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The Futility Of Rationale

August 6, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

Tim, I can’t tell which one is the good and which one is the bad conscience without the halo and pitchfork XD

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Obviously “Monster Hunter” is the halo. You can even see the halo he crafted out of bones in the last panel.

6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

It’s quite simple you know. The shirt colors.


ZG the maverick
ZG the maverick
6 years ago
Reply to  Digi


6 years ago

Not at all. It is just the way it is. White means light, purity and peace. Black is evil and dark.

That is not meant towards humans of color….just basic color.

6 years ago
Reply to  Digi

Not always the case. Sometimes the color white and black can mean the exact opposite of what they traditionally mean. I.E. a bad guy wearing white can mean that he lacks everything that makes one good like empathy, morality, etc. Same thing with a good guy wearing black, he’s not innocent or pure but is good and fights for good.

6 years ago
Reply to  Digi

We associate light with good and dark with bad because, primarily, of the risks of poorly lit conditions. Such as you see in the contrast between night and day, or between summer and winter, or between a brightly lit home or a dark barren waste. The hard, cold context when you wrap up warm, stay indoors and may not be able to spot hidden dangers vs the bright warm context, when crops grow and you can see what’s going on. What’s funny about this is how it factors into skin colour. Dark skin is an adaptation to sunny places to… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Paddy

Hm. I think I have to listen to some Iron Maiden’s “Fear of the Dark” now 😀

6 years ago
Reply to  Digi

But the guy on the left is wearing white bones. That means he’s good, right?

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Nope. Just means the other guy was good to the core / bones….

6 years ago
Reply to  Digi


6 years ago
Reply to  foducool

Well they both have the “evil doppelganger” stache, so they must be both evil.

6 years ago
Reply to  HonoredMule

makes sense.

Jerry Barrington
Jerry Barrington
6 years ago
Reply to  HonoredMule

They all *3* have the same stache…

6 years ago

“Monster Hunter” would be sufficient in the last panel as well 🙂
But the detailed explanation is funny and can be considered as direct promotion of a key feature.

6 years ago

Wait, people TRY to be rational about Monster Hunter?

Christopher MacLeod
Christopher MacLeod
6 years ago

I’m in for PC on Thursday. I can’t wait for it.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

You wanna restart a 200 hour played games for slightly better resolution? Oh boy, if I were your wife it would be time to pull the plug. At least wait till it is more than slightly better resolution. xD

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Yeah, I would kick your ass if I was your wife if you wanted to restart a 200 hour played game for a slightly better resolution. I myself would need more reason than that. Maybe if the majority of my friends decided to go to PC, then I’d go there but I myself wouldn’t just go there for a simple thing like better graphics.

6 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

so…. you’d kick your husband’s was for spending money he earned (I’m assuming he would use personal savings) on something that he finds relaxing and enjoyable?
yea…. that seems like a good way to have a long happy marriage…

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Wait, don’t your wife micromanages your life by controlling your daily agenda to the point where it tells you when to breath or take a shit? How quaint! /s

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I dunno man, I figured the wife would care if you were buying the same game again but this time on a different platform. Would seem like a waste of money if you are just getting it for just the slightly better resolution.

6 years ago
Reply to  Urazz

Remember, this is the guy who buys a ton of games that just sit on the shelf as is because he never gets around to playing/finishing them. I imagine a video game isn’t considered a big enough purchase to be an “us” purchase, for them.

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Because you don’t get enough sleep which is bad for your health meaning you will die early than her and she wants to prevent that from happening?^^

just do it
just do it
6 years ago

It’s well more than just “slightly” better resolution, for one.

Two, better framerate. Higher and more consistent.

Three, mods.

Four, don’t have to use the PS4 with it’s terrible controller, terrible UI, and terrible anti-consumer business practices anymore (that alone was enough for me to listen to black-shirt guy and buy Yakuza 0 on PC last week, everything else is just gravy compared to not having to use the pisspoor).

Patrick Rogers
Patrick Rogers
6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

All I heard was “PCMR4L”

6 years ago

I’ve waited for the pc version, already pre ordered it. Most of my buddies are pc gamers, so… (and it cost more or less half the price on steam)

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

I live in Brazil, we have a weird tax system, pc games have way less taxation here. So a ps4 game can cost almost 50% more then it’s PC version.

6 years ago
Reply to  Destino

Just to gave you a exemple how it goes, MHW on steam: R$ 160.00 for the deluxe edition, MHW for the ps4 R$ 260.00 for the standard edition!

6 years ago
Reply to  Destino

Yeah, I’m getting Monster Hunter World for PC but that’s because I don’t have a console. I don’t play on them as much as I used to as I prefer to get games on PC now.

Of course if my job was gaming related like Tim’s is, then I’d probably have all the major consoles.

6 years ago

YES. I have been waiting months for this game. I refused to buy it on console. I CANNOT WAIT!

6 years ago

Hi there Tim,

A while ago you mentioned that you might relocate the remaining stock of the CAD-books to a European location. As I’m really interested in the prospect of getting my hands on one of those books, I’m wondering if you have any news related to that?
Thanks in advance!

P.S.: get well soon (if you’re still ill).

6 years ago

I guess my “devil” for this is slightly less….devilish..

I loved playing MH but am finding it difficult to go back with the other games I need to get done with.

6 years ago

Personally I wouldn’t listen to the black one, but I’ve got ~600 hours in the game myself…there’s just SO MUCH to it. As a personal preference I’d be using the PS4 controller anyway, and having a Pro system with a giant HDR-compatible TV has made Monster Hunter juuuuuust fine for me on PS4. Plus, all the content already available on console will be taking a while to hit PC…

6 years ago

I just restarted Fallout 4 with the high resolution texture pack, so I’m right there with you.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

I’m one of those people who couldn’t tell if a screen was 1080p or 4K without those helpful little signs at Best Buy, and also couldn’t tell the difference between a stable 30fps and 60fps without Digital Foundry telling me how good or crappy the game was. So I can’t exactly relate. However, I would say that if Monster Hunter causes your conscience to murder the ‘reason and ration’ part of itself, Ed Gein style, then it’s probably time to put the controller down and enjoy a nice game of Mahjong.

6 years ago
Reply to  Eldest Gruff

While I *might* be able to tell the difference between 1080p and 4k or 30 and 60 fps, I might not be able to… but it’s definitely not worth buying something new to me.
For that matter… I’d love to have a computer that can play everything I want at a stable 30 fps, but that takes money which I don’t have because I’m a financially challenged writer.

6 years ago

This is the disgaea series for me, I have bought entire devices to play Disgaea on and while my wife can’t understand my madness I am completely okay with that.

6 years ago
Reply to  MightyThor34

Disgaea Complete coming out for Switch soon, Disgaea 5 on Steam.

Dammit time to buy a Switch, though I’m glad for Disgaea 5 on PC since I stopped buying Sony after PS2.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Kaitensatsuma

Yeah, Switch has me rebuying a bunch of games. I’ll probably be getting Okami HD soon, just to be able to do the paintbrush mechanic with a touch screen, the way God intended.

6 years ago

Are they really not using a central server for cross-platform for Monster Hunter World?

6 years ago

Hunter of Monsters

Tim van der Meij
Tim van der Meij
6 years ago

And I’ve never liked your Spinach Puffs! NEVER!

6 years ago

coler problem

6 years ago

Not related to this comic specifically, but could you PLEASE make it so that I can use the forward/back button when browsing comics again.
The load comic without reloading page is nice and all, but there are plenty of ways to have the best of both worlds.