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The Starcaster Chronicles 06.17

June 22, 2018 by Tim

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6 years ago

There’s always ONE, isn’t there?

6 years ago

I see very much pain coming for Cort….

Kevin Greenbaum
Kevin Greenbaum
6 years ago
Reply to  mandoschMUh

He has a starcaster on his arm, I see more pain coming from him

6 years ago

What I said.

6 years ago

and this is exactly why Cort doesn’t trust the Federation.

6 years ago
Reply to  Kuraimizu

I’m thinking this is why he shouldn’t trust speck

Bob the adventurer
Bob the adventurer
6 years ago
Reply to  Kuraimizu

and the exterior shields blastdoors and o2 are the things cort was going to suggest speck not mess wit xD

6 years ago

So… do you guys think Ulogg be alive to explain to the Marshal how he ignored orders and royally screwed it all up or not?

6 years ago
Reply to  MSM007

He’s in a space ship away from the station. Surely things won’t go badly enough that that one gets blown up with everything else… right?

6 years ago
Reply to  Halosty

Ya no chance of that. Its not like one is trying to apprehend a suspect with a super weapon that slices and dices planets strapped to their arm… right.

Bob the adventurer
Bob the adventurer
6 years ago

so side note.

not to be weird but what are peoples thoughts on what the bulge on the alien federation officer in the first couple of panels. (not assuming species gender despite a trend in the art style for feminin characters being female).

Bob the adventurer
Bob the adventurer
6 years ago

side side note i love that ulogg speaks in third person

Lord Patriachy
Lord Patriachy
6 years ago

Did you Just assume someone else Gender – You utter Racist nazist!

and yes, ofc its a female, if one belive in duel genders – but we all know there is only one Gender.

Male and Subject!

6 years ago

Yep, Ulogg seems to be the same species as Chaug from Starcaster 01. I’ve been spotting a lot of recurring species this time around. 🙂

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Jetroid

I hope we get some “World Building” pages after each chapter is done, which explains the Federation, the Empire, the ancient Races and ofc which common and uncommon races there are out there. Would be alot of extra work though.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Do you think you can put a few pages up at some point after making them?

6 years ago

Looks like some kind of bone formation or scale, maybe protection of vital organ

6 years ago

I’m guessing some kind of cartilage or bone formation there rather than anything sexual. I’ll need to do an autopsy once the gang has finished blowing up the station to be sure, though.

The Schaef
The Schaef
6 years ago


James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago

Could be a one-boob to give nourishment to newborns.

6 years ago

It looks like a protrusion of some sort. Sort of like the “spike” on Gardevoir.

6 years ago

Likely uniboob

6 years ago

Well, I think Ulogg is the first muscled member of the federation we see. Sometimes you need just brute force too

Also…were or we’re?

Imperator Ruscal
Imperator Ruscal
6 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

There is an apostrophe, it is correct with we’re (we are). At least as of this writing.

Peter Piers
Peter Piers
6 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

Rephrased, it would be “Sir, Marshall orders state we are to maintain a perimeter”. So, we’re. You probably skimmed over the word “state” when you were reading, happens to me a lot. 🙂

6 years ago
Reply to  Gonfrask

We’re is correct there.

But there is a “there/their” mixup.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tom

If you mean in the last panel, I get why you would think that, but with the way Ulogg speaks in the third person, the ‘there’ that is present is actually correct. Rephrasing the sentence to Earth grammar, he’s saying, “Is there a marshall with you, trooper?”

6 years ago

Well done guys, fantastic, “team effort”, this is going so well. 😉

6 years ago

Hmm…..methinks that Ulogg will shortly find Quell’s boot buried up his blue ass for this.

6 years ago
Reply to  Nomad

*Green ass…

dammit, I had a thing going with the letter b

6 years ago
Reply to  Nomad

Who was the longest time a Ranking officer in this sector?
Captain Ulogg?

Don’t you think, the ass will be blue after Quell is finished.

6 years ago

Well, this guy is definitely on the take for either Marko or the Drangalaex. I know Cort makes people want to kill him easily, but that was a little too easy. Also, is it just me or does this Ulogg resemble a leaner meaner Chuag from back in issue one?

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

I was thinking that they were the same race. Wonder if this guy will end up with the same fate since that same merc is coming into this scene soon

James Rye
James Rye
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Maybe they are even related which is why Ulogg wants Cort dead? xD

6 years ago
Reply to  James Rye

Exactly what I was thinking. Two brothers; one joins the military while the other goes criminal; they remain as close as circumstances permit, but when one of them ends up dead and the investigation turns up two names, the survivor swears vengeance against the name that doesn’t run a gigantic criminal syndicate. It’s just like Hamlet, more or less.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

This is pretty much the plot of the second Raid movie

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

I didn’t think of this but it makes the most sense. No one in their right mind disobeys someone that high up out of some twisted sense of duty, he’s got to be paid off.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Trapsin

Just throwing it out there that just because something looks humanish, doesn’t mean that it thinks like a human or behaves like a human. You don’t know the culture of this species, but I think that it’s most likely that this is just a completely unrelated guy who has his own thoughts about how to deal with things.

6 years ago

So the order of do not engage means shoot to kill? And they wonder why they are as trusted as dung not to stink.

6 years ago
Reply to  Nealithi

Federation seems to be more the lesser of two evils than the good guys

6 years ago
Reply to  MightyThor34

Rather like the real world. Everything’s a shade or degree of something, and nothing is absolute.

As the ranking officer in this situation, and seeing as the situation as changed since the marshall’s orders were issued, Ulogg is acting as he deems the situation warrants.

6 years ago
Reply to  Nealithi

Maybe he thought do not engage meant something else? Space can be a lonely place…..

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Do you think that love can bloom, even on a battlefield?

6 years ago

Your suspect is known to be distrustful of your organization, has one of the most powerful weapons in the known universe attached to his arm, you are under orders to NOT engage, and your first response is “I don’t care what orders are, there’s nobody outranking me in this area so we do it MY way”. You, sir, are a special kind of stupid. I hope you fail and possibly die, in the most embarrassing and fitting of ways.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

my vote is his ship gets starcastered out from under him, he makes it to the escape pod while turning his his pants brown but rescue takes too long and he gets an infection and dies from said brown pants.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tim

It’s all a matter of perspective. From another point of view: The suspect is known to have a grudge against the federation, has one of the most powerful weapons in the known universe, and is about to go dark, possibly (presumably?) because he has no interest in a peaceful resolution. Do you really want to risk such an individual running loose, or do you attempt to stop him while you are still in SOME position to contain him? It’s not an entirely unreasonable course of action. Even if there was merit in the old orders, that was before things went… Read more »

6 years ago

O_O well….THAT escalated quickly. I thought causing a distraction and flying away would be the least risky move! But it turned out to be the most risky move! GODDAMNIT, TIM! I’m trying to play smart here!

6 years ago
Reply to  Ven

I mean, nothing to say this dude wouldn’t have immediately ordered Cort arrested anyways, and Cort wouldn’t have gone for that, and it would have gotten messy and dangerous anyways. Which would have either ended in a firefight or the gang getting restrained and arrested, which would make this go… interestingly. At least in this case they don’t know exactly where he is and it sounds like the officers are going to be spread out into the station which might reduce the level of guards watching the ship.

6 years ago
Reply to  Ven

Ulogg, or Brownlog from here on out, thinks with overwhelming force. If the call had come in, “We have the subject moving rapidly to his ship, Brownlog would have said, “He’s getting ready to make a run for it. Brownlog doesn’t play that game,” and immediately ordered a confrontation, I’m willing to bet. It’s obvious from his handling of his own subordinates that Brownlog does not play well with others, and would not let the “Run for it” scenario be an easy path for our hero to follow. For all we know, causing chaos has INCREASED Cort’s chances of getting… Read more »

6 years ago

This comic proves though that had Cort gone straight to the ship, they would have had people at the hangar. So either he’d be forced to make a choice with Quell and be stuck with the Federation, or do something stupid then too. Or he would get away and have a run in with the Merc anyway. So not sure the results of this choice is ultimately “objectively worse” than the alternative.

6 years ago


6 years ago

So, I’m guessing none of these grunts know about the starcaster, and that captain probably doesn’t either, just knows he was marked as ‘armed and extremely dangerous’, which I suppose excuses a bit of this attitude since he doesn’t know he’s provoking someone with a planet killing weapon strapped to him that will make him incredibly difficult to kill. In his mind then, this is an incredibly dangerous individual that has managed to slip his tail and cause massive system failures on the station and is at risk of slipping away and spreading chaos to other systems and doesn’t want… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  Darkening

What? There’s no PLANET KILLING weapon! The Starcaster is a TOOL that slowly DRAINS THE ENERGY OF A STAR. It doesn’t kill planets, that would be stupid.

6 years ago
Reply to  Darkening

Withholding vital mission critical intelligence like that sounds like Admiral Holdo syndrome. Here’s how my briefing with the troops would go. Me: the suspect is highly mistrustful of our benevolent intentions, paranoid, has recently gone through a fairly significant trauma, and is considered armed and outrageously dangerous. Moron: So you’re saying that we ought not take chances and engage him immediately with shoot to kill orders? Me: No. I’m saying that if you tried that, you’d quickly find your cruiser blown out from under your big green ass with the stellar particle projection cannon bolted to his wrist. Now go… Read more »

6 years ago

All I see is “that thing we were doing that would guarantee that we know where he’s going and can track him down regardless of where he attempts to go? Let’s not do that.”

6 years ago

I’m pretty sure that ranks don’t work by who’s closest.
Court martial should be incoming if this guy survives.

6 years ago

Marshal is not currently in this sector, but Marshal is on the way in a big ship.

6 years ago
Reply to  BaufenBeast

You: “There’s no cops nearby! I can rob and kill whoever I want! Wheeeee!!!!”
Guy with a phone ten feet behind you: *urgently dialling 911/899/whatever your country’s emergency services line is*

6 years ago

Methinks Ulogg is going to be looking for a new job before the end of this arc, presuming he’s even alive.

Eldest Gruff
Eldest Gruff
6 years ago

So if they had run straight there, they’d be bursting in on the scene right where Ulogg is talking about chains and body bags. No Quel, so we’d be probably choosing whether to have Cort submit to a clearly corrupt Federation officer and losing his ship, equipment, and personal freedom, or trying to fight their way out with a one-handed ally and a Mimon who is absolutely deadly but can kill them all by tripping. I’m of the opinion that most likely, if Cort gets caught up in the Federation, it’s an eventual death sentence. Not now, but eventually. They’ve… Read more »

6 years ago

Yeah, this was the bad choice. Now the Federation is actively trying to kill Cort, whereas he likely could have just been followed without being harmed by them. I guess either Cort or Nyrah will get shot very soon.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tyros

First, it’s not the federation as a whole that’s trying to kill Cort here — it’s just one overzealous field officer. Second, Cort bring shot isn’t that big a deal. As we’ve seen, the Starcaster is able to handle any number of normally fatal wounds, and while there may be a limit to it’s reach we don’t know what that is…….yet. Nyrah and Speck, though….if either of them gets shot at, then there could be problems and a possible vote for who we try to save.

Commentary Ver.2.72
Commentary Ver.2.72
6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

Speck is bulletproof due to his skin dissolving bullets on contact, he can’t be shot to death to the best of my knowledge, so at least he would survive. Nyrah, on the other hand, is not in great shape, and the least bulletproof of the 3.

6 years ago

So Nyrah then. Presumably she’ll keep taking damage till her medical vessel thing fails completely.
Hopefully we don’t end with a clear cut choice to save one or the other, having lots of choices that slowly build up to a death if we follow a particular path would be way more interesting to me at least, not sure about anyone else.

6 years ago

Bulletproof from normal ammunition, sure. I find it difficult to believe that in a universe as advanced as this one is, though, that they haven’t come up with some sort of ranged weapon capable of damaging a mimion and that they wouldn’t be distributing said weapon to their officers when they’re actively pursuing a target who’s known to travel with a mimion.

6 years ago
Reply to  Brent

A bullet made from the same material of the walking apparatus Speck has, nivium, would do as much damage to him as a normal bullet to a human most likely.

6 years ago
Reply to  Tyros

Speck is basically a Stitch shaped blob of omni-dissolving slime. He’s cut slime off of himself without more than minor consequences-like giving blood, though in this case it is more like giving blood by snipping a vein, running to a blood bank and asking for a bucket. So no, a nivium bullet would not do serious damage. Being gunned down with them would wound him, but it is unlikely that he can be killed through that method (unless he has a weakpoint that is very large and dangerous). It’s like if someone threw a dart at you as opposed to… Read more »

6 years ago

The whole thing turns to crap when you have half-orc talking about himself in 3rd person as highest ranking officer…

6 years ago
Reply to  Dreamer

Not really….Kings and Queens refer to themselves as the royal we all the time, I believe.

6 years ago
Reply to  Dreamer

Hey, give Ulogg a break. He’s a great guy, just comes from one of those planets where they teach you a specific set of grammar rules to screw with xenolinguists. Like Earth!

6 years ago

House of the Rising Sun

aaron Smith
aaron Smith
6 years ago

is it me or does the red women have three boobs because jher cleavage looks weird

6 years ago
Reply to  aaron Smith

I actualy dont see more that one buldge. So I see 3 options here. 1 that race is mono boobular. 2 that buldge is something other than a boob. 3 thats no lady and that race keeps their junk in a different location than humans.

6 years ago
Reply to  Merendel

..mono boobular?! 🙂