Issue 01 complete!

May 28, 2014 by Tim

And with page 24, Issue 01 of The Starcaster Chronicles comes to a close! I had a tremendous amount of fun writing/drawing this story, and I can’t wait to start Issue 02 in a few months. I’ve been jotting down ideas like crazy.

Nic has the issue about halfway colored… he’s a bit further behind on it than we’d hoped, but he broke his finger a little while back. Fortunately it was a clean break, and he was able to get back to work fairly quickly. I know that posting pages in black and white isn’t ideal, but it did allow me to put out four pages a week instead of three. To put that in perspective, it shaved two weeks off of this issue’s total running time.

Due to the voting nature of the story, The Starcaster Chronicles is likely the only project you’ll see uncolored pages for. The Ethan and Lucas issues will be 100% completed before I ever put the first page online.

When Nic has finished coloring this first issue, I’ll be packing it up along with cover art into a high-res PDF e-book that people can purchase. Alternatively, if you’re a current patron at the $3+ level when it comes out, you’ll get it for free ($3+ patrons will always get digital copies of future comic issues as part of their benefits, including The Starcaster Chronicles and issues of the Ethan/Lucas reboot).

I’m also going to investigate doing a very limited (a few hundred or so) print run of the issue, in case there is anyone out there that wants to collect signed physical copies of The Starcaster Chronicles. I’ll have more info on that when the colors are completed.

For now we’re back to one-shots, while I gear up for the next comic book project, which may feature a couple of familiar faces…

And only three more days to Wildstar! Woo! Word has it the server list is being released today, so stay tuned this afternoon for where to roll your character if you want to join the CAD guild.

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