles being added over there).

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3 years ago

So it is magic, that’s the only reasonable explanation

3 years ago
Reply to  Humsterr

Well the last untested thing are the gloves. But it would require some veeery clever surface and nanotechnology for Three not to notice that the gloves are rigged while he is wearing them.

3 years ago
Reply to  Humsterr

Is he using some sleight-of-hand trick to, at the last minute, swap out the dice?

3 years ago
Reply to  Humsterr

There are a bunch of ways of just not “rolling” properly, and basically just dropping or sliding dice. Cushioning actually helps that by reducing bounce.

3 years ago

Magnets then.

3 years ago

A critical “Fuck off” leaves no more room for contest or argument. The matter is now settled and the result considered final, forever to be. So it has been ordained in the holy scriptures of Gigax (blessed be his name).

3 years ago

Hm, I remember someone’s critical success backfiring rather spectacularly once before

3 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

I remember one particularly horny gnome bard pestering the DM untill he finaly gave in and let him roll for dick size. Of course nat 20. DM ruled that his package was so large in relation to the rest of his body that he would pass out from blood loss should he ever get it up.
Didn’t stop him from hitting on anything with 2 legs and a pulse that game. was funny as hell when he’d just topple over every time he got close to first base let alone going further.

3 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

Geez, talk about a fade to black moment. Well moments lol

Last edited 3 years ago by Crestlinger
3 years ago
Reply to  GUNnibal

I have heard about a horny bard trying to seduce his way out of everything. Group was fighting a dragon and he called for a seduction roll. Nat 20 with massive bonus from the Charisma so the dragon forgot the fight it was actively involved in and ran to the bard’s side.

DM: Give me a Con save roll.
Bard: Why?
DM: Male dragon and you just made it very clear you were DTF.

3 years ago
Reply to  Nobody

If your group enjoyed that, then FATAL would be right up your street.

Mr. Casual
Mr. Casual
3 years ago

Okay then! Now that’s a surface for acceptable rolling. Carry on with the magic die.

David Reed
David Reed
3 years ago

Lets face it, EVERY dnd player has wanted an excuse to use the words “I rolled a critical ‘fuck off'” in response to something particularly annoying.

3 years ago

Since everything seems to be in order, let’s use the new die for the monsters’ rolls as well.

3 years ago


Every side is a screen. It calculates the speed it is rolling at and estimates which side will land face up, then displays the 20 on that side. No weight tricks.

…I was joking, but now I really want a die that does that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Doc

I think there actually ARE programmable dice that have LEDs on each side to have custom numbers or designs, but A.) I think they’re only the 6 sided variety. And B.) I don’t think they would offer that sort of cheating.

3 years ago
Reply to  Drakin

even if this was a digital based dice, the fact is it isnt rolling just 20s. previous page showed a 18 and a 19, and i assume that there were other high number (15 16 17) rolls we werent shown before 1 reacted and claimed it was rigged. and even if it was programmed, is it possible for a object that small to seriously have a randomizer for the highest numbers installed? and even so, wouldnt testing that was done revealed it? like test spin the dice and notice how the top panel always shows 15 or up regardless of… Read more »

3 years ago

Isn’t the word “Unorthodox” in english ?

Austin Mills
Austin Mills
3 years ago

…and now 1 is either going to try and steal the dice, or destroy it out of pettiness. I feel proud that one of my predicted directions for this storyline is panning out.

3 years ago

I love that in all this, 4 is just sat there with a pencil up her nose… which seems about right to be honest!

3 years ago

I should probably stop overthinking and accept that the layout of the d20 changed compared to last page.

3 years ago
Reply to  SpeCter

Or maybe… *that’s* the tell! xD

Frank Bromley
Frank Bromley
3 years ago

The golden snitch was melted down and used as the core wasnt it

ICYDK the golden snitch is the name given to the d20 used by talisen jaffe in c1 of critical roll it regularly rolled crazy high after the campaign he gave it to matt mercer sadly it was stolen from mattts car at one of the live shows

3 years ago

….actually, a leather mat would be a good idea now that I think about it in terms of protecting a wooden table as well as the dice.

Thanks for the idea, I’ll pass it along to my fellows next time we play 🙂

3 years ago

it’s all well and good till he needs to roll something other than a D20!

perhaps he should have invested in one of those combi dice that are multiple different die types all in one.

(saw a video on a 7-dice-in-one on youtube the other day, I think even with a schematic and verbal instructions i’d still not be able to read the damned thing, but 2 seems the type to obsess enough over it to master it.. cool idea though)

3 years ago

Finally, a solid surface!
At least we got a happy ending.

3 years ago

How to silence a game’s spotlight hog? Worth the price.

21st Century Peon
21st Century Peon
3 years ago

You do you, 4 – get those last dice out.

3 years ago

The artwork to include the leather grain pattern in frame 3 and 4 is a very nice detail.

Henchman Twenty1
Henchman Twenty1
3 years ago

I had this weird experience with dice one time while playing RISK. Hurricane Gloria had just struck a glancing blow to Southern New England, but most of the damage away from the coastline was downed trees and the power was out. My friend Mike called and suggested the gang get together for a game so we gathered at one of their houses in the early evening and played by lantern light. Mike, who almost always won, was attacking one of my territories with 2x the number of troops I had. While rolling for defence I started calling my rolls and… Read more »

3 years ago

You had dice fairies! I also don’t believe in psychic stuff, and yet when I call out a total that I need, the dice match that much more than is statistically probable (particularly while playing Pathfinder ACG).

3 years ago

Shut up, 1. Let him enjoy his new die.

3 years ago

I picked up my first ever metal set last year from a game site that was liquidating. It’s nothing crazy but the dice look sharp and the d20 rolls so well that I almost feel bad for my players some times. Then they start digging through a cultist’s wardrobe without any sort of Perception checks and set off an acid trap that does 7d6 of acid damage, easily enough to one shot this level 5 party (though they got lucky that the damage roll was middling) and I suddenly feel less sympathetic 😛

3 years ago

He should just get the dice set one of my players is using. It replaced the 20 with “Fuck You” and the 1 with a “Fuck Me”. Thankfully he rolls a more balanced set of results than 2.

he who rages
he who rages
3 years ago

Ah man, I need this dice to critical roll fuck off some people…

Ivan Pirsic
Ivan Pirsic
3 years ago

This is how the dice treat you when treated well, no chicanery here…

Toolbox Motley
Toolbox Motley
3 years ago

Calling it now, One’s gonna manage to touch it and it’s gonna become a critical-failure-all-the-time die instead.

3 years ago

Well if it’s not the dice then the only thing to rule out is if he has a magnet clicker like on Oceans 12 setting the dice to specific spots, Under the table.